Blue, in comparison with bright colors, is said to lower people's appetites because few foods are blue in nature.
Most fast-food restaurants are often decorated in bright colors such as red, yellow, orange, and white for the purpose of increasing people's appetites (胃口).
Whereas human are able to see more bright colours during the day, cats have the advantage when it comes to night vision.
Bright colors such as yellow and red are often used in this way.
Use board books with bright colors, simple backgrounds, and textures.
Liquid Crystals do not emit any light, and have to be backlit in order to produce bright colors.
Their bright coloration is associated with their toxicity and levels of alkaloids.
Bright colors, large fonts, beeps, and tones will capture attention.
He paints his buckets bright colors, and plants herbs and marigolds in the top to help retain moisture.
It used to use the tensile modelling, brilliant color and imply the rhythm to collocate.
Use bright colours for your drawings and writing. You can also use a computer to help you set the text and the pictures.
The all white was a little too plain even for me, a lover of all things bright and white.
Have you noticed how clothes influence your mood, especially colors? It is obvious, the lighter the color, better the mood.
Revamp an old coat by swapping out the buttons and having a tailor replace the lining with something eye-catching, like a pattern or a bright color.
You can use the senses to grab attention. Bright colors, large fonts, beeps, and tones will capture attention.
Bright colors work on someone who has a bubbly personality, earth tones on people who are more laid back, and trendy patterns that few people can pull off work on people with a lot of confidence.
Many of them are painted, like almost everywhere in the North, in bright colors, and, as a rule, in many bright colors at the same time.
Thick walls, small openings, bright colors, and the use of natural material characterize his mature compositions.
We kept things simple and direct: shifting volumes, muted details and bright colors in the interior.
A combination of light, caramel and Bavarian malt creates an unforgettably bright color and body for these beers.
As far as colors go, this year we will be seeing some brights like orange, yellow, fuchsia, apple green, emerald, and amethyst.
I'd seen a highly magnified image on one of Fields's computer screens, and it looked like a deep-sea photograph: bright colors against a field of black.
The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was dark, empty, and lifeless. It lacked the bright colours that other children used.
Bright colors, supergraphics, and imagery of local natural features and landmarks are used throughout the facility to aid with wayfinding and create an engaging environment.
Awareness bands come in a range of bright colours, each bearing an individual slogan intended to raise money for and general awareness of a particular charity, such as cancer, HIV, racism, etc.
Awareness bands come in a range of bright colours, each bearing an individual slogan intended to raise money for and general awareness of a particular charity, such as cancer, HIV, racism, etc.