• 统计学观点看,实验结果意义显。

    The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.


  • 鉴于目前账面超过1.3万亿美元的学生贷款明显许多大学生根本不明智。

    Given that there is at present more than $1.3 trillion in student loans on the books, it's pretty clear that many college students are far from sensible.


  • 动物可以通过选择一个光线环境躲避捕食者。

    An animal can hide from predators by choosing the light environment in which its pattern is least visible.


  • 因此阶级在文化政治上可能仍然是英国社会重要组成部分

    Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an important part of British society.


  • 虽然当时可能,但这部作品充满了浪漫主义逃避现实精神,这华兹华斯等容易理解的。

    While it probably wasn't apparent at the time, much of this work is permeated by a spirit of romantic escapism that the likes of Wordsworth would have readily understood.


  • 随着细胞死亡有些人大脑前部收缩三十时就能观察到,但是也有些人直到六七十岁依然

    Contraction of front and side parts as cells die off was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty and seventy-year-olds.


  • 有趣的是,这种趋势棒球,在棒球中,额外的个人天赋会不断提高球队表现

    Interestingly, this trend isn't evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the team's performance.


  • 虽然大多数家长教师临床医生青少年吸毒酗酒作出反应,但他们可能很容易忽视那些具有行为青少年

    While most parents, teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk, they may easily overlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous behaviors.


  • 多数组彼此之间的差别在统计上并不明显;然而,70分贝组的参与者——那些被置于类似咖啡店背景谈话声的噪音水平中的参与者——其表现明显好于其他组。

    The differences between most of the groups were statistically insignificant; however, the participants in the 70 decibels group—those exposed to a level of noise similar to background chatter in a coffee shop—significantly outperformed the other groups.


  • 只脚平衡身体舞者不断地调整自己然而远处看,这些调整实际上不明显。

    The dancers balancing on one foot constantly adjusted themselves. However, these adjustments were virtually unnoticeable from a distance.


  • 作用效果

    The effects of the debranching enzyme were not evident.


  • 人们不会因为愚蠢或者武断原因而支持实践但是因为他们缓解在外行看来压力而那么做。

    People don't sustain practices for silly or arbitrary reasons, but because they resolve some tension that may not be evident from outside the group.


  • 通常这些测试用于只是平台上注意到非常不明错误

    Often, these are tests for very obscure bugs that have only ever been noted on one or two platforms.


  • 平衡灵活运动员他们不断地调整重新校准自己这些调整性能情况下实际上不明显的。

    It's like an agile athlete balancing on one foot: They constantly adjust and realign themselves, but these adjustments are virtually unnoticeable in the context of the performance.


  • 难题另一个部分用户目标业务目标之间不明关系

    Another piece of the puzzle is the implicit relation between the user goals and the business goals.


  • 虽然一些研究出现无规律呼吸道反应增多的迹象,但这些明显影响并不具有普遍性

    While there has been a weak and inconsistent signal of increases in reactive airway conditions in some studies, these apparent effects have not been consistently observed.


  • 一个教训大萧条早期,人们对情况能没有清楚认识,或者是由于缺少经济数据他们对所处困境不甚了解。

    A less obvious lesson is that early in the Depression it was not clear how bad things were going to get-or, given the paucity of economic data, even how bad they were.


  • 欧洲野牛美洲野牛的区别

    Distinctions between aurochs and American bisons are not substantial.


  • 因此战争结束对于美国普通民众而言也许尽管使命名称自由伊拉克行动”变为“黎明行动”。

    So the end of the war may not be apparent to ordinary Americans, despite the change of the mission’s name fromOperation Iraqi Freedom” to “Operation New Dawn”.


  • 目前尚清楚为什么魅力资本值钱的,当然一些职业除外

    It's not clear quite why erotic capital is worth money outside a few obvious, ahem, professions.


  • 许多享受中,有些享受易见食物的享受,社交宴会家庭团聚欢乐,风和日暖春天的野游;另外一些的,则为诗歌、艺术沉思等享受。

    There are obvious things like the enjoyment of food, a gay parly or family reunion, an outing on a beautiful spring day; and less obvious things like the enjoyment ofpoetry, art and contemplation.


  • 功能验证测试阶段中,不明功能也会被仔细验证

    During the function Verification Test phase, discreet pieces of functionality are verified in detail.


  • 涂成不明色调,但是要补足基石设计配色方案

    Paint the walls in tones that are subtle, yet complement the design or color scheme of your cornerstone piece.


  • 因为对于阅读代码来说它们的,这种类型的对于特定实现隐式耦合特别有害。

    Those types of implicit coupling to a specific implementation are particularly pernicious because they aren't obvious to a reader of your code.


  • 这种洞察力通过获取数据应用程序来源(开始许多来源显)流程培养出来的。

    This insight is gained through a process of "harvesting" data and application sources, many of which may be obscure initially.


  • 但是科学家研究加利福尼亚消费者发现真正人们愿意支付更高的价钱,只为了得到商标不明显的商品

    But researchers surveying California consumers found that people who are seriously well-off are willing to pay a premium for items whose branding is more discreet.


  • 不是创建系统跟踪错误时,需要能够很快地定位这些错误代码中的位置

    When tracking down obscure bugs in a system that you didn't create, you need to have a good feel for where they manifest themselves in the code.


  • “微型纹理”,微妙的几乎背景纹理

    I refer to it as "micro-textures" which are subtle, barely noticeable textures in the background.


  • “微型纹理”,微妙的几乎背景纹理

    I refer to it as "micro-textures" which are subtle, barely noticeable textures in the background.


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