• 本片二零零四年蒙特里尔世界电影节中夺得最佳剧本奖。

    The movie has been awarded for Best Screenplay at the Montreal World film Festival in 2004.


  • 本片作为第60柏林国际电影节开幕影片,最终获得最佳剧本银熊奖

    As the open film at the 60th Berlin International film Festival, Apart Together won the Silver Bear for Best Screenplay award.


  • 背山》同时还摘得最佳剧本奖,主题曲永不褪色的最佳歌曲奖。

    "Brokeback Mountain" also won for best screenplay and song, "a Love That Will Never Grow Old."


  • 这部戏就是八月:奥色》,后来赢得托尼最佳剧本投资人大钱

    That wasAugust: Osage County,” which went on to win the Tony Award for best play and make money for its investors.


  • 届时将会颁发一系列奖项包括最佳影片最佳演员最佳演员最佳剧本等等

    The best of the best will be awarded general as well as genre-specific awards, including best Picture, best Actor, best Actress, best Screenplay, and many more.


  • 这部戏就是八月:奥色》,后来赢得托尼最佳剧本投资人大钱

    That was "August: Osage County," which went on to win the Tony Award for best play and make money for its investors.


  • 这部1972年上映的电影,接连拿下了奥斯卡奖项中的最佳影片最佳男主演最佳剧本

    The movie, released in 1972, goes on to win Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Screenplay.


  • 英国演员电影导演洛杉矶全球上大获全胜,影片《平民百万富翁赢得包括最佳剧本奖在内的许多种类的大奖。

    British performers and filmmakers have triumphed at the annual Golden Globe awards in Los Angeles, winning in a number of categories including best film drama for the movie Slumdog Millionaire.


  • 魔戒3》、《宾虚》(1959)泰坦尼克号》(1997)是奥斯卡史上三部一举获得11奥斯卡影片,《魔戒3》也是这三部中唯一一部获得奥斯卡最佳剧本奖的影片。

    The movie tied with Ben-Hur (1959) and Titanic (1997) to win the most Oscars (11) in a single year. It is also the only one of the three to win to have won a Screenplay Oscar.


  • 分列表网罗15个最佳电影场景台词都是原始剧本没有出现却演员导演临时加上去的。

    This list features 15 of the best scenes and lines that were made up by either the actors or directors and were not in the original script.


  • 今年看过最佳影片,剧本导演尤其让人印象深刻,对所有溢美之辞可谓名至实归。

    The story and the direction are the best I've seen so far this year, and it deserves all the kudos it gets.


  • 伦敦出生戴维·德勒赢得了奥斯卡最佳原创剧本——当晚电影《国王的演讲》获得的第一个奖项

    London-born David Seidler won the Best Original Screenplay award - the film's first award of the night.


  • 仔细研读获得过奥斯卡最佳编剧剧本找到一种体会什么样剧本可以造就精彩电影感觉。

    Watch those that have won Oscars for Best Screenplay. Get a feel for the kind of screenplay that makes a great movie.


  • 最佳原创剧本:1940年至今

    Best Writing - Original Screenplay: 1940 to present.


  • 最佳改编剧本:1927年至今

    Best Writing - Adapted Screenplay: 1927 to present.


  • 导演讲戏之类,这种充分沟通最好的办法就是耐心剧本3D预演做到最佳,并将其作为主要的沟通媒介,哪怕再麻烦,再繁琐,这个步骤也是那么的重要,需要耐心和细致的处理。

    Talking about director’s descriptions, I think a good solution will be stating and showing script and pre-viz video with patience. Pre-viz video should become a key media for communication.


  • 《老无所依》导演乔尔·科恩伊桑·科恩兄弟荣获最佳导演奖,获得最佳改编剧本奖。这部影片根据科马克·麦卡锡的小说改编。

    Brothers Ethan and Joel Coen Shared the honor of best director for the film, and earned Oscars for its screenplay, which was adapted from a novel by Cormac McCarthy.


  • 最佳原创剧本奖的获得者是影片《朱诺剧本原创作者迪埃伯罗.科迪。 这部喜剧描述了一位怀孕少女的经历。

    And screenwriter Diablo Cody, a former exotic dancer, won the Oscar for best original screenplay for Juno, the hit comedy about a pregnant teenager.


  • 《阿击败了《低俗小说》拿下最佳影片——另一个安全而没品的选择——但是昆汀·塔伦蒂诺罗杰·艾弗里至少最佳改编剧本带回了家。

    Gump also beat out Pulp Fiction for Best Picture -another safe, sappy choice - but QT and Roger Avery did at least bag the BestAdapted Screenplay Oscar.


  • 马丁·斯科塞斯俗气台球剧本也许不足以成就纽曼伟大的电影赢得了其他剧本没有带来的东西——奥斯卡最佳演员奖。

    Martin Scorsese's flashy pool-hall drama may not have been Newman's greatest film but it earned him what the others could not - the Academy Award for best actor.


  • 主持人模仿获得最佳影片提名国王演讲》,头戴一顶王冠,宣读最差电影剧本获得者时还装作口吃。

    In a send-up of best picture Oscar nominee "the King's Speech," a Razzie presenter wearing a crown feigned a stammer as he read names of the worst screenplays.


  • 该片获得了六项奥斯卡提名,最终捧回3个小金人,奖项分别为最佳电影最佳剪辑最佳原创剧本——获奖人则是保罗·哈吉斯,和那个来自地狱厨房的小男孩。

    It was nominated for six Academy Awards and won three — Best Picture, Best Film Editing and Best Writing (Original Screenplay) by Paul Haggis and the kid from Hell's Kitchen.


  • 英国剧本最佳影片奖,科林·菲斯最佳男演员奖,汤姆·霍伯最佳导演奖,大卫·赛德勒摘得最佳原创故事片奖。

    British drama takes best picture, Colin Firth wins best actor, Tom Hooper best director and David Seidler picks up best original screenplay.


  • 社交网络获得三项奥斯卡奖包括编剧艾伦·索金获得的最佳改编剧本奖。

    "The Social Network" did win three Oscars including Best Adapted Screenplay for writer Aaron Sorkin.


  • 获得本届奥斯卡最多12项提名《国王的演讲》,在周天晚上举行的第83届奥斯卡颁奖礼上荣获最佳影片大奖。 影片总共收获4项大奖,包括最佳演员奖(科林•费斯)、最佳导演奖(汤姆霍伯)最佳原创剧本奖(大卫•赛德勒)。

    Nominated for 12 Oscars -- the most of any film -- it won four statuettes, including for Colin Firth for lead actor, Tom Hooper for director, and David Seidler for original screenplay.


  • 1958年根据乔伊斯·加里小说《财星高照》改编的剧本提名,1977年比万•克比一角又获得了最佳配角提名。

    He was nominated in 1958 for his screenplay adapted from Joyce Cary's novel The Horse's Mouth and for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in 1977.


  • 戴蒙艾弗·列克赢得奥斯卡最佳原著剧本

    This earned both Damon and Affleck Oscars for Best Original Screenplay.


  • 肖伯纳还是唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖(1925年)以及奥斯卡最佳电影剧本(1938年,《皮格马利翁》)奖项

    Shaw was also the only person ever to have won both a Nobel Prize (Literature in 1925) and an Academy Award (Best Screenplay for Pygmalion in 1938).


  • 肖伯纳还是唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖(1925年)以及奥斯卡最佳电影剧本(1938年,《皮格马利翁》)奖项

    Shaw was also the only person ever to have won both a Nobel Prize (Literature in 1925) and an Academy Award (Best Screenplay for Pygmalion in 1938).


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