• 坏打算在奇数任意丢掉号码免得其长得对面

    In the worst case we can randomly throw away Numbers on the odd side of the street lest it grow faster than the even!


  • 处理事情心理最坏打算,但是处理起来要乐观豁达

    The best way for Handling question is to think the worse, to do optimistic and unclouded.


  • 年前,出于伊拉克核武器最坏打算预言美国就因为这个合理的怀疑算不上的预言进军伊拉克。

    Seven years ago, the United States walked into Iraq based on worst-case-scenario predictions about its nuclear program that were far from beyond a reasonable doubt.


  • 过去20年来新闻报道文章分析表明,当评论员们开始经济状况做打算时,可怕的“萧条”字眼出现频率变高。目前的萧条指数已经是过去20年来的高值了。

    A survey of newspaper articles over the past two decades shows a sharp spike in mentions of the dreaded D-word, as commentators have started to think the worst.


  • 面临环境时,有些因为太多时间打算,所以他们易于重复他们的失败

    When facing a new situation, some people tend to rehearse their defeat by spending too much time anticipating the worst.


  • 像母亲多年前试图教导我的那样:“做最坏打算,往好的方面想,对之中的一切都不要感到意外。”

    As my mother tried to teach me all those years ago, "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and be unsurprised by everything in between."


  • 希望努力打算

    Entertains the highest hope, for the greatest endeavor, make the worst plan.


  • 他们当时叫我们做好打算我们提供心理安抚,但是我们拒绝了,理由是我们彼此的支持就够了。

    They told us to prepare ourselves for the worst and offered us counselling, but we were able to refuse it on the grounds that we had each other.


  • 打算航空公司有可能取消27%订单但是这仍然不会影响今后几年的生产

    But his bleakest scenario is that the airlines' woes could cut the backlog by 27%, which would still not affect production for several years.


  • 不要指望新的岗位加薪奖金——或许还会碰到减薪所以,在编预算时候要有打算

    And don't count on pay raises or bonuses with a new job - you might end up with a pay cut, so look at the worst-case scenario when budgeting.


  • 可能看上去很残酷,但是顺心的事接二连三时,做好打算行动唯一做的事情

    But it can be grim and relentless and one bad thing can happen after another and being always prepared for the worst seems to me the only wise course of action.


  • 我们常常会做打算或者例如常常,必须从不等等限制性

    We may tend to catastrophize and think of the worst possible scenario, or we might using restrictive words like always, must, and never.


  • 我们在做打算,”奥巴马位重要顾问

    "We're expecting sort of the worst here," says a top Obama adviser.


  • 带着2003年SARS爆发记忆持续遭受禽流感恐慌东亚国家流感传播做好打算

    With memories of the 2003 SARS outbreak and persistent fears of avian flu, East Asian countries are preparing for the worst should swine flu spread to the region.


  • 如同危机之初情况一样我们做好打算即便我们希望BP努力能带来之前更好消息

    But as has been the case since the beginning of this crisis, we are prepared for the worst, even as we hope that BP's efforts bring better news than we've received before.


  • 雅各布·科克塞已经做好了打算:“如果华盛顿街头饿死,那么他们尸体味道将会迫使国会采取行动的。”

    Jacob Coxey was ready for the worst. He said: "If my men starve in the streets of Washington, the smell of their bodies will force Congress to act."


  • 剑桥大学进化生物学家SimonConway Morris教授将要英国皇家学会谈到地外生命怎样预测以及做好打算

    Professor Simon Conway Morris, a Cambridge University evolutionary biologist, will be talking at the Royal Society on 'Predicting what extraterrestrial life will be like – and preparing for the worst.


  • 白宫能源顾问CarolBrowner认为美国已经泄漏可能一直持续到八月做好打算

    White House energy adviser Carol Browner also said the us was "prepared for the worst scenario" that the leak might not be stopped before August.


  • 检查医生证实Bill患上了癌症并且癌细胞已经扩散到了全身。接着医生告诉Bill的家人作好最坏打算

    After checking out for several times, the doctor confirmed that Bill had cancer, and the cancer had already spread throughout his body.


  • 由于是圣诞节过后销售旺季,因此也做了最坏打算假日购物拥挤的人潮中,试图寻找正确退货柜台。

    Expecting the worst because of the after-Christmas sales, I fought my way through the crowds of holiday shoppers to look for the correct counter to return the purchase.


  • 我们必须打算因为糟糕的情况没有到来

    We have to prepare for the worst because the worst of the turmoil hasn't arrived yet.


  • 底线打算,借给对方的钱占手头上的一部分,如果对方不能偿还,笔资金也不会打乱存钱目标付账能力其他人际关系

    Bottom line: Be prepared for the worst by giving only an amount that, if never returned, wouldn't jeopardize your own savings goals, bill-paying ability or other relationships.


  • 乐观者会说每片云有银光。即使糟糕情况下他们找到事物好的方面。另一些兼有悲观乐观情绪,他们抱着希望打算

    They can find something good even in a bad situation. Other people are both pessimists and optimists. They hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


  • 在为情况打算还是的你?

    Are you simply making the best of a bad situation, or will it make the best of you?


  • 我会忠实地通过打算,通过困难和容易。

    I will love you faithfully through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy.


  • 另一些兼有悲观乐观情绪他们抱着希望打算

    Other people are both pessimists and optimists. They hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


  • 另一些兼有悲观乐观情绪他们抱着希望打算

    Other people are both pessimists and optimists. They hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


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