• 海蒂站在那里着脚,穿着白色的睡衣,看着明亮灯光武器茫然无措

    There stood Heidi, with bare feet and in her white night-gown, looking bewildered at the bright light and the weapons.


  • 上,即使没有明亮的灯光,做作业或读书也是他一天中最愉快的时光。

    At night, doing homework or reading books was the most enjoyable part of his day even without bright light.


  • 杰米﹒施佩希特明亮的灯光真空吸尘器地毯接触皮肤感觉

    Jamie Specht is bothered by bright lights, vacuum cleaners and the feel of carpeting against her skin.


  • 那些地区天文观测者们可以尝试17凌晨两点四点左右避开明亮城市灯光观察天空,那时他们或能在一小时内看到3050流星

    In those regions, sky-watchers are advised to venture out away from bright city lights between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. on the 17th, when they should see 30 to 50 meteors an hour.


  • 为了突出主体,汽车的用光摄影师选择了暖色背景更为明亮的灯光使蓝色的车身更加突出。

    To make it stand out, he lit the car with a whiter light than the warm background, which helped its cool blue color stand out.


  • 四周戴期结束时视力白天只是略有下降,但是暗处明亮的灯光还是扭曲的。

    At the end of the four-week trial, my eyesight only declines very slightly during the day but in the dark, bright lights are still distorted.


  • 国际空间站夜间中可以看到,纽约明亮金黄色灯光以及周围环绕的郊区

    The bright gold lights of New York City and its surrounding suburbs stand out in this nighttime photograph from the International Space Station.


  • 出生前夜晚村民们他们目睹了不明原因明亮灯光天空盘旋由此他们奇特容貌归咎于外星人的卑鄙行径。

    The night before the pig's birth, villagers say they witnessed unexplained bright lights hovering in the sky, and so they attributed the piglet's bizarre features to foul play by aliens.


  • 我在纽约史泰登长大,明亮桔黄色街灯灯光里,几乎什么夜空

    Growing up in Staten Island, New York, there wasn't much night sky to see amidst the bright, orange-y glow of streetlights.


  • 一直办公室保持昏暗因为明亮的灯光会使感到不安而且总是着我iPod因为办公室的噪声会影响我的工作。

    I keep the lights dimmed in my part of the office as bright lights make me anxious and I always listen to my iPod because noise in the office also disturbs me.


  • 世界各地家人帮助装饰圣诞树家庭明亮的灯光花环蜡烛冬青树寄生教堂用品装饰

    Around the world, family members help to decorate the tree and home with bright lights, wreaths, candles, Holly, mistletoe, and ornaments.


  • 家人帮助装饰圣诞树家庭明亮灯光蜡烛装饰。

    Family members help to decorate the tree and home with bright lights and candles.


  • 整理数据绘制图纸明亮灯光土地勘察规划测绘院红椿测绘队员们正在紧张繁忙工作着。

    The data, drawing drawings, under the bright lights, land surveying planning toon Lane surveying and Mapping Institute of surveying and Mapping Group members are busy with work.


  • 许多贵族们受到邀请整个皇宫到处装饰明亮的灯光

    Many noblemen were invited and the whole palace was decorated with burning bright lights.


  • 不幸的是,并非所有情况下暴露明亮的灯光中都逆转近视这项技术还没有人体上进行试验

    Unfortunately, exposure to bright light doesn't reverse myopia in all cases, and the technique hasn't been tested on human subjects.


  • 明亮的灯光阳光直射反映表面突出远见和不允许最佳视野划痕和漩涡。

    Bright light and direct sunlight will reflect off of the surface glaring your vision and not allow for optimal view of scratches and swirls.


  • 一刻看到了信心赢得黑暗明亮的灯光闪烁眼睛天空

    At that moment, I saw the confidence win the darkness, bright light dazzles the eyes in the dark blue sky.


  • 明亮的灯光不仅方便自己扬眉吐气焕发亲切友好印象

    Bright light, go to the lavatory not only oneself, still can give a person feel proud and elated, coruscate and kind and friendly impression.


  • 明亮的灯光确保宝宝顶住了滑雪别具一格活力橙色霓虹灯粉红色

    BRIGHT LIGHTS: Make sure babies stand out against snowy ski backdrops with a striking mix of vibrant orange and neon pink.


  • 明亮灯光直眨眼睛

    She blinked her eyes at the bright light.


  • 这些生长明亮的灯光充沛肥水温暖冬天经过休息几个化肥用水

    Grow these in bright light with plenty of fertilizer and water in the warmer months but rest through the winter months with no fertilizer and less water.


  • 文章提到科波菲尔使用非常明亮的灯光使观众变成了“夜盲”。

    The article also mentions that Copperfield used very bright lights to "night-blind" the audience.


  • 戏院里有明亮的灯光音乐演员说什么整个建筑物仿佛眼前晃动

    There were bright lights, and there was music, but I could not understand what anyone was saying, and the whole building seemed to swim in front of my eyes.


  • 透过一个窗子看到一家人温暖明亮灯光看上去那么幸福

    Over a window, she saw a family gathered under a warm and bright light. They seemed so happy.


  • 远离明亮灯光睡前远离电脑听听舒缓音乐

    Keep out of bright lights, keep off the computer before going to bed and listen to soothing music.


  • 突然之间我们回到游客明亮的灯光珍妮告诉他们必须满足一些其他朋友含义没有被邀请

    Suddenly we're back among the tourists and bright lights and Jenny tells me they have to meet some other friends, the implication being that I'm not invited.


  • 起初夜空游移明亮灯光迪格雷认为星星甚至发誓在离得的地方看见了木星,连卫星得一清二楚。

    At first there were bright lights moving about in a black sky; Digory always thinks these were stars and even swears that he saw Jupiter quite close -close enough to see its moon.


  • 起初夜空游移明亮灯光迪格雷认为星星甚至发誓在离得的地方看见了木星,连卫星得一清二楚。

    At first there were bright lights moving about in a black sky; Digory always thinks these were stars and even swears that he saw Jupiter quite close -close enough to see its moon.


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