• 也许令人惊讶爱尔兰趋势

    Perhaps most astonishing is the trend in Ireland.


  • 令人惊讶的是,植物具有一个惊人的交流系统,可以把森林里的几乎每一株植物连接起来。

    Most surprisingly of all, plants have an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest.


  • 令人惊讶其中26%的人,家中至少有一个工作成年人

    What's most surprising is that 26% of them live in households where at least one adult is working.


  • 令人惊讶的是准时上马运行实现了主要目标减少过境卡车运输

    To general surprise, it was up and running on time. And it achieved its main objective: reducing truck traffic across Switzerland, which increased by 7% during the late 1990s.


  • 或许令人惊讶的是初步分析显示百岁老人对照组同样疾病相关的遗传变异

    Perhaps most surprisingly, preliminary analysis showed that centenarians had just as many genetic variants linked to diseases as did people in the control group.


  • 然而或许令人惊讶诺基亚770因特网Tablet一个完全包含移动电话手提计算机

    Perhaps most surprising, however, is Nokia's 770 Internet Tablet, a hand-held computer that does not contain a mobile phone at all.


  • 也许令人惊讶研究表明中老年马拉松选手与久不动的人一样容易动脉粥样硬化危险斑块动脉堆积)。

    Perhaps most surprising, older marathon runners can be just as susceptible as their sedentary counterparts to atherosclerosis, or the buildup of dangerous plaques in the arteries, the studies show.


  • 令人惊讶这样常常这类事务视若无睹的职业,大会第一日程安排包括了一场职业道德如何作用经济学中人的辩论

    Most striking of all, for a profession that tends to pay little explicit attention to such matters, the first day's schedule also contains a debate on the role of ethics in the economics profession.


  • 值得注意的所有一切被接受一个痛苦事实并且令人惊讶的是愤怒如此之仍然愿意战斗动员起来。

    Remarkably, all this is simply accepted as a painful fact and it is most surprising how little anger, still less a willingness to fight, is mobilized by it.


  • 或许令人惊讶合并复活较量拉丁美洲。

    Perhaps the most surprising bout of consolidation and revival, however, has been in Latin America.


  • 附的甜点令人惊讶客串款甜点混合威士忌调味的。

    It makes its most surprising cameo in the accompanying peach dessert, which is flavored with whiskey mixed with salt.


  • 日本地震令人感到惊讶的可能如何误导历史

    What is perhaps most surprising about the Japan earthquake is how misleading history can be.


  • 根据研究者的看法,这种鸟群令人惊讶异乎寻常特点它们可以几乎瞬时的信号处理速度

    According to the researchers, the “most surprising and exotic featureof the flocks was their near-instantaneous signal-processing speed.


  • 可能美国情报历史上武断最令人惊讶叛逆行为

    This was, quite possibly, the most assertive, surprising and rebellious act in the history of the U.S. intelligence community.


  • 对于习惯使用其他语言程序员来说,Lua令人惊讶地方只有falsenil看作 false;任何boolean类型对象被看作true

    One of the biggest surprises for programmers coming from other languages is that, in Lua, only false and nil are considered false; any object of a non-boolean type is always considered true in tests.


  • 这可能今年到目前为止令人惊讶风尚潮流之一,走秀繁华街道乡村灰发随处可见。

    Perhaps one of the most surprising style successes of the year so far, grey hair has been seen everywhere from catwalks to high streets up and down the country.


  • 很好不得不听到令人惊奇故事使感到惊讶居然相信

    Well. I have to say, that's the most amazing story I ever heard. What amazes me most is you were taken in by it.


  • 也许巴马这次演出令人惊讶一个时刻白宫制作视频,视频显示奥巴马在考虑卸任如何度过自己时光

    Perhaps the most surprising moment of the president?s appearance came in a video produced by the White House showing Mr. Obama considering how to spend his time after leaving office.


  • 未来令人惊讶奇迹在于天气严格控制只有气象认为需要市内空气清新下雨

    The most wonderful surprise in the future will consist in the strict weather control. It will rain only when the weatherman thinks that it is essential to freshen the air inside the city.


  • 令人惊讶件事声音

    WS: One of the most surprising things was her voice.


  • 发现令人惊讶现象许多父母孩子传递出来信息如果孩子快乐并且良好自我实现他们成为好人

    But most surprising, he found, was the message many parents send to their children that if they are happy and have high self-esteem, they are ultimately also going to be good people.


  • 可能美国情报历史上武断最令人惊讶叛逆行为

    This was, quite possibly, the most assertive, surprising and rebellious act in the history of the U. S. intelligence community.


  • 可能美国情报历史上武断最令人惊讶叛逆行为

    This was, quite possibly, the most assertive, surprising and rebellious act in the history of the U. S. intelligence community.


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