Retrieving the peer certificate is necessary if you wish to either display it to the user or verify it either against the host name or the certificate authority.
In this case, it will also display the host name and IP Address of the clone to which the request was sent.
注意:如果您配置了远程CEI服务器,则必须修改CEI选项,以显示远程主机名、R mi端口和安全设置。
Note: if you have configured a remote CEI server, you must modify the CEI options to specify the remote host name, RMI port and security Settings.
在图1中的树形视图,显示了一个叫做“RSA”的SQL服务器,它在一个物理服务器上运行并且主机名是IBM - MAX0Q 2aifg2。
In Figure 1, the tree view, shows a SQL server instance called "RSA" running on a physical server with the hostname of IBM-MAX0Q2AIFG2.
Type the host name or IP address of your instance, a colon (:) and the display number (for example,
This portlet code will only work for horizontal cloning environment where the machine's IP address and hostname are displayed.
Next, configure the default Web page on each server to display a static page containing the hostname of the machine serving the page.
If these debug URLs work, try displaying the store that you have published using the proxy server's host name.
You can tailor the prompt to include the host name, your login name, or some other display characters.
Listing 6 shows the output during a Domain name Server (DNS) lookup for a hostname.
A more typical solution is to display the username, hostname, directory, and the dollar or hash sign, depending on the UID of the current user.
You will be prompted for the hostname of a node to add to the cluster, followed by the name of the server you wish to give it.
Activity: Current activities from connected clients, and a display of the servers hostname and IP-address.
As shown in Figure 5, all the customization parameters, such as HostName, DomainName, NodeName, and so on, are displayed.
scanap: scanap脚本的作用是显示IP地址、MAC地址、主机名,以及客户机与ap之间的连接的质量。
Scanap: the scanap script displays the IP address, MAC address, name, and signal quality of each client associated to the ap.
Table 1 also shows a host name called abcdefgh00, which happens to correspond with the node name of the system.
在此输出中,所显示的节点URL表明了运行节点的实际主机名称,而tuscany运行时则安装在c: \ tuscany \tuscany - sca - 1.3.1目录中。
In this output, the displayed URL of the node shows the actual host name where the node is run, while the Tuscany run time is installed in the c: \ Tuscany \ tuscany-sca-1.3.1 directory.
The portlet will display host name, host IP Address, and the application server name for each of the clones, as shown in Figure 33.
My Server shows the status, added timestamp, modified timestamp, IP Hostname, and snapshot duration for the current configuration.
Other quick look-up tools on the site will show your current User Agent string from your browser, as well as your screen resolution and host name.
For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, First visit date, Last visit date, visit counter, Referrer, Title, and Host name.
For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, First visit date, Last visit date, visit counter, Referrer, Title, and Host name.