• 解释为何我们观察热力学宇宙学时间箭头指向一致

    This is the explanation of why we observe that the thermodynamic and cosmological arrows of time point in the same direction.


  • 宇宙处于几乎完全无序状态,这时不会有强热力学时间箭头

    The universe would be in a state of almost complete disorder. There would be no strong thermodynamic arrow of time.


  • 问题关键在于封闭时间曲线没有一个连续一致的“时间箭头”。

    The nub of the problem is that you cannot have a consistentarrow of timein the presence of closed timelike curves.


  • 很显然时间箭头成为宏观系统一种性质没有定律控制单个原子间的相互作用。

    The apparent arrow of time emerges as a property of the macroscopic system, but it's not there in the laws that govern the individual particle interactions.


  • 时间箭头只能说明时间方向性不能说明时间直线一定指向未来

    The arrow of time can only show us the direction of time, it shall not tell us time is straight or time must go towards the future.


  • 回头再说时间箭头余下问题是;为何我们观察热力学宇宙学箭头指向同一方向

    To return to the arrow of time, there remains the question: why do we observe that the thermodynamic and cosmological arrows point in the same direction?


  • 假如电影倒带播放,你会发现任何事情带有明显的时间方向性质,就像东西拉着他们时间箭头

    If you look at a movie that's being played backwards, you know it immediately because most things have a distinct time direction attached to them: an arrow of time.


  • 就约束力小一致性而言科学家所有这些时间箭头表现解释一个系统的“无序”。

    Scientists explain all of these manifestations of the arrow of time in terms of entropy—loosely, the “disorderliness” of a system.


  • 连接组件箭头显示事务流逝时间

    Arrows that connect component to component show the transaction elapsed times.


  • 箭头指向球体右方那儿地球围绕太阳旋转图样这个箭头意味着,暗示地球围绕太阳旋转一圈的时间

    To the right there's a drawing of Earth orbiting the Sun, with an arrow pointing to the right. The arrow means one year, the time of it takes the Earth to rotate around the Sun.


  • 视图中的每个排序箭头都会增加视图索引同时增加刷新视图的时间

    Each sorting arrow on a column in a view increases the view index and the time it takes to refresh the view.


  • 另一个例外时间宇宙箭头”,箭头爆炸指向宇宙膨胀方向,其可能与热力学箭头相连,指向宇宙最终热寂。

    Another exception is the "cosmological arrow of time," which points forward from the Big Bang in the direction of the universe's expansion.


  • 这部电影开始时间跟踪镜头里,有一野猫正在废墟上刨食,突然一支慢动作展示的箭头翻在地。

    Ina long tracking shot at the start of the film, a feral cat prowls thiswasteland until it is felled by a slow-motion arrow.


  • 使用莫利亚·尼诺装置研究人员可以研究物理学中长期存在的问题,即时间中的热力学箭头问题。

    Use the device smalley and el nino, researchers can study physics, the existing problems in the medium and long term problems the thermodynamics arrow is time.


  • 该表官员负责使各队得分计时个人团队犯规球员替换,团队拥有箭头轨道进攻时间

    The table officials are responsible for keeping track of each teams scoring, timekeeping, individual and team fouls, player substitutions, team possession arrow, and the shot clock.


  • 各个PEP过程箭头形式标明,箭头长度表明各个阶段相应时间

    The individual PEP processes are illustrated in the form of arrows, the length of which illustrates the respective time period within the phases.


  • 根据时间辐射曝晒设置倒数计时器箭头便于滚动显示程序功能特征

    According to time or radiant exposure setting countdown timer, Arrow keys facilitate displayed program function and characteristics.


  • 下图为此实验所得数据结果,黑色箭头表示树皮被移除时间

    The data from this experiment is shown in the following graph. The black arrows indicate the time of bark removal.


  • 圆越年夜,破费地时间越长。(2)扫描路子:扫描路子是对一系列定影空间布置如图6这些定影用之间箭头暗示。

    The bigger the cycles, the longer time spend. (2) Scan Path: Scan Path is the spatial arrangement of a sequence of fixations, illustrated in Fig. 6, shown by the arrow symbol between two circles.


  • 每个仪表黑色箭头指示给定时间段里我们实际量化指标

    The Black arrow on each gauge is an indicator telling us our actual measurement in the given time frame.


  • 石棺除了骨骼还有石制箭头,石制矛头,有些或许还有石斧头部这些武器木制手柄早就随着时间的流逝而腐化

    In the coffin with the skeleton are flint arrow-heads, a spear-head, also of flint, and perhaps the stone head of a battle-axe, the wooden portions of these weapons having long since mouldered away.


  • 石棺除了骨骼还有石制箭头,石制矛头,有些或许还有石斧头部这些武器木制手柄早就随着时间的流逝而腐化

    In the coffin with the skeleton are flint arrow-heads, a spear-head, also of flint, and perhaps the stone head of a battle-axe, the wooden portions of these weapons having long since mouldered away.


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