• 切实把符合条件的城市贫困居民全部纳入最低生活保障范围。

    Subsistence allowances should be granted to all eligible poor urban residents.


  • 上海最低生活保障线始于1993年,目前覆盖全市居民

    Security line for minimum subsistence for Shanghai, established in 1993, has covered all citizens of this community.


  • 失业保险金发放标准最低工资标准城市居民最低生活保障标准挂钩

    Of unemployed insurance gold extend standard and minimum wage standard and link up with of standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life.


  • 扩大改进最低生活保障(低保)制度保护弱势人群实现一目标的重要途径。

    This can be done largely by expanding and improving the minimum living allowance (dibao) system to protect the extreme poor and vulnerable.


  • 两个模型计算后得出结果相加预测最低生活保障线金额,具有很强直观性

    The sum of the results from two models in used to predict the lowest subsistence expenses.


  • 最低生活保障只是一种道德准则,现在麦当劳按时员工支付工资的时候。

    A living wage is a moral mandate, and it's time for McDonald's to pay fast-food workers their just due now.


  • 最低生活保障线可以视为一种贫困线公平效率公众参与评价优劣重要标准

    The line is one measure of poverty, and equity, efficiency and citizen participation should be applied to evaluate its effect.


  • 文章分析广西北部湾经济区城镇最低生活保障现状存在问题提出相应的对策

    This article has analyzed the North Bay Economic Zone in Guangxi cities lowest social security's present situation and the existence question, and proposes the corresponding countermeasure.


  • 然而,现行城市最低生活保障在发挥社会最后安全网作用同时,面临如何走出效率低下的困境

    While current urban minimum living guarantee system is guaranteeing the basic life level of poor group, it also faces how to go out of the plight caused by moral hazard.


  • 生活困难艾滋病病毒感染者病人艾滋病致孤儿童孤老纳入最低生活保障和社会救助体系

    Difficult living and patients infected with HIV, AIDS orphaned children and Gulao into the minimum living security and social relief system.


  • 当地村委会申请最低生活保障但是仅仅每月70的补助(加上接受捐助)远远不够.

    The local village committee applied for a minimum living allowance for him. But 70 yuan ($10.99) per month – even together with other donations he receivesis far from enough.


  • 第二部分关于城市居民最低生活保障概述东西重点介绍了城市居民最低生活保障线确定问题

    Second part it is a summary thing about urbanite's minimum living guarantee, Have introduced the definite question of urbanite's minimum life security system especially.


  • 第四分析城镇弱势群体有关社会保障问题包括最低生活保障、医疗保障、失业保障、住房教育保障

    Chapter IV is about the social security issues for towns vulnerable groups, including the minimum life security, medical security, unemployment security, housing and educational security.


  • 纳入低保范围艾滋病患者家属具体救助办法地区现行城市居民及农村的最低生活保障实施办法执行。

    Be incorporated into the low range of AIDS patients and their families, the specific remedy in accordance with the existing urban areas and rural minimum living guarantee the implementation approach.


  • 其它城市最低生活保障标准均在200以下其中标准最低呼和浩特南昌银川三市,标准均为143元。

    The subsistence security standards of other cities are all below 200 yuan, of which Huhhot, Nanchang and Yinchuan are the lowest at 143 yuan.


  • 其它城市最低生活保障标准均在200以下其中标准最低呼和浩特漠河银川三市,标准均为143元。

    The subsistence security standards of other cities are all below 200 yuan, of which Huhhot, Mohe and Yinchuan are the lowest at 143 yuan.


  • 本文通过福建沙县农村最低生活保障政策实地调查, 详细而全面分析政策的制定及实施过程存在问题

    Based on our field study on the MLG policy in Shaxian County, Fujian Province, this paper examines the policy designing, implementation, and the existing problems for MLG in rural areas.


  • 充分考虑城乡消费水平差异,从城镇居民基本需求出发,最低生活保障标准依据,合理确定城镇居民老年津贴标准;

    In system design, we focus on the number of coverage target, subsidies standard and take full consideration of extending the coverage of social security, population aging, urbanization, etc.


  • 据有关官员介绍,以往政策不同的是,新政策鼓励城市建造一些“廉租房”,提供给那些处于最低生活保障线下的人群租住。

    Different from past policies, cities will be encouraged to construct and lease out "low-cost houses" for minimum earners, officials said.


  • 农村贫困救助制度是农村社会救助体系重要组成部分,对农村居民最低生活需要的保障

    The rural poverty relief system , an important component of rural social relief system , is the pledge for minimum standard of living of rural residents.


  • 现代社会保障制度应当国民最低生活水平原则恢复劳动能力原则为其目标性原则

    Modern social security system should take the principle of be national minimum standards and the principle of the restoration of capacity to labor as the objective principles.


  • 现代社会保障制度应当国民最低生活水平原则恢复劳动能力原则为其目标性原则

    Modern social security system should take the principle of be national minimum standards and the principle of the restoration of capacity to labor as the objective principles.


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