• 该党在选举中更多地强调减税不是精简国家机构。

    Its campaign emphasised tax cuts rather than a leaner state.


  • 说:“我们很多客户要求我们过去更多地强调喷药

    “The debate on whether or not to spray has heated up over the past year,” he says. “Some of our clients are examining options to put more emphasis on spraying than they have in the past.


  • 然而由于压力关系特定症状更多地强调解决问题创建了。

    However, because of the relationship between the symptoms and a specific stressor, there is more emphasis put on resolving the problem that created the stress.


  • 里根表示课程旨在帮助财富家族强调富人身份,更多地强调偶然致富。”

    The programme, says Mr Regan, aims "to help families focus less on being wealthy people and more on being people who happen to be wealthy."


  • 中国英语词汇教学结构主义语言学影响,更多地强调词汇量大小字面意义

    Deeply influenced by structural linguistics, the English vocabulary teaching in China has put more emphasis on the size of vocabulary or the literal meaning of words.


  • 不过袁枚关注性情不同洪大容更多地强调是“”,认为自然“情”才是诗歌本质

    Different from Yuan Mei who focused on "disposition", Hong put more attention on "emotion", holding that the natural "emotion" was the nature of poetry.


  • 评价这些年轻人的工作表现时,“既要好的方,讲不好方,也要严厉必须更多强调他们的优点。”

    In performance evaluations, 'it's still important to give the good, the bad and the ugly, but with a more positive emphasis.'


  • 中国文化轴心时代”,儒家学派基于对合群性意义认识群体秩序关注更多强调群体原则

    In the "Axial Age" of Chinese culture, Confucianism, based on the recognition of the significance of grouping and the concern with group order, put much more stress on the principle of group.


  • 结果是,对男孩子们的反馈更多强调努力比如:“如果专心一点,你可以学会”,“如果你再努力一点,你就可以做对。”

    As a result, boys are given a lot more feedback that emphasizes effort e.g., "If you would just pay attention you could learn this," "If you would just try a little harder you could get it right."


  • 结果是,对男孩子们的反馈更多强调努力比如:“如果专心一点,你可以学会”,“如果你再努力一点,你就可以做对。”

    As a result, boys are given a lot more feedback that emphasizes effort (e.g., "If you would just pay attention you could learn this," "If you would just try a little harder you could get it right.")


  • 1月23公布的国会证词中,刚就任美国财务部长Timothy Geithner表示应当透明度,应当更多地强调责任

    In testimony released on January 23rd, Timothy Geithner, now America’s treasury secretary, said there needed to be more transparency and accountability.


  • 安德森强调必要此类事件进行更多研究细致观察以便更好了解这个物种应对不同类型死亡时的微妙变化

    But Anderson stresses the need for more research and detailed observations of these events to better understand the nuances and variations of the species' response to different types of deaths.


  • 更多是从本体论意义上强调心理合一

    What is more, he emphasized the syncretism from the ontological sense.


  • :“我们观点强调的是我们需要进一步评估太极生理系统方法从而使更多受益。”

    He said: "Our observations emphasise a need to further evaluate the biologic mechanisms and approaches of Tai Chi to extend its benefits to a broader population."


  • 虽然主体可能更明亮色彩更多细节强调,但是重要物体通常清晰画出。

    While the main subject might be emphasized with brighter colors and greater detail, the less prominent objects were usually still rendered sharply.


  • 之后强调,此举更多为了追回逃税的黑钱,改口称,是为了鼓励印度人更多地使用数字支付

    After that, he stressed that this was more about recovering untaxed black money before the message again changed, to focus on encouraging Indians to carry out more digital payments.


  • 组织工作正确性完整性及时性给予更多强调实际工作领导通过不同方式才有效实现

    Organization give more stress on correctness, completeness and timeliness of work but leadership actually work upon it by different means of effective implementations.


  • 组织工作正确性完整性及时性给予更多强调实际工作领导通过不同方式才有效实现

    Organization give more stress on correctness, completeness and timeliness of work but leadership actually work upon it by different means of effective implementations.


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