That means that our nearest neighbours are perhaps 100 light years away, which is almost next door in astronomical terms.
It would seem sensible to seek the source of these in the universe's most conspicuous energy factories: quasars and gamma-ray bursts billions of light-years away from Earth.
The first is a pair of planets, each about the mass of Jupiter, that whirl around their home star 15 light years from Earth in perfect lockstep.
Located 54 light-years away, the exoplanet is yet another member of the super-Earth club [source: NASA].
这幅高清望远镜图像显示的是距地15 000光年的半人马座欧米伽球状星团(NGC 5139)。
Featured in this sharp telescopic image, globular star cluster Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) is some 15, 000 light-years away.
A classic dark nebula, the Snake is a tendril of interstellar gas and dust about 650 light years away.
The nearest star to our own is Proxima Centuari and it lays just over 4 light-years away.
The nebula lies about 5,800 light-years from Earth and is home to a cluster of relatively young stars born about eight million years ago.
Betelgeuse, which is part of the Orion constellation 640 light years away from Earth, is a red supergiant, meaning that it is nearing the end of its life and is due to explode.
The next-closest known star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, located 4.2 light years away.
GD 362是颗白矮星,距离地球150光年,也在银河系。
The star was a White Dwarf called GD 362, and it's 150 light years from Earth, still within our galaxy.
Located about 12 million light-years away in the Ursa Major constellation, M81 is among the brightest of the galaxies visible by telescope from Earth.
At 5, 500 light years distant, Cat's Paw is an emission nebula with a red color that originates from an abundance of ionized hydrogen atoms.
Kronberger 61距离地球大约13,000光年,是天鹅座的一名“成员”。它几近完美的球形;相较于其他3,000余行星星云,它可谓十分不同寻常。
Kronberger 61 lies roughly 13, 000 light-years away in the Cygnus constellation and is almost perfectly round-an oddity when compared with the other 3, 000 or so planetary nebulae already discovered.
这个星体被命名为WISE1828 + 2650,位于距离我们太阳40光年的距离内,并且是迄今已知的最冷的褐矮星。
Cataloged as WISE 1828 + 2650, it lies within 40 light-years of the Sun and is currently the coldest brown dwarf known.
It is actually a triple-star system about 500 light-years away.
Of course, that string is a cosmic trail of gas, dust, and stars about 22, 000 light-years long.
The feature spans 50, 000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the centre of our galaxy.
This was an explosion about 160, 000 light years from earth. The thing is, the neutrinos and the photons from the explosion reached us at almost exactly the same time.
The universe's largest known galaxies are giant elliptical galaxies, which may be as much as two million light-years long.
This was an explosion about 160,000 light years from earth. The thing is, the neutrinos and the photons from the explosion reached us at almost exactly the same time.
M13 is home to over 100, 000 stars and locatedat a distance of 25, 000 light-years.
M 13是超过十万颗恒星的家园,距我们25000光年。
M13 is home to over 100,000 stars and located at a distance of 25,000 light-years.
M 13是超过十万颗恒星的家园,距我们25000光年。
M13 is home to over 100, 000 stars and located at a distance of 25, 000 light-years.
The monster, on the right, is actually an inanimate pillar of gas and dust that measures over a light year in length.
This image was produced by combining a dozen Chandra observations made of a 130-light-year region in the center of the Milky Way.
大约在44百万光年之外是NGC 5866纺锤状星系,照片所显示的是其侧缘。
About 44 million light years away sits NGC 5866, the Spindle Galaxy, seen here in an edge-on view that reveals its thinness.
大约在44百万光年之外是NGC 5866纺锤状星系,照片所显示的是其侧缘。
About 44 million light years away sits NGC 5866, the Spindle Galaxy, seen here in an edge-on view that reveals its thinness.