• 朱兰还是质量管理开拓者之一帮助日本丰田汽车公司质量方面达到国际标准

    Juran is also one of the pioneers of quality management that has helped make Japanese companies like Toyota international benchmarks in terms of reliability.


  • 日本丰田汽车制造商今年8月将在洛杉矶大街高速公路上对这种软件进行路面实地测试

    Car maker Toyota will carry out the road tests of the software in August 2011 on the streets and motorways of Los Angeles.


  • 日本丰田汽车公司一直致力于研究名为Entune的车内系统系统使司机通过无线蓝牙其他方式对智能手机进行连接

    Japan's Toyota has also been working on an in-car system, called Entune, to which drivers will be able to connect their smartphones via Bluetooth wireless links and other means.


  • 过去几个月里因为传奇中的机器障碍引起了几十起交通变乱,此一些变乱还是致命变乱,几百万日本丰田汽车已经召回

    In the past few months, millions of Toyota vehicles have been recalled due to purported mechanical defects that have caused dozens of automobile accidents, some of them fatal.


  • 詹姆斯麦克等人的著作《改变世界机器》(1990年)将日本丰田汽车公司的生产制造系统推广开,系统强调零件恰好够用并且员工应具有前瞻性

    "The Machine That Changed the World" (1990) by James Womack et al popularised Toyota's manufacturing system with its emphasis on just-in-time parts and proactive workers.


  • 雷克萨斯是日本丰田汽车(Toyota)旗下一个高端品牌今年已有22的历史,但仍所有豪车品牌中最年轻的一个【最的是梅塞德斯奔驰(Mercedes-Benz),今年已有125岁了】。

    At 22 years old, Toyota's (TM) high-end division is the youngest of the upscale brands. (Mercedes-Benz, 125 this year, is the oldest.)


  • 日本未售出汽车数量达到前所未有的水平,迫使丰田汽车富士高速公路停车场大量囤积

    An unprecedented number of unsold cars in Japan have forced Toyota to stockpile them in the parking lots of Fuji Speedway.


  • 今天日本丰田韩国现代制造世界上绝大多数高级可靠的、高品质汽车

    Today, Japan's Toyota and South Korea's Hyundai make some of the most advanced, reliable, high-quality cars in the world.


  • 尽管丰田汽车在国外市场实现了高速增长,但日本国内销量停滞不前。

    While Toyota is achieving fast growth abroad, back home in the domestic Japanese market, its sales have been stagnant.


  • 丰田汽车美国市场悲惨表现导致这家日本公司二战结束以后,第一次在全世界范围内出现滑坡,很可能导致首席执行官离职

    And Toyota's (TM) miserable U.S. performance led the Japanese company to project its first worldwide operating loss since the end of World War II, and to the likely ouster of its chief executive.


  • 由于日元大幅度升值推高了日本产品在海外价格,所以丰田汽车销售急剧下滑。

    Toyota sales have nosedived due to the soaring value of the yen, which makes Japanese products more expensive overseas.


  • 但是丰田制造出品质优良的汽车美国日本不久会把足够精力投放在踏板更难攻克的问题上。

    But Toyota will make good cars and the United Statesand Japan will soon enough focus on matters more pressing than sticky accelerators.


  • 90年代末,日圆走提高了日本汽车生产成本丰田开始削减国内产能增加了海外产量

    In the late 1990s, when a strong yen made Japan a costly place to make cars, Toyota slashed capacity at home and added production overseas.


  • 今年1-3月份的这个季度,丰田汽车计划日本汽车产量削减54%。

    For the January-March quarter, Toyota, the world's biggest car maker by volume, plans to scale back production in Japan by 54%.


  • 去年年末6个日本汽车制造商包括丰田汽车本田汽车尼桑汽车这些泰国已经存在业务的厂商,他们表明了对生产环保车的兴趣

    Late last year six Japanese carmakers (including Toyota, Honda and Nissan, all of which have existing operations in Thailand) expressed interest in producing eco-cars.


  • 如果你询问一个普通美国司机那家汽车制造商生产的汽车质量最好,一般来说听到的回答日本汽车尤其是丰田

    ASK an average American driver who makes the highest-quality cars and you can expect to be told: the Japanese in general and Toyota in particular.


  • 即将日本召开的国会听证会或许令人痛苦的,但是丰田制造出品质优良汽车美国日本不久会把足够精力投放在踏板更难攻克的问题上。

    The upcoming congressional hearings may be painful in Japan, but Toyota will make good cars and the United States and Japan will soon enough focus on matters more pressing than sticky accelerators.


  • 丰田汽车公司计划2012年之前美国推出电动汽车丰田持股16%的富士重工去年已在日本推出款电动汽车

    Toyota plans to launch electric vehicles by 2012 in the U.S., while Fuji Heavy Industries, in which Toyota owns a 16% stake, launched an electric car in Japan last year.


  • 日本多家媒体报导日本头号汽车制造商丰田公司在下个星期公布首次运营亏损的消息。

    Various media reports out of Japan say Toyota, the country's top-ranked automaker, will announce its first-ever operating loss next week.


  • 丰田本田日产三家日本最大汽车厂商都将展示降低排放而设计汽车模型

    Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co., Japan's three largest carmakers, are all displaying models designed to cut carbon emissions.


  • 今年四月份汽车制造商丰田日产本田这些日本曾经业界传奇出口大幅下滑70%,只能被迫关闭工厂,处理库存

    AutomakersToyota, Nissan, and Honda, once the heart of the Japanese industrial miracle—saw exports fall 70 percent in April, and were forced to shutter factories to clear inventory.


  • 世界上成功成为了全国骄傲。所以宣布由于加速器缺陷丰田停止其在美国欧洲的大规模汽车销售时,日本人民普遍表示关心。

    So when the automaker announced plans to stop selling millions of its cars in the United States and Europe last month because of gas pedal defects, the Japanese were concerned.


  • 同时日本对手丰田汽车实力日渐强大,计划2008年取代通用全球最大汽车制造商的位置。

    Meanwhile, its increasingly rampant Japanese rival, Toyota, was making plans to overtake GM as the world's biggest carmaker by 2008.


  • 日本汽车巨头丰田汽车本田汽车昨天表示没有受到影响

    Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co., Japan's two biggest automakers, said yesterday they weren't affected.


  • 丰田汽车所在美国四个州长对这一日本汽车巨头快速维护不足为奇。

    It is little wonder that four U.S. governors of states with Toyota plants rapidly came to the defense of the Japanese automotive giant.


  • 日本名古屋:最为世界最大汽车生产商丰田汽车总裁丰田章男新闻发布会后这次全球性汽车召回行为而导致自身品牌名誉受损而鞠躬道歉。

    Nagoya, Japan: Toyota Motor Corp President Akio Toyoda bows at a news conference after apologising for a massive global recall that has tarnished the reputation of the world's largest car maker.


  • 日本名古屋:最为世界最大汽车生产商丰田汽车总裁丰田章男新闻发布会后这次全球性汽车召回行为而导致自身品牌名誉受损而鞠躬道歉。

    Nagoya, Japan: Toyota Motor Corp President Akio Toyoda bows at a news conference after apologising for a massive global recall that has tarnished the reputation of the world's largest car maker.


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