• 随着低沉隆隆声螺旋桨开始旋转起来

    With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.


  • 混合剂流过旋转滚筒时水分便从中滤

    The mixture flows to a revolving drum where the water is filtered out.


  • 走过旋转时候,觉得自己丧失了勇气

    As he went through the revolving doors he felt his courage deserting him.


  • 极限滑板运动员能跳跃旋转空翻动作。

    Extreme skaters perform jumps, spins, flips, etc.


  • 那些色彩一张圆盘上旋转反射后面墙上

    The colours rotated around on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind.


  • 1951年发明旋转引擎内燃领域的一个革命性观念

    Invented in 1951, the rotary engine is a revolutionary concept in internal combustion.


  • 太阳月亮这些星球形成倒塌旋转状物的一团巨大旋转

    The Sun, Moon, and the planets formed from a huge spinning gas cloud that collapsed into a gyrating disc.


  • 这个齿轮带动齿轮使滚筒旋转

    This large gear turns the small one to rotate the cylinder.


  • 这个齿轮带动齿轮使滚筒旋转

    This large gear drives the small one to rotate the drum.


  • 上方分析了脊椎如何旋转

    From above, he analyses how her spine swivels.


  • 旋转的陀螺正在失去动量

    The spinning top was losing momentum.


  • 车道的对面面对着旋转站着。

    I was standing facing the revolving doors and the driveway beyond.


  • 孩子旋转的陀螺。

    The child gazed at the spinning top.


  • 老式风车能杀死鸟类是因为它们旋转很快

    Old windmills killed birds because they spun very fast.


  • 中央机房十个液压发动机开始旋转中心

    In the central machine room an array of ten hydraulic motors then begins to rotate the central axle.


  • 带自动旋转

    It also automatically rotate.


  • 屋顶旋转时,鸟儿改变了方向适应人造天空

    When the dome was rotated, the birds changed their direction to match the artificial sky.


  • 选择旋转字母数量就是我们密码学所说的密匙。

    The number that you choose to rotate your letters by is what we call in cryptography, a key.


  • 这种情况下旋转小行星轨道非常缓慢地太阳旋转

    In this case, the orbit of the rotating asteroid will very slowly spiral toward the sun.


  • 星云重力坍缩时,旋转得更快压扁一个盘状

    As the nebula collapsed caused by its gravity, it spun faster and flattened into a disk.


  • 例中下面所示代码使条直线围绕动画中心旋转

    In this case, I rotate the line around the center of the movie with the code shown below.


  • 孩子推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。

    The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed.


  • 王子继续在台上激情旋转

    Prince continued his enthusiastic gyrations on stage.


  • 睁开眼睛房间似乎不停地旋转

    When he opened his eyes, the room was reeling.


  • 后轮旋转起来货车过了最后英尺

    The back wheels spun and the van spurted up the last few feet.


  • 下盯着自己旋转手指戒指

    She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger.


  • 落叶风中旋转

    Leaves whirled in the wind.


  • 布莱恩托钵僧似的旋转着,边拍打蚊子边嘟哝着。

    Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.


  • 手电筒的光旋转掠过海滩,而后越到水面搜寻着

    The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water, searching.


  • 淘洗盘手中旋转,以便将泥沙中分离出来

    The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt.


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