• 如果给定项目生命周期中缺乏各项工作工具支持流程方法就更多只是停留在纸上兵的阶段。

    Without tooling support for various work efforts in a given project life cycle, processes and methodologies are easier said than done.


  • 某些病人他们倍感压力的事情学习真正有效应对方法

    Certain patients talked about things that were stressful to them, but they also learned really effective ways to cope with that stress.


  • 最后一下Clojure中的monads有些认为monads用于状态,可是Clojure已经有了许多有效方法处理状态,为什么还要monads。

    A last word on monads in Clojure. Some people seem to have the impression that monads are for state, and Clojure already has lots of effective ways of dealing with state, so why use monads.


  • 我们仍然不是技术;我们一种看待业务及其操作方式方法

    We are still not talking about technology; we are talking about a new way of looking at business and how it operates.


  • 觉得自己责任告诉:,事情可以不同方法解决“,或者和他我们当时还有什么其他的办法。”

    I think that's my obligations to say to someone: "this might be handled differently" or to have a conversation about how might we have done that differently.


  • 如果发现以上方法策略不管用,那你可以在这个戒烟疗法问题上与医生

    If you find that none of these strategies is working, you might talk to your doctor about treatments.


  • 之前,一直在进行负面说教现在来使用这些技术正确方法

    So now that I've been suitably negative, let me talk some about the right way to use these technologies.


  • 这个政策一种浅显易懂的解决方案这种方法多年以来受到经济学家们许多纸上的学者们的拥护

    This is a pretty straightforward policy solution, and it's one that's been embraced by economists and various other wonks for years.


  • 第一件事情就是下,怎么利用我们方法方面帮助你们组织优化代码

    I want to talk a little bit about how you use the things we've been building in terms of functions to help you structure and organize your code.


  • 我们第二种防范方法,一定要,以防丢掉工作

    The next post in our series will talk about the softer side of protecting mobile devices, which is really about saying no without losing your job.


  • 本文的编辑想让泛化(Generalization)’,因为两种方法似乎主题上有矛盾。

    The editor of this article wanted me to address ‘generalizationsbecause it seems that on this topic the two approaches clash.


  • 星期我们美国学校有些同学们你们很喜欢它们教育方法

    This week when we've been talking about American schools, many of you have said you like their educational methods.


  • 我们开始所有内置方法统一使我们之间脚本对象之间学习教程

    We'll begin the tutorial by learning about all the bUIlt-in methods Unity gives us to talk between scripts and between objects.


  • 第三部分主要运用符号方法自己具体运用实例

    The third part is about the method and the actual cases of art symbol in my own experience.


  • 汤姆应邀一个英语作报告,写作方法

    Tom has been invited to lecture about his method of writing to a class of English students.


  • 任何情况下都能保持自信的唯一方法就是不论发生什么,都有内容可以侃侃而

    The only way to be confident in any situation is by having things to talk about no matter what happens.


  • 这位官员这位患者没有打算起诉医院,医院正在赔偿其他解决的方法

    The former patient has no plans to Sue the hospital, which is in talks with him over compensation or other measures, the official said.


  • 方法就是面前抛出一个问题他们发出挑战让参与者尽可能地提出相关问题而不是要求他们就问题想法

    The idea is to put a problem or challenge in front of a group of people and instead of asking for ideas, instruct participants to generate as many relevant questions as they can.


  • 课程整合研究性学习模型方法课程几个亮点,是我们以后进行教学仪器设计思路方向,本文就从这几点教学仪器的设计与开发。

    Some of the bright points in the new course are: course conformity, study learning, and model method, which those are the theories for our future teaching instrument design.


  • 本文主要课程背景下化学评课教学一些方法

    This article talks about the New Curriculum observation and evaluation of teaching some of the chemical methods.


  • 本文以在用电梯冲顶事故现象符合标准的角度实用上行超速保护装置问题、防范的主要方法解决办法

    This paper analyzes the phenomenon that the lift washes an accident. It discusses practical upward and overspeed problems of the protector main method and solving way.


  • 现在来一下,研究健康饮食专家们正在寻找减少糖摄入量的方法

    Right, so let's talk about sugar. Health experts are looking for ways to make us eat less of it.


  • 愿意经验复习重要性步骤方法

    From my experience, I'd like to talk about the importance and steps of review.


  • 甚至有人将油水分离材料检测方法混为一

    Some even confused the detection method of oil-water separator material with this detection method.


  • 课程整合、研究性学习模型方法新课程几个亮点,是我们以后进行教学仪器设计思路方向,本文就从这几点来教学仪器的设计与开发

    On the basis of the comprehensive study concerning with methodological models theory in MIS development, the choice methods of development strategy in MIS are profoundly studied.


  • 本文目标设定方法NVH性能改进过程中的应用。本文结合着对一款生产车改进过程逐步加以论述。

    The Target Setting method is applicable to all the vehicle's performances: in this paper the application of the method to NVH performance is presented.


  • 本文目标设定方法NVH性能改进过程中的应用。本文结合着对一款生产车改进过程逐步加以论述。

    The Target Setting method is applicable to all the vehicle's performances: in this paper the application of the method to NVH performance is presented.


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