• 急流水道:潮流或海流急剧进退无法预知水道。

    Euripus: a SEA channel characterized by turbulent and unpredictable currents.


  • 因此,公司不能无法预知事态前就认输甚至放弃

    With that said, companies cannot afford to throw up their hands and give up in the face of unpredictably.


  • 此项越来越重要的活动也带来了潜在风险无法预知挑战

    This increasingly vital activity thus opens them up to inherent risks and unforeseen challenges.


  • 多少友善话语交谈然而最终去演变成了某种无法预知争吵

    How many times have you started a conversation on friendly terms, then wound up in some kind of dispute that you didn't anticipate?


  • 然而创建提议涉及步骤可能就是机动,会涉及预先无法预知主题

    However, the steps involved in creating the proposal can be quite AD hoc, involving subject matter experts that are unknown ahead of time.


  • 计划50%时间灵活时间处理杂七杂八事情无法预知的急事”。

    With only 50 percent of your time planned, you will have the flexibility to handle interruption and the unplanned "emergency".


  • 如果现状得不到改善他们就将一而再再而三陷入他们认为的无法预知的危机之中。

    If firms don't change, they will stumble into what will seem to them like unanticipated crises, episodes where they get into trouble time and again.


  • 验证过程帮助开发者提供他们应用程序一些他们无法预知情景IBM中间件兼容保证

    The validation process helps give developers the assurance that their application works with IBM middleware in scenarios that they may not have envisioned.


  • 每时每我们都会遇到重要惊奇东西”,。“理论或者完全无法预知的东西所预测”。

    "Every moment we might have a major surprise," he said. "That could be something predicted by theories or something totally unexpected."


  • 可是无意中,我们像花一样散发了些香味,感染了别人我们无法预知也无须刻意追寻

    But someone happens to be moved by the fragrance given out by our efforts. This is unpredictable and shouldn't be pursued purposefully.


  • 无法掌控美丽萧条人生,亦爱情一路阳光飘过飘过无法预知生命礼赞

    Cannot control the beauty and depression, as well as in life, such as love, all the way that the wind across the rain poured through the sunshine across cage cream, life is full of mystery.


  • 注意这点很重要因为截取程序可以应用很多不同EJB因此要截取什么类型调用无法预知的

    This is important to note because this interceptor can be applied to many different EJBs, so you can't make assumptions about what type of call is being intercepted.


  • 一下午的时间朋友们身体情感抑郁无法预知情感纠葛,夜半电话对于段关系的过度执着。

    I spent the afternoon thinking about my friends, body and mood depression, unpredictable moods twisting, late night phone calls, obsessing about relationship.


  • 气候变化所带来无法预知情况本项研究的另一个关注点原住民获取野生食物方式发生变化,如狩猎捕鱼

    The unpredictability of weather conditions was another issue of concern, especially since these communities rely on activities such as hunting, fishing and gathering wild foods for their way of life.


  • 我们工作已经超越了职责范围,也只有这样我们客户进行财务决策特别是面对无法预知情况时不至于束手无策

    We do more than 'just the necessary' so that our customers are better prepared for whatever financial decision they need to face - especially the ones they didn't see coming!


  • 个人际遇无法预知,在一天,某特定场合甚至刹那仅仅一个眼神,亦一条普普通通短信男人女人这样无缘无故相识了。

    Two people can not predict the fate of a certain day, a particular occasion, or even a moment, just a look, or an ordinary SMS, men and women had known each other for no reason at all to do.


  • 然而,由于它们依赖垃圾收集器行为有时候无法预知,所以实用性受到影响。

    However, their usefulness is tempered by the fact that they rely on the sometimes unpredictable behavior of the garbage collector.


  • 由于国际投资者逐渐俄罗斯视为一个风险高无法预知他们资产保存状况的地区,俄格战争引发了大量外资流失

    The war sparked a large-scale outflow of foreign capital, as international investors increasingly saw Russia as a risky and unpredictable place to keep their money.


  • 一些病例中这些疗法风险无法预知

    In some cases, the risks of these treatments aren't known.


  • 尽管董事会无法预知每一个事件但是仅仅按照过去事件基础制定的既定路线或者认为照章行事就是完成工作显然是不够

    While boards cannot predict every event, it is no longer sufficient to follow a prescribed road map based on past events or assume the job has been done by checking the boxes.


  • 思考都会想到,无法预知自己富有还是贫穷那么还是生活能够风险世界更好。

    Everyone who's thinking, I don't know whether I'll be rich or poor, so I would like to have a world in which risks are Shared.


  • 无论是哪一种,除非程序员有权访问c源代码,否则无法预知何时会发生编译错误

    Either way, unless the programmer has access to the source code for class c, he will have no way of predicting when compilation errors would occur.


  • 新闻集团的丑闻进一步证实治理不善地震人们永远无法预知什么时候爆发但是肯定知道在哪里爆发。

    The scandal is further evidence that governance disasters are like earthquakes: you can never predict when they'll happen, but you can predict pretty confidently where they'll happen.


  • 新闻集团的丑闻进一步证实治理不善地震人们永远无法预知什么时候爆发但是肯定知道在哪里爆发。

    The scandal is further evidence that governance disasters are like earthquakes: you can never predict when they'll happen, but you can predict pretty confidently where they'll happen.


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