• 我们每个目标不断成长,进化所能成为的最美好的自己

    The goal for all of us is keep growing out of ourselves, too, evolving to our best possible lives.


  • 最美好的自己呈献给伴侣以及我们婚姻,这之前任何时候都更为重要

    Showing up for my partner, and our marriage, as my best self matters far more now than it ever did before.


  • 告诉未来自己你正经历生命最美好的时刻因此不要再拍那种老掉牙合影了。

    You will want to tell yourself you have live the best moments in life in the future therefore do not commit a corny group photographs.


  • 受访者问到他们如何自己生活评分:量表0分(可能最糟糕的生活)10分(可能最美好的生活);同时需要回答一系列关于积极消极情绪问题

    Respondents were asked how they would rate their lives on a scale from zero (worst possible) to 10 (best possible), as well as answering a series of questions on positive or negative emotions.


  • 理由害怕自己战场上年轻人想到自己被剥夺了生活给予最美好的东西时感到痛苦,这是可以理解的。

    Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have cheated of the best things that life has to offer.


  • 这个故事给我们启示千万不要听信他人倾向而让自己变得消极或者悲观,这是因为如果你心中怀有梦想愿望的话,他人的倾向会抵消那些最美好的梦想和愿望!

    Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic... because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you - the ones you have in your heart!


  • 母亲还是我这个年纪的是偶,觉得自己生命最美好的几年已经过去了,她并不认为之后的年岁里还会有事情发生。

    When my mother was my age, she considered the best part of her life as behind and not ahead.


  • 成为年轻父亲看着自己孩子慢慢长大人生最美好的时光

    When I was a young father, watching my children grow up, that was the best time of the life.


  • 我们一起电影,一起旅行哪怕不会摄影坚持相机替代自己眼睛留下最美好的回忆

    We see a movie together, travel together, even if not photography, also insist on a camera to replace my eyes leave the best memories for you.


  • 自己全力繁衍后裔这个星球经历毁灭重生留下一个最美好的环境我的后裔。

    I myself use the best reproduction of my descendants, so that after the rebirth of this planet through the destruction, leaving a most beautiful environment for my descendants.


  • 幸福不一定拥有最美好的东西他们自己拥有的成为美好

    The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.


  • 觉得最美好的事情,我午后咖啡馆留言写下自己愿望有朝一日来了这件咖啡馆看到愿望你。

    I think the most beautiful thing is that I am in the afternoon of the coffee shop's message to write down their wishes, one day you have come to this cafe, to see my desire to have you.


  • 我们自己忧虑但是依然珍惜一天最美好的时光,我们依偎被窝里,谈论我们未来孩子彼此浓厚的什么都可以。

    We had our worries, but we still treasured our very favorite part of the day when we'd snuggle under the covers and talk about our future, the kids, and how much we loved each otherno matter what.


  • 去年春节期间很多中国人首次开始使用红包他人表达自己最美好的新年祝愿

    During that Lunar New Year, for the first time, many Chinese people started to use red packets on their WeChat to express their best New Year wishes to others.


  • 为什么因为出了自己就是最美好的成功标志

    Why? Because you're living life your way - and that's the best sign of success there is.


  • 自己成为辈子遇到最美好的事物,并且想要你知道

    I want to be the best thing that ever happened to you-and for you to recognize this.


  • 找到第一份工作开始承担责任,通过自己努力得到报酬,生命最美好的时光

    When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my efforts, that was the best time of my life.


  • 一生至少有一为了个人而忘了自己不求结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱。只求最美好的年华里,遇到

    We'd fade into someone at least one time in life, not for any result, company, ownership even love, just for meeting you in my most beautiful days.


  • 幸运虽然圣诞之日真实意义已经许多身上消失,但是许下好愿望想法聚集到一起在共同庆祝最美好的东西带给你们自己的行为是好的

    It is fortunate that although the significance of Christmas celebrations is lost upon many people, the idea of creating goodwill and coming together in celebration brings out the best in you.


  • 能够像一些那样,自己好精力投入永恒客观世界观察探索,真是享受特别恩赐

    It is a special blessing to belong among those who can and may devote their best energies to the contemplation and exploration of objective and timeless things.


  • 一直以为自己,直到有一看着镜子,才知道自己了,最美好的时候,我最喜欢都不在我身边

    I thought I was the winner until one day I looked into the mirror and saw the face of a loser. I failed to have the person I loved most to be with me in my best years.


  • 想知道到了尼古拉斯这个年龄,该怎样回首自己人生所以我问:“人生最美好的时光什么时候?”

    I wondered how I would look back on my life once I reached Nicholas's age, so I asked him, "What was the best time of your life?"


  • 那些害怕战争中阵亡年轻人想到自己生活欺骗,错失了生命最美好的东西感到苦涩理所当然。

    Young men who have reason to feel that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.


  • 欣赏心灵的在一起吧!岁月流逝两鬓微霜时,他看到还是心目中自己的样子,那将是多么好的啊!

    It's a wonderful thing, as time goes by, to be with someone who looks into your face, when you've gotten old, and still sees what you think you look like.


  • 最美好的关于一步就是在这里可以查看自己如何正是工作

    Thee nicest about this step is that here you can show yourself how exactly you are working.


  • 最美好的关于一步就是在这里可以查看自己如何正是工作

    Thee nicest about this step is that here you can show yourself how exactly you are working.


- 来自原声例句

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