• 大部分难民滞留地区暴露在风雨之中

    The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements.


  • 天真无邪很快就暴露艺术界的做作。

    Her wide-eyed innocence soon exposes the pretensions of the art world.


  • 螺钉暴露在外

    There should be no exposed screw heads.


  • 他们核武器试验过程中暴露放射性核辐射

    They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.


  • 间谍身份暴露之前一直从事日益危险任务

    He undertook increasingly dangerous assignments until his exposure as a spy.


  • 很多人看到这样暴露群人当中感到很意外。

    Many were surprised to see him exposed like this in the midst of a large crowd.


  • 关于这场暴乱报道暴露一个被逼崩溃边缘的监狱体制

    The report on the riot exposed a prison system stretched to breaking point.


  • 奥尔特曼揭穿伪装神话电影业暴露成像其他任何行业一样

    Altman strips away the pretense and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other.


  • 领导力缺陷关键时刻暴露无遗

    His leadership flaws were exposed at the critical moment.


  • 使我们我们朋友暴露令人不快的监视之下

    It exposes us and our friends to disagreeable spying.


  • 火山外层已经磨损殆尽,直到核层完全暴露在外

    The outer layers of the volcano were worn away, until the hardcore stood completely exposed.


  • 有没有其他方法防止这些秋天过度暴露阳光下?

    Do these trees have other means at their disposal to prevent overexposure to light in autumn?


  • 推测来讲离家频繁,就越可能暴露捕食者面前

    Presumably, the more often it wanders from home, the more it's likely to be exposed to predators.


  • 羞辱最大的恐惧;紧随其后的是自我暴露无法吸引观众

    Humiliation is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to the audience come a close second.


  • 即使时间暴露温度下,有些种子内发芽。

    Some seeds may germinate in three days even if they have been exposed to very low temperatures for a long time.


  • 我们看到都有缺点晒,太阴暗,太暴露,太庇护。

    Each one that we saw had its drawbacks: too sunny, too shady, too exposed, too sheltered.


  • 如果马上治愈,甚至可能屋顶或者暴露类似的危险中。

    She might even climb the roof, or be exposed to similar dangers, if she was not cured at once.


  • 实际损失取决于暴露特定频率以及声音连续还是间歇的。

    Actual loss will depend upon the particular frequencies to which one is exposed, and whether the sound is continuous or intermittent.


  • 若长期暴露当前环境气味中,个体气味强度感知大大减弱

    With continued exposure to chronically present ambient odors, individuals' perception of odor intensity is greatly reduced.


  • 三个月后妇女皮肤更加湿润光滑暴露紫外线减少鳞片

    After three months, the women's skin was moister, smoother, and less scaly and red when exposed to ultraviolet light.


  • 研究结果表明长期暴露绿色环境中大脑白质灰质体积呈正相关

    The findings show that long term exposure to greenness is positively associated with white and grey matter volumes in several parts of the brain.


  • 无论暴露何种程度烟雾环境中,肺部细胞知道并且做出反应

    No matter what level of exposure of smoke you have, your lung cells know it and they are responding.


  • 我们先这样因为另一我们甚至没有察觉缺陷暴露出来。

    Let's do this one first, because this would expose another whole bunch of defects that we haven't even seen yet.


  • 一旦确定了自己位置,你就暴露了,如果这里失败,你就麻烦了。

    The moment you position yourself, you become exposed, and if you fail in that you are in trouble.


  • 如果北美大部分地区一样夏季水位下降那么海狸小屋入口暴露出来

    If water levels fall in summer, as they do in most of North America, then beavers' lodge entrances may be exposed.


  • 真正这里带走的是Mush冲刷暴露在其两旁的岩石化石.。

    What really takes me away from it all are the rocks and fossils exposed by and alongside the Mush River.


  • 它们宁愿走几,每次只带回较少木料增加捕食者面前暴露风险

    They're willing to make more trips to haul back less wood, which carries a greater risk of being exposed to predators.


  • 这种情况下我们特别知道存在于地壳下层地幔是否会因为撞击暴露出来。

    In this case, we especially want to know if any of the mantle, the layer beneath the crust, was exposed by the impact.


  • 为什么它们行为表明它们关心的是消耗多少能量而不是担心暴露捕食者面前呢?

    Why does their behavior indicate more of a concern with how much energy they expend than with being exposed to predators?


  • 酒店咖啡馆酒吧公共场所使用Wi-Fi数据暴露安全网络

    Using Wi-Fi in a public place such as a hotel, cafe or bar can expose your data to a network which is not secure.


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