• 回到你们最初一对一的关系—从这个最后通牒反应可以得知还是不是她的第一位。

    But you need to pull way back - and her reaction to that ultimatum will tell you everything you need to know about whether you still are her top priority.


  • 马尔霍特拉有时候起来最后通牒事情用来显示“强势地位”,但是总是意味着真的最后通牒

    Malhotra says that sometimes things that sound like ultimatums will be said as an attempt to show "a position of strength," but it doesn't always mean that it's actually an ultimatum.


  • 马尔霍特有时候起来最后通牒事情用来显示“强势地位”,但是总是意味着真的最后通牒

    Malhotra a says that sometimes things that sound like ultimatums will be said as an attempt to show "a position of strength," but it doesn't always mean that it's actually an ultimatum.


  • 他们警方发出了最后通牒他们清除掉地区种族主义袭击者否则他们就要自行采取行动。

    They issued an ultimatum to the police to rid the area of racist attackers, or they will take the law into their own hands.


  • 导演乔治·诺菲是《最后通牒》的编剧,艾米丽·布朗特饰演诱人白骨精

    Director George Nolfi wrote the script for The Bourne Ultimatum, and Emily Blunt was on board as the femme fatale.


  • 最后通牒不过你要准备失去朋友

    Issue an ultimatumbut be prepared to lose your friends.


  • ,“伊拉克能无碍地维持、[治理]保卫自己之前一份很长的工作计划,我们在下最后通牒吗?”

    "There is still a very large to-do list before Iraq is in a position to sustain, [govern] and defend itself," he said. "Are we issuing ultimatums?"


  • 1608年来到弗吉尼亚州的约翰·史密斯,下了最后通牒——那些没有工作人不会得到食品或是薪水

    John Smith, who arrived in Virginia in 1608, introduced an ultimatum - those who did not work would not receive food or pay.


  • 我们不想下达任何形式最后通牒,”默克尔解释道,因为她希望土耳其成为特定合作伙伴关系国而不是给与其“成员国待遇”。

    "We don't want to set any kind of ultimatums," said ms Merkel, who wants Turkey to accept a "privileged partnership", not full membership.


  • 我们公开私下场合都表示过抗议,但谷歌却对我们下达了只有垄断寡头才给出最后通牒:如果你们网络搜索出现必须允许我们使用你们的内容你们展开竞争

    Despite public and private protests, Google gave the ultimatum that only a monopolist can give: in order to appear in Web search, you must allow us to use your content to compete against you.


  • 一些要求加薪犯的最大错误就是雇主提出最后通牒

    A big mistake I have heard a few people make when asking for a raise is giving ultimatums to their employers.


  • 保安警察历经几个月加强巡逻以及后来接受特训可提供廿四小时社区保安新增警力报到后,已经帮派份子下达最后通牒要求他们离开

    Pacification involves an ultimatum to the gangs to leave, followed by months of heavy patrols and then the arrival of new, specially trained recruits who provide 24-hour community policing.


  • 男人成熟,不果断愿意做出承诺使得女人不得不当机立断发出最后通牒

    Men's immature indecisiveness and unwillingness to commit have left women making the decisions and issuing a lot of ultimatums.


  • 美国最后通牒游戏”里的表现非常特别,在这个游戏里研究对象获得笔钱而后必须要制定出一个分配方案另外个人分享

    Americans are also peculiar in the so-called Ultimatum Game, in which a subject receives money and must make an offer to share it.


  • 倘若继续调解不断退让我们迟早面对最终要求——最后通牒

    If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand — the ultimatum.


  • 久拖不决微软-雅虎收购案5了重大进展:微软发出最后通牒,要求雅虎周内接受每股31美元的收购提案,否则将以更低价格恶意收购。

    Yahoo has three weeks to accept Microsoft's $31-a-share cash-and-stock offer or Microsoft may lower its bid.


  • 伊朗分析人士认为哈梅内伊以其特有的方式人们下达了最后通牒离开街头不要挑战的权威,要通过法律体制解决争议。

    Analysts in Iran suggest this was Khamenei's way of sending a religious ultimatum to the people: Come off the streets, don't defy me and work out these problems through the legal system.


  • 津巴布韦国家航空公司解雇了超过24小时最后通牒返回工作飞行员

    The national airline of Zimbabwe has sacked its pilots after they defied a 24-hour ultimatum to return to work.


  • 我们看到什么样最后通牒”成立的这种原料ECW未来几周了。

    We'll see what kind of "ultimatum" this Bourne has in the coming weeks on Raw and ECW.


  • 如果今天伴侣意图发出某种最后通牒最好的办法就是假装听见

    If your partner appears to want to issue some kind of ultimatum today, then the best thing you can do is pretend that you haven't heard.


  • 生意成功一个人如果发出严格苛刻最后通牒生意上是不会有所作为的。

    He owned a successful business, and one doesn't get anywhere in business without making stern ultimatums.


  • 他们俩一样,他们朋友邻居熟人都在紧张地等待最后通牒到期,他们的焦虑逐渐增加

    Like them, their friends, neighbors, and acquaintances tensely wait for the end of the ultimatum, their anxiety increasing.


  • 最后通牒博弈破坏博弈的研究表明,如果没有公平观念,冲突对社会冲突中的冲突各方不利的。

    To study the "ultimatum game" and "sabotage game", we can see that in the long run, the conflict will do harm for both sides.


  • 最后通牒博弈破坏博弈的研究表明,如果没有公平观念,冲突对社会冲突中的冲突各方不利的。

    To study the "ultimatum game" and "sabotage game", we can see that in the long run, the conflict will do harm for both sides.


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