• 当地海鸥贪婪地扑这些施舍食物,而燕鸥会继续飞行

    While local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, the tern flies on.


  • 施舍时候不要左手知道右手所作的。

    But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.


  • 施舍时候不要左手知道右手作的。

    But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.


  • 弟子认为他们乞求路人施舍食物公园过夜

    The disciple was sure that they were going to beg for their food, and sleep in the park at night.


  • 施舍时候不要左手知道的右手做什么。

    When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.


  • 这种内疚感居住岳父母家要享受施舍意识使人感到难受。

    The guilt, though, and the awkward awareness of living on your in-laws' largesse, is tough.


  • 就是圣诞节施舍起源:送礼物穷人只是送礼物给我们亲朋好友

    Such was the origin of Christmas almsgiving: gifts for the poor, not just gifts for our friends.


  • 施舍时候不要左手知道右手做的,要叫施舍的事行在暗中

    But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret.


  • 也是为何福特公司仍然希望于(还是有些成功机会)在需要施舍情况下挺过今年

    That is why Ford is still hoping (with some prospect of success) to get through the year without having to ask for a handout.


  • 大多数冰岛人并不需要依靠教堂施舍食品养活自己但是每个人都回归低标准的生活方式。

    Most do not need to rely on food parcels from the church to feed themselves, but everyone is going back to basics.


  • 所以施舍时候,不可你前面号,假冒为善人,在会堂街道上所行的,故意得人的荣耀

    So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men.


  • 这一事件造成的结果就是武装力量傲慢地宣布他们不会接受美国资金支持(长期以来他们一直是依靠美国施舍)。

    In turn, the armed forces have haughtily declared they will no longer take cash from the United States (on whom they have long depended for handouts).


  • 高傲到迷失昙花一现,其他明星一样,被迫变成舞会上乞讨罪犯匈牙利同胞同情施舍的几个子儿。

    Prideful and lost, he became a passing phenomenon, like so many stars, reduced to cadging charitable fees at parties thrown by mobsters and by sympathetic fellow Hungarians.


  • 老李丢了钱包身无分文当地人受到冒犯冷眼相对,他从不认为自己已经衰老施舍地步。

    Lao li lost my wallet and penniless, locals want to help him, but he looks like has been offended relative, he never thinks he has the aging by alms to the point.


  • 这种信念甚至也存在那些最困难社区从事救助的社身上,令人惊讶这些社区很少有人对施舍的稀缺和漫长的实施过程挫折的感觉。

    Even among the social workers who work in hard-hit communities there is surprisingly little frustration at the meagreness of the handouts on offer or at the lengthy application process.


  • 每天举行两三次施舍身无分文饥饿行人供应食物

    Food was provided for penniless but hungry travelers at the two or three daily feed-ins.


  • 忙碌劳作,给予施舍一个永远不会消失问题所以永远没办法停歇

    Get busy, give charity. It's a problem that never goes away, so you can never rest.


  • 事实上就像格雷戈里·克拉克的《告别施舍》里所说那样:实际工资增加了利率基本没有地租费几乎保持了不变。

    Indeed, as Gregory Clark shows in a Farewell to Alms, real wages increased, interest rates stayed nearly constant, and rents on land also stayed almost unchanged.


  • 我们需要施舍,”居住吉隆坡缅甸难民

    "We don't want charity," says this refugee from Burma living in Kuala Lumpur.


  • 面前有10个人施舍

    In front of you, 10 guys are waiting for your charity.


  • 考虑无法阻止遣返人员随即重新返回法国,法国官员通过采集指纹以此确保遣送不再受到更多施舍

    Acknowledging that they will not be able to stop the Roma from coming straight back, French officials have taken fingerprints in order to make sure such returnees do not receive any more handouts.


  • 尔默被迫教书接受岳父施舍,岳父还要众多艺术家面前愚弄羞辱帕尔默。

    Palmer was driven to teaching and receiving handouts from the father-in-law who ridiculed and humiliated him in the presence of fellow artists.


  • 有终日贪得无厌义人施舍吝惜

    He coveteth greedily all the day long: but the righteous giveth and spareth not.


  • 所以,《利未支持以拾遗方式直接穷人,进行施舍几分像福利制度,《命记》考虑更多,则是工作福利制度事实上从未提及穷人。

    So Leviticus supports outright charity for the poor in the form of gleanings. Kind of a welfare system. Deuteronomy has more of a workfare system in mind; they actually never mention the poor.


  • 运转巨大的预算贸易赤字而且依赖于海外债主们仁慈施舍,而后者开始他们越来越多美元资产感到不安

    It is running huge budget and trade deficits, and is relying on the kindness of restless foreign creditors who are starting to feel uneasy about accumulating even more dollar assets.


  • 运转巨大的预算贸易赤字而且依赖于海外债主们仁慈施舍,而后者开始他们越来越多美元资产感到不安

    It is running huge budget and trade deficits, and is relying on the kindness of restless foreign creditors who are starting to feel uneasy about accumulating even more dollar assets.


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