XUpdate [in development] defines update facilities for modifying data in XML documents.
Then they will use the update facilities to validate, store and eventually install the packets.
The document Update Utility keeps the documents on your computer up to date with copies of those documents in document workspaces.
Google is just updating PageRank on the toolbar now out of courtesy, I'd imagine.
This is something you can add to a post install script if you use Kickstart or something you can add to your other update tools.
运行智能更新工具接收最新的传染性恶意软件库的数据以及S。 D的改进功能组件和帮助文档。
Run the Smart Update tool to receive the latest malware infection database updates as well as improvements to Spyware Doctor's functionality and Help documentation.
Adding a microblogging or status update tool to your own site doesn't require a lot of work, and it provides your users with a fun and simple way to communicate.
This way both the download application and the update facilities are configurable, thus giving the user the most flexibility while at the same time limiting what they need to implement.
In this article, you learned how to build a simple PHP-based microblogging service similar to Twitter and the Facebook status update tool.
It then explains how to install the product silently from the installation image on the network drive, and how to apply updates silently (for both the product and the update tool).
该页面首先使用一个Ajax调用更新工具提示的内容,方法是使用 Prototype.js库中的 Ajax.Updater类。
The page first employs an Ajax call to update the contents of the tooltip by using the Ajax.Updater class from the Prototype.js library.
Lua的其他应用程序包括流行的Linux软件更新工具apt - r pm的扩展机制,还有“CrazyIvan”Robocup 2000冠军联赛的控制逻辑。
Other applications of Lua include an extension mechanism for the popular Linux software update tool apt-rpm and the control of the "Crazy Ivan" Robocup 2000 champion.
Both directories have files to be updated to create a new tool.
This release dramatically improves the speed of the built-in update manager function used to find and download new product plug-ins and new tools.
Rules were updated to route transactions to the new facility, and the changeover was largely transparent to normal operations.
Facebook adds new features fairly rapidly, so take the time to educate your readers about how they can use the new tools.
Here is a list of some of the tools currently available for download for the IBM Support Assistant (new tools are continuously added, so check frequently for updates).
Here is a list of some of the tools currently available for download for the IBM Support Assistant (new tools are continuously added, so check frequently for updates).