It certainly wasn't the clarity of expression or clean object orientation in which Python positively excels.
We determine that the comprehensive written lease before us did not create a tenancy at will. It is specific in expressing rights, obligations, and duties of the parties.
One might assert that the theory of proportions expresses the frequently perplexing concept of the Kunstwollen in clearer or, at least, more definable fashion than art itself.
I need to be clear: I don’t hate Google, nor do I think they’re evil.
Successful submissions were chosen for their nuanced depictions of pop culture, clear representation, and coherent agendas for the new laboratory's program.
The most important value of environmental and resources law is ecological security, which is due to environmental problems having been seriously threating to Survival and development of mankind.
五角大楼在2006年发布的《美国四年防务评估报告》(Quadrennial Defense Review)中明确的表达出“影响别国战略决策”的意图。
The Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) in 2006 explicitly stated an intention to "shape the choices of countries at strategic crossroads.
"Cheers", despite its popularity, is considered an informal way to say thank you—and this is a definite clue as to when you can best use it.
They didn't really articulate any position regarding the actual business plan.
Given an ontology and a model, Jena's inference engine can derive additional statements that the model doesn't express explicitly.
Such implicit expectations tend to shape the explicitly stated ones (just as our sub-conscious mind shapes our conscious expression).
尽管可以使用RDF明确地表达语义,但即使每个人都这样做,如果不知道如何将各个站点的 RDF联系起来,那么也没有什么用处。
While unambiguously expressed semantics with RDF are good, even if everyone did that, it is of little use if you have no idea how the RDF from different sites is related.
A triple's subject and predicate must be expressed as URIs to make them completely unambiguous, and standard schemas and best practices for doing this with popular domains are gaining maturity.
The above two paragraphs really express the same principle, but in more deliberate and less fuzzy language.
All too often, the steps of articulating the desired behavior and the policies that will lead to that behavior are not done, or done insufficiently.
The second responsibility is made explicit in the interface: the dependency that must be satisfied is the validation service dependency.
Obama could define the debate further - and demonstrate his professed support for the bureau - by going on the offensive and nominating Ms. Warren as its official director.
Anyway, once this relationship has been identified, it can be made explicit in a class diagram that shows the associations among the two classes of goals.
That is unclear, say researchers in a new paper published online in The Lancet.
Content words, such as nouns, adjectives and verbs, carry an explicit meaning.
Graves expressed so clearly the aftermath of combat, the wounds to the mind and soul. And he told of the actual experience in chilling understatement.
Two implementers may interpret parts of the SOAP specification differently, where the language of the specification is ambiguous.
Make sure your brand's DNA speaks to your desired perception and is' messaged 'with clarity which helps your customers understand what ONE word your brand' owns' in the market.
Carmelo Anthony has been the face of the Denver Nuggets since 2004, but on the brink of free agency, he's made it clear that he's ready to leave.
Two other important points related to the numeric types are literals, which are just explicitly expressed Numbers, like 100 in the previous examples, and bit operations.
Two other important points related to the numeric types are literals, which are just explicitly expressed Numbers, like 100 in the previous examples, and bit operations.