• 塞内加尔一些妈妈们正进修一种新型”的育儿法拯救自己早产婴儿

    Some mothers in Senegal are a new way to save lives of babies born too soon. The is not really new.


  • 非常早产婴儿处于 ROP过早发育而形成的视网膜病变)造成的视力伤害风险当中。

    Very preterm babies are at risk of damage to their sight from ROP (retinopathy of prematurity).


  • 艾米·莉亚的妈妈25时剖腹产生下了她,据说她是如此早产婴儿幸运生存下来最小一个

    Emilia Grabarczyk was born via caesarean section at 25 weeks, and is believed to be the smallest ever baby to survive such an early delivery.


  • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹水痘疫苗极度早产婴儿有效即使早产免疫系统发育并不足月产婴儿一样。

    Vaccines for measles-mumps-rubella and varicella, or chicken pox, are effective in extremely preterm infants, even though preemies' immune systems are not as developed as full-term babies.


  • 宝宝快一岁时,如果还是不见任何迹象,那就等到宝宝12个月检查带着这个问题去咨询医生。(通常早产的婴儿可能会晚几个月长。)

    If by the end of the first year you still don't see any sign of a tooth, bring the matter up at your child's 12-month checkup. (Premature babies may be a few months behind in getting their teeth.)


  • 一般孕妇相比,接受按摩孕妇中出现婴儿早产出生体重几率更小。

    The instance of premature birth and low-birth weight in infants was also lower in the massage group compared with the controls.


  • 名已经去年被英国高等法院判定可以其实施安乐死的早产婴儿奇迹般地活到了现在。

    A Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds.


  • 一名已经去年被英国高等法院判定可以其实施安乐死的早产婴儿奇迹般地活到了现在。

    Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds.


  • 对于早产婴儿尽可能少辐射暴露特别重要因为他们可能需要多次辐射检查发育不全的呼吸系统这样问题

    In premature infants, minimizing radiation exposure is especially important because they may require multiple radiological exams for problems like underdeveloped respiratory systems.


  • 早产完全母乳喂养发育残疾风险婴儿看起来更高的风险缺乏

    Preterm infants, infants who are exclusively breastfed and infants who are at risk for developmental disabilities seem to be at higher risk to develop iron deficiency.


  • 这项研究由英国医学研究理事会康信托基金会联合资助完成的,以便更好地理解如何最好的照顾入院婴儿特别是早产

    The research was funded by the Medical research Council and the Wellcome Trust so it could be better understood how to best take care of hospitalised infants, especially premature babies.


  • 还有一点母乳膳食的担心就是缺乏尤其是早产儿,或者那些母亲贫血病不能母乳产生足够铁的婴儿

    Iron deficiency is the other concern for an all-breast-milk diet, especially for children born premature, or those whose moms are anemic and don't produce enough iron in their milk.


  • 美国约有13%存活婴儿早产这意味着婴儿怀孕37之前出生的,根据美国疾病控制预防中心一项调查显示。

    About 13 percent of all live births in the United States are preterm, meaning the baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 但是自己的临床经验表明不孕症婴儿瘦小早产患有未经治疗的麸质敏感症的女性常见

    Still, my own clinical experience suggests that infertility and smaller or preterm babies are more common in women with untreated celiac disease than those without.


  • 这种护理在没有婴儿保育重症监护病房情况下能够挽救早产和低出生体重婴儿生命

    The lives of premature and low-birth-weight babies can be saved, despite the absence of incubators and intensive care wards.


  • 小孩们都有各种呼吸疾病,由此导致的死亡小孩死亡总数15.8%,婴儿早产后期妊娠并发症很常见

    Children suffer from numerous respiratory diseases, which account for 15.8 percent of all deaths among children. Premature births and late-term pregnancy complications are also frequent.


  • 其他地区没有早产婴儿大脑受到药物的影响,研究人员并没有看到使用倍他米松治疗婴儿有任何变化

    Other regions of the babies' brains appeared unaffected by the drugs, and the researchers did not see any changes in babies treated with betamethasone.


  • 怀孕吸烟者可能流产或是孩子早产出生后,孩子更可能死婴儿猝死综合症

    Pregnant smokers are more likely to have a miscarriage or premature baby, while after birth children are more likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome.


  • 在研究人员略去那些早产出生体重偏轻的婴儿——这些影响将来心理健康另外一些因素——这种联系依然存在。

    The link remained when researchers left out babies who were born early or very small, which are other factors that could affect future mental health.


  • 研究发现如果婴儿母亲预防早产期间曾经使用过特布他林,那么就会增加婴儿大脑受损认知障碍风险

    The study found an increased risk of brain damage and cognitive deficits in babies whose mothers were treated with terbutaline during preterm labor.


  • 严重清晨恶心呕吐现象孕妇有比普通孕妇可能性早产,她们婴儿出现体重过现象的可能也增加三倍。

    Women who suffered from extreme early morning sickness were three times more likely to give birth prematurely and the baby was nearly three times more likely to be of low weight.


  • 非洲国家婴儿早产最高那里11.9%的婴儿母亲怀孕满37周前出生的。

    The rate of pre-term births is highest in Africa, where 11.9% of babies are born before 37 weeks of gestation.


  • 出生缺陷基金会表示他们希望早产比率下降一个母亲婴儿健康状况改善开端。

    The March of Dimes said it hopes the decline in the rate of preterm births will be the start of a new trend in improved maternal and infant health.


  • 正常婴儿相比,早产儿的神经发育差些,从而可能导致发育问题教育问题,这已公认

    Premature infants have a known higher risk for poor neurological development, often leading to developmental and educational issues.


  • 然而,从营养良好的足月新生儿中获得的资料不能完全排除在早产营养不良婴儿中可能发生的问题。

    However, data for well-nourished neonates born at term cannot necessarily be extrapolated to preterm or malnourished infants.


  • 医学专家认为正常胎应不少于37那些34至37周之间婴儿晚期早产儿。

    Health experts consider babies born at or after 37 weeks' gestation to be full term, and those born between 34 weeks and 37 weeks to be late preterm.


  • 研究者目前正在出生时的早产婴儿年后早产进行类似大脑扫描

    Researchers are currently conducting similar scans of premature babies at birth and years later.


  • 还有数百万早产儿会终生面临比足月出生婴儿更高身体心理问题风险,这些问题包括失明学习能力障碍以及呼吸系统疾病等

    Millions of others face a heightened risk of lifelong physical and mental problems including blindness, learning disabilities and respiratory illness.


  • 英国,妊娠眩晕是导致早产常见原因之一每年会有七万名英国妇女受其影响,它夺走一千个婴儿位母亲生命

    One of the most common causes of premature birth in the UK, pre-eclampsia affects 70, 000 British women a year and claims the lives of up to 1, 000 babies and ten mothers.


  • 英国,妊娠眩晕是导致早产常见原因之一每年会有七万名英国妇女受其影响,它夺走一千个婴儿位母亲生命

    One of the most common causes of premature birth in the UK, pre-eclampsia affects 70, 000 British women a year and claims the lives of up to 1, 000 babies and ten mothers.


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