They end up embracing a differe nt error: stating the obvious.
Real criticism is not meant to find obvious mistakes, so if she found any—the type I could have found on my own—I had to start from scratch.
In blatant cases the record will have been prematurely completed for the future.
This revised edition has corrected several obvious mistakes in the previous editions.
Would you quickly look at these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?
For the purpose of developing her self-confidence, the teacher didn't point out the noticeable mistakes in her speech in public.
那么多的专家怎么能够漏掉一个对初学者来说这么明显的错误? ?
How could so many experts have missed something that was so obvious to a 12 novice?
Often, these are tests for very obscure bugs that have only ever been noted on one or two platforms.
Look for grammatical mistakes. Look it over today, and see if you can pick anything out that is really obvious.
We speak the language we're learning not only but also we can correct the clear mistakes of each other's.
He decided to move again, and in one of the notable failures of Zen archery, hit on Westport.
Go up in the foundation of specific problem desire above all thick read a program, find out apparent mistake, wait like spelling mistake.
Though the time rhythm of pressing down his left foot after the sliding steps is positively correlated to the results, it is obviously a wrong pattern.
Again use your intuition to sift out the likely messages against those that are clearly false and meant to be misleading.
The first is that the stock market often goes far wrong, and sometimes an alert and courageous investor can take advantage of its patent errors.
When tracking down obscure bugs in a system that you didn't create, you need to have a good feel for where they manifest themselves in the code.
If nothing dramatically wrong is found during the review process, you can then more forward with confidence that things will likely go on smoothly.
The Referee (or assistant) must also tell the player that any further clearly incorrect calls may be considered as a deliberate hindrance and the player will lose the point.
The first mistake is that evolution does notteach that humans descended from monkeys; it states that both have acommon ancestor.
After all, it was clearly a mistake, and he let you know as soon as it happened (if that's not the case, then, obviously another tactic's needed).
If you’re applying for a job and your resume and/or cover letter are full of misspellings or outright inaccuracies, your application is likely to sink to the bottom of the pile.
Two volcanic structures, hornitos and accretionary lava ball, were wrongly named as "fumaroles" and "volcanic bomb" respectively in the Geopark.
Because it's hard to come up with an example of code that requires much porting that isn't either obviously bad, contrived, or too low-level to apply well to non-kernel development.
Unfortunately, pieces of science journalism can also oversimplify and generalize their subject material to the point that the basic information conveyed is obscured or at worst, obviously wrong.
He calls it captainitis because, he says, "crew members of multi-pilot aircraft exhibit a sometimes deadly passivity when the flight captain makes a clearly wrong-headed decision".
He calls it captainitis because, he says, "crew members of multi-pilot aircraft exhibit a sometimes deadly passivity when the flight captain makes a clearly wrong-headed decision".