It means anyone who may see an advantage in implying certain things that are untrue without explicitly saying something untrue.
She stated categorically that she had no intention of leaving.
More specifically, identify the first application server that the transaction request reaches.
Specifically, the channel does things like send and receive data and commands. Let's look at my specific client.
Specifically, these are learning management systems (LMS) and operating systems.
No one explicitly called the current principal an authoritarian busybody, but that was the obvious implication.
When I and a few others had lunch with him, he specifically said, "We're not going to do nation building."
Tim Tebow makes it very clear that he wants a kind and sweet girl who is not dazzled by his fame.
"Jingchu in mind," said the Dragon Boat Festival originated, they are more clear: "things in Zixu, none of Quping also."
Specifically, the more robust studies found that using a mobile phone for a decade or longer resulted in an 18 percent increased risk for developing a brain tumor.
If he's saying something definitive - "I was with my buddies last night!" - while shrugging one or both shoulders, watch out.
更明确地说,为web技术添加这样的集成是AIR 的核心所在,它需要大量的开发努力。
To be clear, enabling that integration from web technologies is at the heart of AIR, and required a substantial development effort.
In the movie, the father's lesson is specifically - if you think like that, you'll be killed.
But what can be sure is that art in the modern times is very different from that in the past from every aspect.
That's why I'd like to state unequivocally that the United States welcomes the rise of a prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.
When we get to Paul it'll be another story entirely because, it may surprise you, he doesn't really come out and say it.
More specifically, you learned how to embed Crystal reports that use JDBC connections both at design time and run time.
Specifically, we learn about design patterns — ways of designing our programs to make them more robust, flexible, and correct.
I categorically say that you must not mistake this act as a ruse or a game being played by those who are unfamiliar with your territory.
Specifically, you're probably writing code that looks something like Listing 1, a fragment from a program that parses an XML document using SAX.
And she says 'yes' being honest and sincere and he says it clearly and he looks a little depressed and says, "well, can you love me?"
解决方案是告诉XSL - fo渲染器哪些块相互关联,或(更明确地说)哪些块应保留在一起。
The solution is to tell the XSL-FO renderer which blocks are related to each other or, more specifically, which blocks should remain together.
It seems to be an oversimplification to say that the positive emphasis is masculine, while the negative emphasis, with a decrescendo toward the climax, is feminine.
So let's be clear. This is our future, our Anglo-American future, our European future - and we're blowing it.
更明确地说,需要防止能力更高的域 ( Ck ) 将其额外的能力传递给能力更低的域 ( C k+1 )。
More explicitly, you need to prevent a more powerful domain (Ck) passing on its additional powers to a less powerful domain (Ck+1).
These results are surprising and disturbing and I said there is work to be done at an individual and group level and this young man challenged me to be more explicit about that.