As my mother tried to teach me all those years ago, "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and be unsurprised by everything in between."
When facing a new situation, some people tend to rehearse their defeat by spending too much time anticipating the worst.
Entertains the highest hope, for the greatest endeavor, make the worst plan.
She looked into his eyes, and he prepared himself for the worst.
"We're expecting sort of the worst here," says a top Obama adviser.
We have to prepare for the worst because the worst of the turmoil hasn't arrived yet.
I will love you faithfully through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy.
Other people are both pessimists and optimists. They hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
We may tend to catastrophize and think of the worst possible scenario, or we might using restrictive words like always, must, and never.
Prepare for the worst by learning how to assemble an emergency kit for your family in the event of power outage or evacuation.
The worst. Feeling in the world is when you can't love anyone else, because your heart still belongs to the one who broke it.
But his bleakest scenario is that the airlines' woes could cut the backlog by 27%, which would still not affect production for several years.
In a way, the fears were overblown as investors wonder what's happening in China – and think the worst.
But it can be grim and relentless and one bad thing can happen after another and being always prepared for the worst seems to me the only wise course of action.
And don't count on pay raises or bonuses with a new job - you might end up with a pay cut, so look at the worst-case scenario when budgeting.
But as has been the case since the beginning of this crisis, we are prepared for the worst, even as we hope that BP's efforts bring better news than we've received before.
With memories of the 2003 SARS outbreak and persistent fears of avian flu, East Asian countries are preparing for the worst should swine flu spread to the region.
White House energy adviser Carol Browner also said the us was "prepared for the worst scenario" that the leak might not be stopped before August.
They told us to prepare ourselves for the worst and offered us counselling, but we were able to refuse it on the grounds that we had each other.
For the sake of this piece, we'll assume your problem is a crashing file, but again, a similar method can be used if you just have a file that's producing strange results.
Expecting the worst because of the after-Christmas sales, I fought my way through the crowds of holiday shoppers to look for the correct counter to return the purchase.
All things better prepare for the worst, in fact from one another way to help the pessimist nurturance unremitting patterns of behavior, let them life seems weak, but involving fortitude.
After checking out for several times, the doctor confirmed that Bill had cancer, and the cancer had already spread throughout his body.
Just 28 minutes after the accident, Priestley arrived at the University of Kentucky hospital trauma center. Fearing the worst, family and friends gathered at the hospital.
Jacob Coxey was ready for the worst. He said: "If my men starve in the streets of Washington, the smell of their bodies will force Congress to act."
As they raced to a house where a five-year-old had gone into cardiac arrest, they feared for the worst... until they arrived to discover the youngster was actually a cat.
As they raced to a house where a five-year-old had gone into cardiac arrest, they feared for the worst... until they arrived to discover the youngster was actually a cat.