• 证明时间相关函数存在时间反演对称性

    We have shown nonexistence of symmetry with respect to time reversal of the time correlation function of the steady state.


  • 基于孔径接收对数振幅时间相关函数,结合星地激光下行链路的实际情况,推导适用于星地下行孔径接收的闪烁频谱表达式

    Based on the temporal covariance of logarithmic amplitude, analytical expression was obtained for aperture receiving power spectrum of atmospheric scintillation of satellite-to-ground downlink.


  • 使用api最后一点建议通读相关文档时间阅读提供全部可用函数

    My final recommendation when working with the API is to read through the documentation and spend some time reading all the available functions offered.


  • 如果需要创建时间相关数据类型的单个,可以使用类型构造函数提供时间字符串表示形式作为参数

    When you want to create an atomic value of one of the time-oriented data types, use a type-constructor function and provide the string representation as an argument.


  • 分道最大似然方法逐事例相关分辨函数时间拟合中被采用

    An unbinned maximum likelihood method is used in the lifetime fit with event-by-event resolution functions.


  • 通过位置相关函数速度时空演化驰豫时间参量的计算研究优先随机慢化交通影响

    By computing the spatial correlation function, the evolution plots of velocity, the relaxation time and the order parameter, the effect of top-priority of randomization on traffic flow is studied.


  • 利用相关函数恒生指数日收盘价时间序列中的自相似性进行初步的实证理论分析

    We do the initial identification and the theoretical analysis with the autocorrelation function towards the time series of HSI daily closing quotation.


  • 研究表明,上(下)边频分量输出幅度增益噪声强度相关时间以及上(或下)边频分量频率单调函数

    It is shown that the OAG of the USC (or the LSC) is a non-monotonic function of the strength and correlation time of the noise as well as the frequency of the USC (or the LSC).


  • 基于自然梯度原则利用信号时间相关属性对一类代价函数进行推导,获得新的非平稳信号自适应分离算法

    A new adaptive blind source separation algorithm of non-stationary signals was presented by using natural gradient rule and time-correlation property of the source signals acting on a cost function.


  • 本文的目的在于,对于线性平稳时间序列样本方差、自相关相关函数渐近性质给出一个比较系统描述

    The aim of this paper is to give a systematic account of asymptotic properties of the sample autocovariance, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions of linear stationary time series.


  • 不同林分指数时间的动态模拟关系二次函数曲线相关系数0.9以上

    The analog equation between soil erosion resistance index and time is quadratic power function curve, whose correlation coefficient is above 0.9.


  • 小麦粉主要筛理时间函数小麦粉粒度相关,而与筛理物料含粉率的关系相对较小。

    The sifting ratio of flour was related to the sifting time, presented a negative correlation to flour particle size and had a relatively lower relationship to flour content of the ground stock.


  • 土壤入渗速率入渗时间函数关系入渗速率与土壤容重相关关系。

    Infiltration rate of soil and infiltration time have power function, but between the infiltration rate and soil bulk density, they have a negative correlation.


  • 设计应用程序或许开发函数列表中的某一功能,你应用程序内存在,但是相关知识或者没有时间添加

    When designing an application, you'll probably develop a list of functions and features that you want to see in the application but don't have the knowledge or the time to add.


  • 采用相关估计时间延迟时,多时延分辨率受到相关函数主(?)宽度限制

    Multipath time delay estimation is constrained by the width of the signal correlation function when using correlation method.


  • 方法根据信号特征恢复思想,以SRM准则构造具有时间相关特性的代价函数采用静态迭代学习算法在线跟踪信道

    According to the feature reconstruction of signals, the method constructs the time decorrelation cost function under SRM rule, and traces channel using static iterative learning algorithm.


  • 进而研究了单链高分子弛豫过程,给出了末端距向量相关函数的弛豫时间

    Furthermore, the author also studied the relaxation of single polymer chain and obtained the relaxation time of the autocorrelation function of the end-to-end vector.


  • 规格化模型出发,考虑空间因素时间因素,定义相关函数考察相关函数临界点表现及其与“涨落”形成关系。

    From standardized model, attach importance to space and time, study the action of the correlation function on the critical large fluctuations.


  • 通过计算,研究了单链高分子回转半径末端以及末端距向量相关函数时间演化过程。

    Evolutions of the mean square radius of gyration, the mean square end-to-end distance and the autocorrelation function of the end-to-end vector are simulated.


  • 利用MATLAB求解了运动离子瞬态方程得到时间相关负指数形式分布函数

    Mobile ion transient equations are solved with MATLAB and the time-dependent distributions in the forms of negative-index exponential function are obtained.


  • 利用MATLAB求解了运动离子瞬态方程得到时间相关负指数形式分布函数

    Mobile ion transient equations are solved with MATLAB and the time-dependent distributions in the forms of negative-index exponential function are obtained.


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