• 本文智能制造系统基础理论智能单元技术智能机器有关技术作了论述

    The paper discusses the basic theory of intelligent manufacturing system, intelligence cell technology, and the technology of intelligent robot.


  • 分析当前制造系统基础上,提出了基于网络的智能制造系统的分布式控制结构

    This paper analyzes the current manufacturing system and then presents the control architecture based on distributed control.


  • 智能制造技术(IMT)智能制造系统(IMS)当今先进工业国家争相开发探索技术领域之一

    Intelligent Manufactusing technology (IMT) and Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS) is one of high technology area on which highly industrialized countries pay more attention to develop and explore.


  • 很多智能手机制造设备本身根据操作系统分组

    There are many smart phone manufacturers, but the devices themselves can be grouped by operating system.


  • 三星诺基亚的手机之战,对于这个操作系统下了很大赌注希望可以在全球市场制造便宜智能手机

    Samsung sure hopes so as it's betting heavily on the OS in its battle with Nokia to make cheap smartphones globally accessible.


  • 这笔规模惊人交易使谷歌智能手机操作系统供应商摇身一变,成为智能手机的制造可能会谷歌的一些合作伙伴感到紧张

    This monster deal will convert Google from smartphone OS provider to smartphone maker, which may make some of its other partners nervous.


  • Google来说,核心的问题在于Google本身,而是所有运行Google操作系统Android智能手机平板电脑硬件制造

    The key for Google is not Google itself, but rather all the hardware makers that build smartphones and tablets that run Android, Google's mobile operating system.


  • 其中核心就是谷歌智能电话操作系统Android系统电信公司手机制造免费使用

    At the heart of that act lies Android, the firm's smartphone operating system, which it lets telecoms firms and phone-makers use for nothing.


  • 2年前这家台湾智能手机制造调整了业务方向,开始减少基于微软WM操作系统手机增加基于谷歌Android系统运作的手机产量。

    Two years ago the Taiwanese smartphone - maker retuned its business to make fewer devices that run on Microsoft's Windows Mobile operating system and more that work on Google's Android.


  • 联网设备制造Cisco首创智能互联社区”,该项目领导者WimElfrink称,“所有智能系统共同基础结构。”

    It is the common infrastructure for all the smart systems,” says Wim Elfrink, who heads the “Smart+Connected Communitiesinitiative of Cisco, the networking-equipment maker.


  • 联网设备制造Cisco首创智能互联社区”,该项目领导者WimElfrink称,“所有智能系统共同基础结构。”

    "It is the common infrastructure for all the smart systems," says Wim Elfrink, who heads the "smart + Connected Communities" initiative of Cisco, the networking-equipment maker.


  • 三阶吉行(译注:日本筑波大学的机器人工程专家)的公司——生化人(Cyberdyne),制造的一种智能外套,可以实现神经系统受损进行交互活动,比如帮助他们行走。

    Yoshiyuki Sankai’s company, Cyberdyne, makes robotic suits that interact with damaged nervous systems to enable people to walk, for example.


  • 美国将近40%智能提供操作系统,超过了苹果以及黑莓智能机的制造RIM平台

    In America it now powers nearly 40% of new smartphones, outdoing the platforms of Apple and RIM, the maker of BlackBerry smartphones.


  • 本文提出锥齿轮智能检测系统锥齿轮制造过程用作最终质量检测质量控制工具

    The intelligent check system proposed in this paper can be used as the final quality check and quality control tool in spiral bevel and hypoid gear manufacture process.


  • 为了提高制造控制系统智能重构能力,提出扩展功能概念

    To increase the intelligently reconfigurable capability of manufacturing control system, a novel concept of extended function block was proposed.


  • 针对制造企业大实际需求,进行基于智能中间件敏捷CAPP工具系统研制和应用开发。 本文主要研究成果和特色如下。

    Based on the theoretical study mentioned above, a softweare prototype (SCU-CAPPTool) of agile CAPP system based on intelligent middleware is developed.


  • 通过制造系统控制模型研究提出一种用于制造系统动态监测调控智能反馈算法

    By research on the model about manufacturing system, this paper presents an algorithm of intelligence feedback for dynamic monitoring and scheduling of it.


  • 建立了制造企业智能ERP体系结构此基础上设计实现了个完整的ERP系统

    An agent erp system framework was established and an erp system has been completed for mould base manufactory enterprises.


  • 提出了利用分布式的多智能协调控制技术实现焊接柔性制造系统进行控制的思想。

    We put forward a distributed collaboration control method with multi-agent architecture for welding flexible manufacturing system (WFMS).


  • 系统目的降低智能制造设备开发成本,缩短开发周期,提高智能制造装备设计质量

    The aim of the system is to reduce the cost and time for developing intelligent manufacturing equipment, and to improve the design quality for them.


  • 非线性极大极小系统全局优化用于柔性制造智能交通决策控制

    Global optimization of nonlinear max-min systems can be used for decision and control of the flexible manufacturing systems and intelligent transport systems.


  • 提出一种机械制造工艺知识表达方法采用推理数据库知识库提高系统智能

    A knowledge representation method of machine making technology is given. Infers engine, data base and knowledge base were used tO improve the intelligence of the system.


  • 智能内涵基本特性进行详细探讨基础上,提出一种新的动态基于多智能制造系统建模方法

    Based on a detailed discussion about the connotation and basic properties of multi-agent, a new dynamic multi-agent-based modeling approach for manufacturing system is proposed.


  • 虚拟企业复杂多变分散制造环境,适合采用智能系统的技术,并应用合同协议进行生产过程的计划调度。

    The Contact Net Protocol (CNP) based on Multi-Agent System (MAS) is fit for the distributed manufacturing systems in Virtual Enterprise (VE) to solve scheduling and controlling problem.


  • 机器视觉系统作为表面组装装备关键部分智能程度直接决定着表面组装制造系统智能化程度。

    Machine vision system is a key part of SMT machine, and its intelligentized extent is crucial to SMT manufacturing system.


  • 文章智能特性进行了全面阐述,提出了一种新的动态基于智能制造系统建模方法

    In this paper the primitive properties of agents are discussed and a new dynamic multi-agent based modeling approach for manufacturing system is proposed.


  • 通过集成多机器人传感器焊接柔性制造系统进行焊接生产任务执行过程分析,提出了针对焊接柔性制造系统智能控制系统结构

    We constructed an architecture of multi-agent control system for WFMS by analyzing the welding manufacturing processing of a WFMS with multi-manipulator and multi-sensor.


  • 阐述智能制造装备特点基础上提出一种基于CORBA规范的智能制造装备数字化设计验证系统的体系结构,并探讨了实现该系统关键技术。

    On the basis of expounding the features of intelligent manufacturing equipment, a CORBA-based system of the digital design and verification for the intelligent manufacturing equipment is presented.


  • 项目常熟开关制造有限公司工业配电智能系统一个组成部分已经完成样机,在公司网络模拟中取得了成功

    This item is one part of industry intelligent power distribution system in Changshu Switchgear Mfg. co. Ltd. They have made a prototype successfully when simulation.


  • 项目常熟开关制造有限公司工业配电智能系统一个组成部分已经完成样机,在公司网络模拟中取得了成功

    This item is one part of industry intelligent power distribution system in Changshu Switchgear Mfg. co. Ltd. They have made a prototype successfully when simulation.


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