• 晚霜是导致水果低产原因。

    Late frosts accounted for the poor fruit crop.


  • 可以白天使用优色林红色疏缓晚霜吗?

    Can I use Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Night Creme during the day?


  • 精华2浓度,配合晚霜使用提供最大程度抗老化效果。

    The Elixir is doubly concentrated, and designed to deliver maximum anti-aging benefits when used with the Night Cream.


  • 晚霜才是我的最爱,能够很好的滋润皮肤,也不会觉得油腻

    This is nourishing without being oily and it gives radiance to your skin.


  • 晚上上床睡觉之前确保彻底清洁脸部皮肤,涂上修复功能的晚霜

    Be sure to clean your face thoroughly before going to bed at night and apply a good night time moisturizer.


  • 蜂蜜萃取物尿囊素乳酸等的独家配方的日晚霜满足的具体需要

    Honey extract, allantoin and lactic acid will answer all your specific needs.


  • 胶囊顶端内容物指尖,在晚霜之前涂抹于清洁后的皮肤之上。

    Remove the tip of the capsule and squeeze the content onto fingertips. Apply on cleansed face and neck before day or night cream.


  • 初期建议每天夜间当做晚霜使用1 - 2肌肤适应之后,早晚密集使用。

    Initially proposed as a night cream every night use, After 1-2 weeks the skin to be adapted, then sooner or later, intensive use.


  • 如果看到有脱皮感到皮肤很干燥更多晚霜不能防晒所以需要涂抹防晒霜

    If you're seeing flakes or your skin just feels parched, go for the big guns, even in the a.m. (Night creams don't protect from the sun, though, so you'll want to follow with a sunscreen.)


  • 有机甜杏仁油荷荷芭调和奶油般质感晚霜加入柠檬以及天竺葵等成分

    Organic almond and jojoba oils are combined with softening marsh-mallow and a toning blend of lemon and geranium in this rich cream.


  • 如果保湿乳效果好,那么搭配使用新出的爽肤水、精华素晚霜岂不是更好

    If a new moisturizer is good, then the combination of a new toner, serum, and night cream must be better, right?


  • 使用方法:爽肤后取适量均匀涂抹面部可用超声波导入,配合晚霜使用效果更佳

    Usage: After freshening, get the product at a right volume and smooth on face, also can be induced by ultrasonic. Better effect together with night cream.


  • 近年来,气候恶化导致茶叶遭受晚霜冻害日益严重,每年由于晚霜造成经济损失惨重。

    In recent years, tea production has severely suffered from late frost damage in early spring because of the increasing climate deterioration.


  • 使用方法:爽肤取适量均匀涂抹面部可用超声波导入,配合晚霜使用效果更佳

    Usage: After face freshening, get the product at a right volume and smooth on face and also could be induced with ultrasonic. Better effect together with night cream.


  • 是的,而且我们使用特别配方的保护肌肤不被日光晒伤,还有晚霜皮肤补充水分。

    Beautician:Yes. We'll also apply a special Day Cream that will protect the skin from the sun and Night Cream that will moisturize the skin.


  • 橄榄油晚霜蕴含橄榄油精华改善日间环境因素导致肌肤受损状态,使其回复活力

    Olive oil Moisturizing Night CreamContain olive oil essence, relieve damaged skin caused by external environment, and recover skin to energetic state.


  • 尽管他们属于耐寒植物,但他们通常危险晚霜结束开花,结果霜冻会使死掉,导致减产

    Despite being frost-tolerant, they usually flower before the risk of a late frost is over and the flowers can die, reducing crops.


  • 冬小麦晚霜冻害最低温度小麦发育期两个因素确定,数据库中查询晚霜冻害确切资料

    Winter late freezing disaster (WFD) is decided by the minimum temperature and winter development periods, detailed data of WFD cann't be obtained from database.


  • 几个月,感觉真是棒极了,晚霜质地有点厚厚的,但极易推开,我这样干燥肌肤滋润!

    I have been using this for the last few months & it is wonderful, it has a lovely thick texture & is great for dry skin.


  • 广泛适用于美白润肤露、美白面、保湿润肤露、保湿润肤霜、保湿化妆水、晚霜粉底霜、唇膏。

    Widely used in whitening lotion, whitening cream, moisturizing lotion, moisturizing cream, moisturizing lotion, sooner or later, cream, foundation cream, lipstick.


  • 干燥皮肤者,可先使用“生物蛋白再生活肤养颜晚霜”,吸收,在最外层涂“保湿美白日霜”。

    Apply "bio-protein Cream" or "active essential night cream" then moisturizing "whitening day cream" one dry skin.


  • 清洁面部后,取出适量的去焦炙面部按摩2 - 3分钟然后冷水洗净,使用保湿产品晚霜

    After regular cleansing, apply small amount on damp face and gently massage in for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and then apply moisturizer, night cream, or our Hyaluronic Acid.


  • 葡萄多酚VE结合营养丰富可以充当晚霜使用,使肤色白皙,让皮肤富有弹性致,迷人光泽,呈现健康活力

    With plenty of nourishing essence from grape polyphenol and VE, it can also be used as night cream to whiten and firm skin, make skin healthy and energetic with high luster.


  • 特级紧精华液,采用纯天然配方提升皮肤恢复更加容光焕发的肤色。与抗衰老日霜或者晚霜一起使用效果更佳。

    Natural skin brighteners Green Tea, Licorice and Mulberry extracts help to even skin tone so your complexion appears more radiant.


  • 早霜晚霜、松毛虫、叶蜂落叶松早期落叶病等都直接影响鞘蛾食物质量数量进而间接地使鞘蛾种群密度降低

    Early and late frost, Dedrolimus superans, sawfly and needle cast of larch could reduce the quality and quantity of foods of larch casebearer and had indirect effects on its population density.


  • 使用方法:干性熟龄肌肤提供每日保湿所有肌肤类型均可当晚霜使用。应用于清洁后的面部颈部避免接触眼睛

    To use: Daily moisture for dry, mature skin. Perfect night cream for all skin types. Apply to clean face and neck. Avoid contact with eyes.


  • 利用1971 ~ 2005年甘肃省白银市辖区4个台站逐日地面最低温度资料,统计分析了早、发生的气候特征时间变化规律。

    By using the surface minimum temperature of 4 observational stations in the period 1971 ~ 2005 in Baiyin area, the spatial features and frost evolution were analyzed.


  • 素面 (绵羊) 中特别添加了两种成分 -胶原蛋白质体。它可以同时作为日霜和晚霜使用肌肤带来一整天滋润呵护!

    Perfect Balance Placenta Wrinkle Moisture CreamPlacenta Cream (skin oil) has been fortified with collagen and liposomes to nourish your skin as a day and night cream.


  • 它们在窃窃私语般温软的嗓音中低吟,蔽日般争相握手的手掌间诉说,在精致人工塑造、苍白如淡斑晚霜Porcelana涂抹过的脸庞上闪动。

    They were encased in a voice as soft as a whisper, a handshake that felt like a cloud, a face as pale and delicate as plastic surgery and Porcelana skin-bleach could make it.


  • 不要很多急切热爱种植者一样,急匆匆地种植西红柿辣椒马铃薯或者牵牛花等等那些一年生植物,因为一场晚霜随时可以要了它们的命,晚霜的地方非常普通的,过了纪念日(一般是5月30)再种吧。

    Rush to plant heat-lovers like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, or annuals like petunias if you live where late frosts are common. Wait until after Memorial Day.


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