This may be due to some disadvantages for people living in the countryside, including lower levels of income and education, higher costs of healthy foods, and fewer sports facilities.
According to some estimates, the majority of all extinctions of species may be due to such impacts.
It's quite possible that this is due to volcanic eruptions, because volcanic eruptions often emit gases.
The recent spike in food prices around the world that you've all heard of is because of rising energy costs.
Some mountains were formed as a result of these plates crashing into each other and forcing up the rock at the plate margins.
As far as goods transport is concerned, growth is due to a large extent to changes in the European economy and its system of production.
Diabetic neuropathy is damage to the nerves as a result of diabetes, and affects up to 50% of people with diabetes.
None of these volcanoes was formed as a result of collisions between plates of the Martian crust—there is no plate motion on Mars.
拿 NBA球员来说,他们身高的增加似乎是由于从世界各地招募球员的做法越来越普遍。
In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.
The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations.
In fact, you may have heard about the new "superbugs", which are antibiotic-resistant bacteria that have developed as a result of overprescribed antibiotics.
It is reported that many accidents resulted from people's breaking of traffic rules, so everyone should keep the traffic rules in mind and obey them strictly.
A third type of mountain may be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in the Cascade Range of western North America.
Now, even though it may be difficult to understand how a huge mass of ice can move—or flow, it's another word for it—it's really no secret that glaciers flow because of gravity.
10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.
I always suspected she owed her first job to her friendship with Roger.
They were unable to prove that the unfortunate lady had died as a direct result of his injection.
Marx produced a new theory about historical change based upon conflict between competing groups.
The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.
The spread may also be caused by coming into contact with something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.
According to Xinhua, adding labor education was out of care that the country's youngsters do too little housework and that they think labor jobs aren't important.
Some people say that the success of modern-day pub quizzes is caused by a board game from the 1980s, called Trivial Pursuit.
Those that have disappeared were destroyed by fire as a result of lightning or civil war.
Type 1 Diabetes results from the body not having enough insulin.
One theory is that they were hunted to extinction by humans.
The defect happens when a baby's top lip or mouth doesn't form properly before birth.
This may be down to our brain's "mirror neurons", which are known to mimic others' actions.
Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children, which might result from lacking communication.