• 曾经后院堆满废旧汽车

    He had an assemblage of old junk cars filling the backyard.


  • 科琳曾经梦想过要养育群孩子。

    Colleen had dreamed of mothering a large family.


  • 曾经感动

    I have been moved to write a few lines of verse.


  • 这份季刊曾经正统学术辩论论坛

    The quarterly had been a forum for sound academic debate.


  • 曾经说过我并不真正喜欢现代音乐

    I had mentioned that I didn't really like contemporary music.


  • 这家饭店的厨师曾经肯尼迪总统做过饭

    Chefs at the restaurant once cooked for President Kennedy.


  • 曾经俄国招做间谍莫斯科受训

    He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.


  • 曾经伦敦居住过

    I used to live in London.


  • 过去曾经集邮

    I used to collect stamps.


  • 堕落天使曾经臭名昭著无法无天摩托党。

    The Hell's Angels were once the most notorious and anarchistic of motorbike gangs.


  • 曾经错误地大规模报道过阿姆斯特朗拒绝提供证据

    It had been widely and erroneously reported that Armstrong had refused to give evidence.


  • 曾经找过一份牛仔工作,负责看牛不让其失散

    He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle.


  • 曾经考虑过在新斯科舍省沿海购买属于自己小岛

    He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia.


  • 我们曾经缺乏准备肯定我们会表现好的。

    We have been hindered by our lack of preparation, but I'm sure we will give a good account of ourselves.


  • 这个村子曾经被称为现代版的邪恶之城所多玛蛾摩拉城

    The village had a reputation as a latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah.


  • 有关旅馆最佳信息通常来自曾经去过那儿朋友熟人

    The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have been there.


  • 认为曾经策划了7月轰炸事件嫌疑武力份子越狱

    He is thought to have planned a prison breakout of militants suspected of the July bombing.


  • 这座位于城镇中央宏伟建筑曾经首都社交生活中心

    This grand building in the centre of town used to be the hub of the capital's social life.


  • 西点军校的同学们曾经讽刺地起了一个绰号——“美人”。

    Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty.


  • 这个前任监狱长曾经伦纳德称为见过残忍的

    The state's former commissioner of prisons once called Leonard the meanest man he'd ever seen.


  • 曾经一个呼叫中心担任话务员陌生推销电话推销分时度假

    She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share vacations.


  • 自从小说获得成功之后,曾经懒得答理她的也跟她握起手来。

    Since the success of her novel, people shake her hand who once wouldn't have given her the time of day.


  • 二十多岁时罗斯福曾经到达地区一个大牧场去找牧牛工活儿。

    In his twenties Roosevelt had sought work as a cowboy on a ranch in the Dakota Territory.


  • 一个曾经朋友年轻人在被告知一直污蔑就和我反目成仇了。

    A kid I used to be friends with turned against me after being told that I'd been insulting him.


  • 可以同意它们个人就不同意,但是它们都是曾经启迪过人们的伟大思想

    You can disagree about them, and I personally do, but they are great ideas that have made people think.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是,这样憎恨战争曾经可能成为一名优秀战地摄影师

    Ironically, for a man who hated war, he would have made a superb war cameraman.


  • 曾经渴望独自旅行

    I once longed for alone travels.


  • 我们曾经孩子

    We used to be kids.


  • 坎达丝承认曾经极其尴尬”。

    Candace admits to having been "mortally embarrassed."


  • 边境的小冲突曾经常有的事。

    Border skirmishes between India and Pakistan were common.


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