• 洛杉矶起飞飞机已经暂停

    There's been a temporary suspension of flights out of LA.


  • 鉴于战斗趋于激烈,宪法暂停实施

    The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse.


  • 出于安全考虑裁判暂停那场比赛。

    Officials suspended the game because of safety concerns.


  • 边缘暂停下来努力恢复平衡

    She paused on the edge, trying to regain her balance.


  • 暂停下来,觉着帽子下面的头皮刺痒难耐。

    He paused, feeling his scalp prickling under his hat.


  • 如果超过了信贷限额我们有权暂停取消账户

    If you exceed your credit limit, we have the right to suspend or cancel your account.


  • 政府已经暂停地的所有援助直到海地恢复合法政府为止。

    The government said that it has suspended all aid to Haiti until that country's legitimate government is restored.


  • 可以通过这些面板恢复暂停端点

    You can resume or pause the endpoints through these panels.


  • 美国应该暂停浓缩设定一个最后期限

    The US should set a deadline for the suspension of uranium enrichment.


  • 美国邮政服务USPS暂停邮件投递

    The United States Postal Service (USPS) suspended mail delivery.


  • 一风波迫使阿罗约9月份暂停了这些合同

    The groundswell forced Arroyo to suspend the contracts in September.


  • 一风波迫使阿罗约9月份暂停了这些合同

    The groundswell forced Arroyo to suspend the contracts in September.


  • 意味着联邦航空局可以暂停维珍银河飞行许可

    That means that the FAA could suspend Virgin Galactic's license to fly.


  • 甚至美国邮政服务USPS暂停邮件投递

    Even the United States Postal Service(USPS) suspended mail delivery.


  • 一旦开始生长这些植物似乎就不再具有暂停新陈代谢能力

    Once they start growing, such plants seem not to retain the ability to hit the pause button on metabolism in their stems or leaves.


  • 事实上每个学期都会一些学生因为没有而被暂停借书权利

    In fact, every semester we get a few students who would have their borrowing privileges suspended completely because they haven't returned books.


  • 事实上每个学期我们都会一些学生因为没有而被暂停借阅权限

    In fact, every semester we get a few students who have their borrowing privileges suspended completely because they haven't returned books.


  • 更重要的是如果记得一个单词句子暂停秒钟看看笔记

    What's more, if you don't remember the next word or line, pause for one or two seconds to look at your note card.


  • 暂停胚胎发育与其兄弟姐妹竞争有利于使做好准备避免艰难时期的到来。

    The pause of the development of an embryo has more benefits for preparing it to avoid the harsh times than for competing with its siblings.


  • 这个目标金融危机期间暂停搁置今年第二季度公司差一点实现一目标。

    That target suspended during the financial crisis, but in the second quarter of this year, the company came within a whisker of achieving it.


  • “极寒天气突袭,出于邮政员工安全考虑,”美国邮政周三上午宣布,“1月1日暂停送货服务。”

    "Due to this arctic outbreak and concerns for the safety of USPS employees," USPS announced Wednesday morning, "the Postal Service is suspending delivery Jan 1st."


  • 这种行为应该公司指导方针相一致可能包括重新分配员工新的工作岗位暂停他们的工作,或者解雇他们。

    The action should be consistent with the firm's guidelines and may include reassigning the employees to new jobs, suspending them temporarily, or firing them.


  • 这些可能包括威胁冻结欧盟提供贫困地区欧盟大型项目资金甚至暂停某个成员国欧盟部长级理事会投票权

    These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU mega-projects, and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.


  • 这样生命史策略中,有机体暂停任何生长繁殖其他活动时间以便它们可能更晚适宜生存的时间发生

    In such a life history strategy, the organism suspends any growth, reproduction, or other activities for a period of time so that they may occur at a later, more hospitable time.


  • 本周暴风雪造成冰冻道路使华盛顿州西雅图地区大部分地区陷入瘫痪由于路面结冰过多而无法通行,周五学校关闭公交线路暂停

    Icy roads created from storms this week paralyzed much of the greater Seattle, Washington area, where schools were closed and bus routes were suspended Friday as roads were too icy to navigate.


  • 拟议预算包括超过10亿美元的削减通过减员缩小警察部门的规模,已经停止了一些救护车班次暂停塑料玻璃回收

    The proposed budget includes more than $1 billion in cuts that will shrink the police department through attrition, have halted some ambulance shifts, and have suspended plastic and glass recycling.


  • 美国邮政周三上午宣布:“由于北极地区疫情爆发,以及美国邮政雇员安全担忧,1月30日邮政暂停大约3位数邮政编码地区的邮递服务。”

    "Due to this arctic outbreak and concerns for the safety of USPS emplovees," USPS announced Wednesday morning," the Postal Service is suspending delivery Jan.30 in some 3 digit ZIP Code locations."


  • 美国邮政署周三上午宣布:“由于北极地区遭遇严寒侵袭,出于对美国邮政员工安全担忧邮政部门将1月30日暂停3位数邮政编码地区的邮递服务。”

    "Due to this arctic outbreak and concerns for the safety of USPS employees," USPS announced Wednesday morning," the Postal Service is suspending delivery Jan.30 in some 3-digit ZIP Code locations."


  • 会议呼吁年内暂停商业捕鲸活动

    The convention called for a two-year moratorium on commercial whaling.


  • 议会投票强行暂停核试验一年。

    The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing.


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