• 然而星巴克公司意识到挑战咖啡馆之都”风险了吗?

    But is the company aware of the risk it is taking by challenging the very birthplace of cafe society?


  • 4美元拿铁带给大众星巴克公司周四计划引入速溶咖啡系列

    Starbucks Corp. , the company that brought $4 lattes to the masses, said Thursday it plans to introduce a line of instant coffee.


  • 星巴克公司表示,将日本英国加拿大等地拓展旗下Via速溶咖啡销售业务。

    Starbucks Corp. said it's expanding the distribution of its Via instant coffee to Japan, United Kingdom and Canada.


  • 周三星巴克公司宣布为了节约成本出售其三架飞机中的架:流550型湾流四型飞机。

    On Wednesday, Starbucks said it would sell two of its three corporate jets, a Gulfstream 550 and a Gulfstream v, to save money.


  • 中国媒体攻击过星巴克价格但是星巴克公司却说价格归因于中国开店的成本

    The Chinese state media has attacked Starbucks for this practice, but the company says the prices are due to the higher costs of doing business in the country.


  • 2004年,星巴克公司(Starbucks)就提出要开设星巴克自己的农场

    Immediately after Starbucks hired him in 2004, Rodriguez started making noises about starting a Starbucks-owned farm.


  • 2009年,星巴克公司顾客引入一种混合型咖啡饮品,就包括云南产的咖啡豆。云南,意即彩云之

    In 2009, the company introduced to its customers a coffee blend that includes beans grown in Yunnan, "South of the Clouds."


  • 星巴克公司表示,希望星巴克对于美国2010的财政收益乃至销售市场广告业,都能“贡献一点点的绵薄之力”。

    Starbucks expects Via to have a “slightly positive contribution” to fiscal 2010 earnings, even with marketing and advertising.


  • 西雅图咖啡巨头星巴克公司表示三个国家增设1.3万个售卖,使出售Via速溶咖啡的门店达到5.5万个。

    The Seattle coffee giant (NASDAQ: SBUX) said it's adding 13, 000 new distribution points in those three countries and now will have 55, 000 locations selling Via.


  • 2010财年星巴克公司创下纪录,营业收入增长15%,每股收益猛增138%,2011年第一财季一纪录被打破

    The company reported record earnings for fiscal 2010, with earnings per share up 138% on a 15% gain in revenues, and then broke its own record in the first quarter of fiscal 2011.


  • 全球最大咖啡连锁企业星巴克公司股价上涨3.9%,该公司周四公布第三季度收益增长一倍同时上调了2011全年利润预期。

    Shares of Starbucks Corp. jumped 3.9 percent after reporting late Thursday that its earnings doubled last quarter. The world's largest coffee chain also raised its target for profits next year.


  • 星巴克公司股价下跌2.4%,至32.29美元,星巴克公司预计第二季度利润约合33美分低于分析师平均预计35美分。

    Starbucks slid 2.4 percent to $32.29. The world’s biggest coffee-shop operator forecast second-quarter profit will be as much as 33 cents a share, below the 35 cents analysts projected on average.


  • 周一晚上星巴克公司采用电话以及邮件的形式对林国童进行了恢复,并承诺提高店内的服务质量,争取顾客拥有愉快的消费体验

    On Monday night Lin received a call as well as an email from the company, promising that they would improve their service and provide better experience to customers.


  • 没有可以指责霍华德·舒尔茨自从重新回到星巴克集团担任首席执行官以来无所作为,当年星巴克公司在他的手中被缔造跨国集团然而继任者手中变得举步蹒跚

    NO ONE can accuse Howard Schultz of inaction since he returned as chief executive of Starbucks, the firm he built into a multinational only to watch it stumble under his successor.


  • 同时通用汽车星巴克公司在将微软谷歌网络版本进行比较之后已经决定使用前者。

    He also claims that firms such as General Motors and Starbucks have decided to embrace Microsoft's web offerings after weighing them up against Google's.


  • 公司计划带“星巴克”招牌的如果这种理念能被接受将会考虑推广其它地区

    The company also plans to open to two additional stores without the Starbucks name, and if the concept takes off, will consider expanding it to other areas.


  • 咖啡公司星巴克从前在其草创美国城市西雅图以外鲜为人知,现在成了家喻户晓品牌

    EXAMPLE: Although once unknown outside of the American city of Seattle where the coffee company began, today the Starbucks?brand has become a household word.


  • 星巴克一家利用促进销售公司之一,如今依然处于定位购买潮流前沿

    Starbucks was one of the first companies to utilize check-ins to boost sales, and remains on the forefront of the location-based buying trend.


  • 卡夫公司表示星巴克袋装咖啡业务成功起到了关键性作用,使得业绩在双方合作期间增长了十倍

    Kraft says that it played a central role in the success of Starbucks's packaged-coffee business, which grew tenfold during the course of their partnership.


  • 去年星巴克市场份额下滑了42%,使成为纳斯达克股指表现最差公司之一

    Last year Starbucks' shares slumped by 42%, making it one of the worst performers on the NASDAQ stock exchange.


  • 即使麦当劳星巴克这些公司表面看起来任何地方东西一样实际上他们提供的产品在不同地区上也有差异。

    Even McDonald's and Starbucks, which appear to sell the same stuff everywhere, in fact vary their offerings from place to place.


  • 公司计划带“星巴克”招牌的如果这种理念能被接受将会考虑推广其它地区

    The company also plans to open to two additional stores without the Starbucks name, and if the concept takes off, will consider expanding it to other areas


  • 根据一家市场研究公司BrandZ排名星巴克百事都名列全球50最有价值品牌的行列之中。

    Starbucks and Pepsi rank among the 50 most valuable brands in the world, according to BrandZ, a market-research company.


  • 假设星巴克客人认为Via好喝公司不得不价格定合适

    Assuming Starbucks drinkers decide that Via tastes good, the company will have to get the price right.


  • 舒尔茨提出的重星巴克根源愿望看来公司全球范围增长40000家的既定目标相冲突。

    Mr Schultz's desire to return to Starbucks' roots would appear to be at odds with the company's stated goal of growing to 40,000 outlets worldwide.


  • 舒尔茨提出的重星巴克根源愿望看来公司全球范围增长40000家的既定目标相冲突。

    Mr Schultz's desire to return to Starbucks' roots would appear to be at odds with the company's stated goal of growing to 40, 000 outlets worldwide.


  • Acosta公司正是2009年协助星巴克上市热销速溶咖啡Via公司

    In 2009 Acosta helped Starbucks to launch Via, a popular brand of instant coffee.


  • Acosta公司正是2009年协助星巴克上市热销速溶咖啡Via公司

    In 2009 Acosta helped Starbucks to launch Via, a popular brand of instant coffee.


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