Food pantries and soup kitchens all over the country have seen demand for their services soar.
First, expose them to charity work, maybe helping in a soup kitchen or volunteering at a shelter.
But most of those on food stamps need more, and are forced to make use of handouts of groceries or to visit soup kitchens.
Work at a soup kitchen one day (meal) together. Sharing the experience of giving is a wonderful way to get to know someone and deepen a relationship.
A staggering one in five of the city's children, 397, 000 small people, rely on soup kitchens-up 48% since 2004.
A staggering one in five of the city's children, 397,000 small people, rely on soup kitchens-up 48% since 2004.
据纽约市粮食银行(FoodBankfor New YorkCity)预计,目前约有130万纽约人依赖施舍处(提供热食)和食物站(发放食物)获得食物。
According to the food Bank for New York City, an estimated 1.3m New Yorkers now rely on soup kitchens (which provide hot meals) and food pantries (which give away food).
Volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate food and toys to an animal shelter. Plant an extra row of vegetables in your garden and donate the produce to a charity.
A man was sitting at a corner, with a hat in each hand, waiting for handouts.
A man was sitting at a corner, with a hat in each hand, waiting for handouts.