Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick.
The doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies.
医生们在努力保证早产婴儿成活方面热情很高。 。
Thee doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies.
Premature babies can survive from as early as 22 weeks' gestation, but they are on the border of viability.
Babies born early (preterm) may develop symptoms if they do not close that blood vessel after birth.
That premature babies have a higher death rate in the first years of life is not surprising.
The review of evidence from trials found that volume expansion has not been shown to improve outcomes for preterm babies.
Numbers of premature Births RisingMany of the premature babies pictured here did not survive.
Researchers are currently conducting similar scans of premature babies at birth and years later.
The steroids are given because they help preemies' breathing and blood circulation, which are obviously important.
Neonatal units looking after premature babies need redesigning to put parents at the heart of care, say campaigners.
It can treat anxiety and insomnia, lower blood pressure, soothe patients with dementia, and help premature babies to gain weight and leave the hospital sooner.
A Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds.
Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds.
Premature infants placed in incubators to breathe oxygen in concentrations greater than in air can develop irreversible eye damage.
But a premature infant is a premature infant-and a legally protected person-regardless of how he or she reached that state.
Once the leading cause of death in premature infants, the syndrome is now usually treated for a few days with a mechanical ventilator, with no aftereffects.
In premature infants, minimizing radiation exposure is especially important because they may require multiple radiological exams for problems like underdeveloped respiratory systems.
Other regions of the babies' brains appeared unaffected by the drugs, and the researchers did not see any changes in babies treated with betamethasone.
Happy stories of the tiniest preemies who survive are common enough that there 's a widespread false sense that modern medicine is conquering prematurity, iams lamented.
That premature babies have a higher death rate in the first years of life is not surprising, but Crump says it had been thought that the risk decreased as the child got older.
目前,美国已经拥有了为数不多的几家母乳库,它们大多由 非牟利 的助产妇组织经营运作,所募得 的母乳主要用于喂养早产婴儿以及病危孩童。
Today, there are few milk banks in the United States, and they are usually run by nonprofit midwife groups that save milk for premature babies and critically ill infants.
The instance of premature birth and low-birth weight in infants was also lower in the massage group compared with the controls.
Women who suffered from extreme early morning sickness were three times more likely to give birth prematurely and the baby was nearly three times more likely to be of low weight.
About 13 percent of all live births in the United States are preterm, meaning the baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Iodine deficiency during pregnancy not only results in brain damage to the fetus, but also in low birth weight, prematurity and increased perinatal and infant mortality.
Iron deficiency is the other concern for an all-breast-milk diet, especially for children born premature, or those whose moms are anemic and don't produce enough iron in their milk.
The research was funded by the Medical research Council and the Wellcome Trust so it could be better understood how to best take care of hospitalised infants, especially premature babies.
The research was funded by the Medical research Council and the Wellcome Trust so it could be better understood how to best take care of hospitalised infants, especially premature babies.