• 相信,在座各位目睹上海日新月异变化

    Im sure that all of you have seen with your own eyes the constant and unceasing transformation of Shanghai.


  • 多次中国旅行,热爱中国并且惊叹中国日新月异的变化

    He loves China and went there many times, marveled at China's changing.


  • 网络技术迅猛发展广泛普及,人们生活带来日新月异的变化

    Internet technique develops sharply and very popular, it makes our lives get a great change.


  • 作为教育核心领域——课程教学研究近些年同样经历日新月异变化

    As a core area in education, research on curriculum and instruction has also experienced ever-advancing changes.


  • 几年,父母年纪越来越大了,就开车父母南京城转转,看看南京日新月异变化

    In recent years parents getting older and he drove around the city with their parents in Nanjing Nanjing to see rapid changes.


  • 面对艺术创作环境日新月异的变化当代艺术馆展出布展的方式,必定受到影响。

    Facing the new changes in the artistic and creative environment, the exhibitions and curatorial decisions made by contemporary art museums will also be affected.


  • 摘要机器人作为人类20世纪伟大发明之一短短的40年内发生日新月异变化

    In just 40 years, rapid changes have taken place in the field of robotics which is one of the greatest inventions of human beings of the 20th century.


  • 随着经济社会日新月异变化,商事公示制度适用效率商法实践层面显示出极大生命力

    Along with the development of the economic society, the apply efficiency of the business public system begins to show its great vitality in the practice of business law.


  • 当今时代,科技经济都取得迅猛发展人们生活水平居住环境发生日新月异变化

    Nowadays, with the fast development of technology and economy, the living level and environment of people also took place the variety of the continuous changes.


  • 记录中国十年来日新月异变化艺术家来说,也赶上了一个好时候,必定历史价值

    Recording the rapid change of China is an opportunity for an artist. It surely has historical value.


  • 然而,克尔斯威尔(Kerswill)先生的研究发现全国各地口音分布经历着日新月异的变化

    Nevertheless, Mr Kerswill’s research finds that the distribution of accents across the country is undergoing big changes.


  • 他用镜头捕捉蓉城日新月异变化记载府南河沙河两岸变迁以及城市旧貌新颜的全过程

    He used the camera to capture the rapid changes in Chengdu, recorded the Funan River, Shahe changes on both sides, and the city has fundamentally changed the entire process.


  • 摘要生活每天进行日新月异变化高科技产物不断诞生人们不同需求想象逐步实现生活中。

    ABSTRACT: life every day in change with each passing day, high-tech product constantly, to the different needs of people imagine gradually achieve in life.


  • 分析家还控制增长极其微妙且需要谨慎处理监管部门也努力才勉强得上银行体系日新月异的变化

    Analysts say that trying to rein in growth is a delicate and precarious balancing act and that even regulators are struggling to keep up with the rapid innovation in the banking system.


  • 各项指标均处于同行前列弘扬中西门庭艺术同时,充分满足市场日新月异的变化需求不同层面个性需要

    The indicators are at the forefront of peers in promoting Men Ting of Chinese and Western art, fully meet the ever-changing needs and changes in personality at different levels of need.


  • 产品新颖大方、美观实用适应市场日新月异变化满足层次客户的需求,广大客户中留下深厚可靠的合作信誉。

    Our products are original, beautiful and practical which are able to adapt to the changing market and satisfy customers from all levels. We also have a deep and credible impression on our customers.


  • 面对快速变化市场日新月异科技进步——金融方法上的,医疗上的,农业方法上的,软件上的——管理机构需要快速做出决定

    Faced with a rapidly changing market and technological advances-of financial instruments, medical therapies, agricultural methods, software-the regulatory agencies have to make decisions quickly.


  • 如今许多社交网站却引起了邓数量变动,针对这一现象的近期研究表明人们心智能力的进化并没有赶得上科技变化日新月异

    Recent study into how social networking sites affect Dunbar's number indicates that that advances in technology have not been matched by changes in mental capacity.


  • 日新月异科技使得我们可以用广阔的视野看待环境行为相联系表观遗传变化

    Improving technologies are now providing a broader look at the epigenetic changes linked to environment and behavior.


  • 2010可谓日新月异一年——充满风云变化兼具活力梦想

    2010 has been a dynamic year full of constant changes, energy and ideas.


  • 必须意识到软件开发世界变化日新月异,因此成功SaaS开发关键要素最终发生变化可能很快就会变化

    It is important to recognize that the world of software development evolves so rapidly that the key elements for successful SaaS development will eventually change - probably sooner rather than later.


  • 十几年来由于电子技术飞速发展,印前工业面貌也日新月异发生很大的变化

    During last decade, great changes have taken place in the BR Printing Industry owing to the rapid development of electronic techniques.


  • 过去相比,我们的环境截然不同变化日新月异

    It is a context that is very different from the past, and one that is changing almost daily.


  • 世界变化日新月异必须在一生不断教授你自己

    The world is changing so rapidly that you must continue to teach yourself throughout your life.


  • 流行文化正在进行基本全球性变化原因年来技术日新月异

    Pop culture right now is undergoing a fundamental change, a world-wide change, because of technological innovations in the last five years.


  • 可以说几年变化技术突飞猛进日新月异

    Can be said that the change and technology in recent years is make a spurt of progress, change rapidly.


  • 称谓能够敏感反映社会生活社会思想变化日新月异社会生活往往促使称谓相应的发生很多改变。

    Appellation most efficiently reflected the change of social life and thought, which in return always promoted the change of appellation.


  • 面对日新月异城市变化经常遇到这样困扰这里明明有大厦为什么地图上没有

    With the city of rapid change, we often meet some trouble. For example, here is a building, why is it not in the map?


  • 面对日新月异城市变化经常遇到这样困扰这里明明有大厦为什么地图上没有

    With the city of rapid change, we often meet some trouble. For example, here is a building, why is it not in the map?


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