The critic in the local paper says it's the funniest thing he's ever seen.
It is one of the funniest things that have been found on the Internet so far this year.
最有趣的事情是,Lady Gaga的衣服需要别人帮她脱下来。
The most interesting thing about Lady Gaga's outfit is the fact that she needed help removing it.
One of the most interesting things about writing tests first is that it helps make emergence possible.
In life, the most interesting things tend to happen when you're on your way to do something else.
Here's the most interesting thing: sitting and doing nothing has made me significantly more efficient.
But I find doing shopping the the most interesting thing, so I decided to go with my mother.
Most exciting of all, the rajah described a beast in his possession, a horse with a single horn in the middle of its forehead.
The most interesting thing was dancing together with many grannies and grandpas in the park every evening.
One of the most interesting facts about the festival is the variety of recipes for making "zongzi", the stuffed rice dumplings wrapped in reed leaves.
The funny thing about love and respect is that they are things that are often times reciprocated by human beings.
But the most interesting thing about any list of books is always the titles that have been left off.
The funny thing is Mutombo was seeking more playing time before the news about Yao's injury broke.
My, what fun it is! Volunteer camps have made me so grateful to be a part of HUST.
I normally take my friends out for dinner; finding some best-kept secret restaurants is the most interesting thing we often do.
The most interesting thing in Sakya sect is that the sect do not believe in reincarnation and the head of Sakya sect will wear white cassock and also marry and give birth to children.
The performance is also the most interesting thing in the film, and when the Joker is absent, "the Dark Knight" loses most of its energy and dynamism.
For all of the reasons mentioned above, and a whole lot that haven't been mentioned, learning Spanish can be one of the most enjoyable things you will ever do.
Dubai boasts some of the biggest buildings in the world, and some of the most fun (see the indoor ski resort).
The most fun was a birthday celebration in which Robert De Niro gave me instructions on how to talk like a real New Yorker.
Sometimes the most interesting things to photograph are not very obvious. So doing a little research beforehand will help you find more opportunities.
Well I suppose it depends how you look at it, some people are genuinely disgusted by it while others find them to be one of the funniest things in the world.
Whether you're seeing some of the CARDS for the first time or looking for that last rare to complete your deck, one of the most fun things about any TCG is cracking open new packs of CARDS.
最有趣的事情是,由Cloud计算、SAAS及Web 2.0这样的技术趋势推动,可伸缩性本身在我们眼前被重新定义了。
What's most interesting is the fact that scalability itself is being redefined before our eyes, driven by technology trends like Cloud computing, Software-as-a-service and Web 2.0.
One of the most interesting things about clustering is that you can build Linux-based clusters with minimal effort if you have basic Linux installation and troubleshooting skills.
The most interesting part is that you're not supposed to "do" anything else, because... well, it was all taken care of.
The most interesting part is that you're not supposed to "do" anything else, because... well, it was all taken care of.