• 十分赞赏毕加索早期画作

    He is a great admirer of Picasso's early paintings.


  • 癌症早期查出极为重要的。

    Early detection of cancers is vitally important.


  • 这些检查旨在早期查出疾病

    The tests are designed to detect the disease early.


  • 早期结果预示这个政府重新执政

    Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.


  • 乳房自检早期癌症发现有价值。

    Breast self-examination is invaluable for detecting cancer in its very early stages.


  • 幅油画使想起了毕加索早期作品

    The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works.


  • 早期报道暗示叛乱武装插手爆炸案。

    Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings.


  • 这个想法早期小说中初见端倪

    The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.


  • 课文解释了这位哲学家早期思想

    This text illuminates the philosopher's early thinking.


  • 许多收藏家出高价早期作品

    Many collectors are willing to pay over the odds for early examples of his work.


  • 早期苏格兰银器上都有各个银匠的标记。

    Early pieces of Scottish silver carry the hallmarks of individual silversmiths.


  • 威廉莫里斯社会主义早期传播者之一

    William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism.


  • 圣诞这一传统源自异教早期舞蹈仪式。

    The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin.


  • 总统认为早期选举主要受益者之一

    One of the main beneficiaries of the early election is thought to be the former president.


  • 于50年代早期开始表演唱歌吉他弹奏

    He began performing in the early fifties, singing and playing guitar.


  • 大部分皮肤癌早期发现完全治愈

    Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages.


  • 早期电影中扮演傻乎乎金发女郎

    In her early movies she played a dumb blonde.


  • 的《儿童思维研究一书早期代表作

    Her early work is exemplified in her book, 'A Study of Children's Minds'.


  • 一节课着重查理王朝早期统治时期。

    In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles's reign.


  • 丹尼尔早期赛车运动的接触没有激起兴趣

    Daniel's early exposure to motor racing did not excite his interest.


  • 早期工业城市曾是些又脏又乱不利健康地方

    The early industrial cities were squalid and unhealthy places.


  • 于八十年代早期澳大利亚开始了新闻事业

    He began his journalistic career in the early eighties in Australia.


  • 欧洲早期基督教徒承袭更古老一些异教许多习俗

    Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.


  • 加隆·雷尼尔首创“虚拟现实”一率先进行早期开发

    Jaron Lanier coined the term "virtual reality" and pioneered its early development.


  • 八十年代早期很多时间往返于韦科尔帕索之间

    I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between Waco and El Paso.


  • 早期报告显示学生学习刻苦、持续的时间更长而且兴致高昂。

    Earlier reports pointed to students working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm.


  • 尽管有这些表面的相似相比早期小说一部更悲观的作品

    Despite these superficial resemblances, this is a darker work than her earlier novels.


  • 早期研究证实了无性选择作用

    Early research confirmed the role of intrasexual selection.


  • 早期地球含有丰富放射性物质

    The early Earth contained abundant radioactive materials.


  • 早期电影观众也经常经历同样困惑

    Early cinema audiences often experienced the same confusion.


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