"Hoboes" regularly knocked on their door asking for a little food.
They do not huddle together for warmth and companionship like bums.
Arnold was an elderly hobo whose life was simple and uncomplicated.
Although things looked promising for Lee at this early point in his career, he remained unemployed for the next six years.
Kamal Khan, 25, who is unemployed, said the official story "looks fishy to me."
There are many talented loser, vagrant - there have been a lot of high education in the world is because the wrong choice.
He kept a little aloof from the other tramps, and held himself more like a free man than a casual.
The world would still have its share of bullies, cheats, freeloaders, free riders, and occasional psychopaths.
Shuikun , a handsome guy , a jobless guy , for living he join a SHOW , but the show is for select the best one of begging …
In fact, you aren't a fixer or transformer, you're a former banker who, after a period as a layabout, is now looking for a job.
It will feel a bit like the 1970s, when the endless recession and aftermath of the secondary banking crisis in Britain made it a high time for spivs and villains.
The home had on it what is called a non-qualifying loan, which means even a bum without a job could buy it without a banker's approval.
After almost a year without a job, he found work with a British television production company, and he is waiting, in hope of a United States visa, to get out of Iraq.
They define tramp as a person who roves for begging purposes and a vagrant as an idle person who is able-bodied living without labor.
I haven't always been an unemployed pseudo-hobo. When I was in college, I often worked during Christmas and summer breaks serving food and bussing tables in my hometown.
我的家庭 我的父母是将近五十的普通工人,我的奶奶年近九十的中医,我的哥哥是个无业游民,将迈进婚姻的殿堂!
My family My parents are nearly 50 of the common worker, my grandma nearly 90 years of traditional Chinese medicine, my brother was a vagrant, into the Palace of marriage!
However, Warren Buffett has famously dismissed the theory, stating, "I'd be a bum on the street with a tin cup if the markets were always efficient."
偶是个没钱的无业游民。 也从少的不能再少的零花里挤了点钱捐了, 打电话回家想号召我妈也去捐钱结果人家捐的比我还早!
I'm unemployed, but I have donated my pocket money. I was thinking to ask my mum to send some more, but found she had done so before me.
And that's worked out just fine until the recession, when "hundreds of thousands of jobless bikers sold their motorcycles or lost them to repossession, " reports the Wall Street Journal.
The windows were so high up that one could not look outside, and the sole ornament was a set of rules threatening dire penalties to any casual who misconducted himself.
The windows were so high up that one could not look outside, and the sole ornament was a set of rules threatening dire penalties to any casual who misconducted himself.