• 很妙的孙子主张天先于知地。

    Interestingly, Sun Zi advocated understanding the weather first before understanding the terrain.


  • 参与冲突取胜概念孙子战略思想基本原理

    The concept of being victorious without engaging in conflict is fundamental to Sun Tzu's strategic thought.


  • 五件事,孙子根本,也所有生活十字军”无须否认辩驳的特征因此将会成为我们这里重点

    They are the undeniable and nonnegotiable characteristics of any life crusade. Thus, they will be our focus here.


  • 《火攻篇》思想孙子战争复杂性认识进一步深化,体现孙子战争本身复杂性和后果严重性的双重忧虑。

    The thought of being cautious in war in Attacking with Fire is Sun Tzu's further insight into war complexity, which represents Sun Tzu's double anxiety about war complexity and serious consequences.


  • 始终坚持孙子无辜的没有什么改变她的这一信念

    She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief.


  • 不幸,在看到孙子之前去世了

    Sadly, he died before he could see his grandchild.


  • 与此同时大多数孩子容易受到没有孙子父母巨大影响,这些父母的目标说服自己的孩子孩子。

    Meanwhile, most children are vulnerable to the enormous influence exerted by grandchildless parents aiming to persuade their kids to produce children.


  • 运的,我们的两个儿子都很好,孙子也长得高大又坦率。

    Fortunately, both our sons are doing well and grandchildren are growing up straight and tall.


  • 然后看见笑了意识到视力已经糟糕了,她实际上认为她的孙子

    Then when she saw me and smiled, I realized her vision was so bad that she actually thought I was her grandson.


  • 如果孙子小时候没有过分溺爱无论从一点说,可能接手这份产业的。

    At which point, if he was not overfed as a baby your grandson ought to be able to squeeze into it.


  • 身为王子希尔恰好已故阿富汗国王查希尔·孙子喀布尔周围地区的影响力远远超过一般官僚

    Zaher happens to be a prince, the grandson of the late Afghan monarch Zaher Shah, and he has far more clout around Kabul than the ordinary bureaucrat.


  • 如果我们时间漫长-如果我们为的孩子孙子利益角度思考-那么这种理论将使我们不原为他们花费任何

    If your timeframe is long - if you're thinking in terms of benefits for your children or grandchildren - then this effect quickly makes it unreasonable to spend any money for their benefit.


  • 医院礼品店里,一位陌生人肩膀上了好一会儿:她的孙子这里重症监护的病人救援者到现在都没有找到她的儿子

    In the hospital gift shop, a stranger sobbed on her shoulder for several minutes: her grandson was a patient in the intensive care unit, and rescuers still hadn't found her son.


  • 现在每周客户工作叫随得到报酬一笔不低的聘用费、孙子学费接手其他客户灵活性

    She is on call to work three times a week for a former client, in return for which she earns a decent retainer fee, school tuition for her grandson, and the flexibility to take on other clients.


  • 今年夏天出任公司总裁丰田昭夫丰田公司创始人丰田喜一郎的孙子,也14年来第一位执掌丰田的家族成员

    Toyoda, who took charge of the company this summer, is the grandson of Toyota's founder and the first member of the family to run Toyota in 14 years.


  • 分三六九的”,周我们说道依靠着一个破旧塑料编织袋他2岁的孙子着他那帆布夹克编织袋上面。

    "The people are not equal," he'd said earlier, leaning back against a worn plastic bag as he cradled a 2-year-old grandson wrapped in a canvas jacket being used as a blanket.


  • 失望,里面没有提到留声机和圆筒的事,埃德蒙兹的孙子对此事也没有任何印象。

    To his disappointment, it contained no references to Graphophones or cylinders, and Edmunds's grandchildren remembered nothing.


  • 如果告诉我的孩子们她的孙子和孙女我没有办法安度我的一生

    I couldn't go through life not telling her because they are her grandchildren.


  • 伊丽莎白温莎全球第二富有女人所以幸好孙子婚礼找出几个零花的小钱来用。

    Elizabeth Windsor is the second richest woman on the planet, so it's just as well she was able to find a few spare pennies for her grandson's wedding.


  • 也许多年后,我们孙子孙女觉得我们现在的生活多么的滑稽我们在家一部电影时,我们先坐进辆“车子”里,然后一幢“建筑”里,租用一张塑料的“碟子”,最后还这张“碟子”“归还”。

    Our grandchildren will find it hilarious that people, when they wanted to watch a movie at home, used to get in acarand drive to a “buildingto rent a plastic “disc” that had to bereturned.”


  • 孙子自己母亲杀害地方跳舞生命中的最大成功,“那个时候开始,不再受害者了。”

    Dancing with his grandchildren in the place where his mother was murdered was the greatest triumph of his life, he says. "Since then, I am no longer a victim."


  • 很高比例老年人定期照护孙子孙女或者其他亲戚朋友这样孙子孙女得到照护后,对子女带来了支持

    A high percentage of older people care for their grandchildren or other relatives and friends regularly and thus, in case of grandchildren, are supporting their children.


  • 一个男人能够承担好几个妻子子女孙子其他亲属大家族生活,可以成群供养他们,这样的男人认为有财富的。

    A man who could sustain a large extended family of several wives, children, grandchildren and other kin, along with the flocks to feed them, was considered rich.


  • 莫凡一位中国企业家孙子,他芝加哥蓝道夫马肯学院队长之一。

    Mo Fan, the grandson of a Chinese entrepreneur, is one of four squad commanders at Randolph-Macon Academy in Chicago.


  • 拉拉我们分享座房子,我们各自居住自己的房间,我们现在两个孙子我们的现在的关系并唯一无二的。

    I'm a lesbian, but we share a house, we have separate rooms, we have two grandchildren now, and our situation is not unique.


  • 28岁马丁内斯纽约一家保险公司职员。有一孙子可能会他们祖父又平庸,直到灰尘的、显示我“当年勇”的东西拿出来给他们看。

    'One day my grandchildren might think their granddad is old and lame, until I bust out the dusty box of old flings,' says Mr. Martinez, 28, who works at an insurer in New York.


  • 现在你们可能会孙子生命的,车子理想没有生命的。

    Now you might say a little bit that your grandchild is alive and cars and ideals are not alive.


  • 现在你们可能会孙子生命的,车子理想没有生命的。

    Now you might say a little bit that your grandchild is alive and cars and ideals are not alive.


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