They found that students with more potential earned more as adults, and the reverse held true as well, no matter where they went to school.
Wherever they are, people can also find a "stranger" to talk to by shaking the phone.
Let go and enjoy the journey, knowing that wherever you end up will be the perfect place.
The most important thing is that I bring a lot to the team wherever I am playing.
But as soon as the mother hears this cry, wherever she may be; she comes to the kitten.
Wherever you look you can see the proliferation of hybrid organisations that blur the line between the public and private sector.
Once seen only on top of hotels or in buildings designed by trendy architects, glass lifts are set to become standard fittings, wherever possible.
No matter where, Li Shizhen are very aware of observing the morphological and growth of medicine.
By his make and ways he is substantially a foreigner wherever he may be, and even the angels dislike a foreigner.
As for love, I don't expect much, I got what I deserved, which is, nowhere.
From playing sport to lounging on the sofa, each of my children fill every second with laughter, music and discussion.
Perhaps that's why initiative is a rare quality that's coveted by managers and executives everywhere.
But now you can't go anywhere without people knowing your pedigree, where you went to obedience school, and the status of your latest puppy love.
So we think their classroom is wider, not only in school. Wherever they are they can learn.
Everywhere the changes will increase the role of the state in the economy, which was too large already.
MyHTML 无论在哪里声明新元素,它都包括一个到现有HTML 元素的映射。
Wherever MyHTML declares a new element, it includes a mapping back to an existing HTML element.
Our success or failure in whatever office we hold will be measured by the answers to four questions. Were we truly men of courage?
God expects you to do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are. Less-than-perfect service is always better than the best intention.
He thinks tax harmonisation means that European citizens will pay taxes wherever they hold their money, which strips away the advantage of offshore tax havens.
In the manual case, the generator can be passed around a program, and called wherever and whenever needed (which is quite flexible). A simple example of the manual case is.
Anywhere... and again, with a single instance of the server, you'll probably be able to have up to a hundred users on a single instance of the server.
The right conclusion, in other words, is that it is wisest not to look for a single-country model at all, but just to take best practice wherever you find it.
Bill pay and insurance ID cards-geico customers can pay their insurance bills wherever they are, and access their current insurance ID CARDS. (See Figure 2.)
The app allows SlingBox users to view streaming video from their home television wherever they are, whether or not there is a wireless network available.
So, this is a fantastic group to communicate with each other, no matter where we are in the future, no matter how fast the time flying, this group exist forever!
Digital video is an effective desktop tool that can deliver dynamic, high-impact information wherever it is needed-the workplace, at school or at home.
This in turns enables data (irrespective of the protocol or the data type or the data store) to follow your customer no matter where they are and no matter what device they use.
This in turns enables data (irrespective of the protocol or the data type or the data store) to follow your customer no matter where they are and no matter what device they use.