最终的目标是把道路上所有汽车通过无线网络联系起来,在车内安装支持 WiFi 的传感器。
The ultimate intention is to link up all the cars on the road via WiFi by setting up a WiFi-enabled sensor in a car.
The ultimate goal was to reduce the number of abandoned large-scale efforts.
Am I closer to where I ultimately want to be now, compared to where I was two months ago?
And don't obsess over the end goal, such as your proposed 15-pound weight loss.
Are we working on the right things, right now, to get us to our end goal?
The work that is harder to stop is work that has some value, in the short-term, but won’t help you reach your final goal.
Ultimately, the goal is feedback into the model for continuous improvement and optimization.
Your employer is merely where you choose to apply your skills to achieve this ultimate goal.
The ultimate goal is to determine the cost of the process and to optimize the process itself to maximize profit.
Ultimately, generating new, and additional, revenues from the same content is the goal.
Tools exist that can help with this, but the end goal is to list important keywords.
The ultimate goal, he wrote, was to come up with something that, first and foremost, would make it easier for people to collaborate with one another.
If your child does not reach his ultimate goal, talk to him about what he learned on the way.
Always had the ultimate goal of being the best, but i approached everything step be step.
The ultimate objective is to reduce the risk of building a system that isn't useful -- that is, that doesn't meet users' needs.
Heather Tomley with the Port of Long Beach says the hope is to get an 85 percent reduction in health risk.
The goal, ultimately, is to create a public space that enables the existence of free software... built via the principles and code of open software.
We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.
We do in fact have a long way to go to reach our final goal but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.
He knows that national leaders disagree about a lot.But he likes to say that people do not have to agree on an end goal to work together.
He knows that national leaders disagree about a lot. But he likes to say that people do not have to agree on an end goal to work together.
The ultimate goal of course is to add more and more moments of receiving energy in; so you feel full, whole and complete rather than half empty, drained and depleted.
Dr Sutradhar's ultimate aim is to use the method to construct a scaffold on which real bone could be grown.
Because the ultimate goal is to automate the process of deploying your portal resources and components, you need to develop a scripted way of deploying them.
The company plans dozens of vehicle introductions over the next five years, and eventually aims to introduce a version of the Chevrolet Volt electric car in the country.
Figure out a project you can do this month to get yourself a few steps closer to that goal, and focus on this project for the next month.
While keyword research is not determined solely upon search volume it certainly is a major playing factor in the final selection of target keywords.
While keyword research is not determined solely upon search volume it certainly is a major playing factor in the final selection of target keywords.