• 守门防守属于本届联赛薄弱的环节

    The goaltending and defence are among the weakest in the league.


  • 政策评价也是我国林业政策过程薄弱环节

    Policy evaluation is the weakest part in the process of forestry policies in China.


  • 写作教学职高语文教学中的难点也是薄弱的环节

    Writing teaching is a difficult part in language teaching in vocational education and also the weakest one.


  • 广大农村地区却是我国产权制度建设薄弱的环节

    But the rural areas are the weak links in the construction of the system of Chinese property rights.


  • 债券投资者不再去年三月份那样爱尔兰视为欧元区薄弱的环节

    Bond investors no longer regard Ireland as the euro's weakest link, as they did in March last year.


  • 写作大学英语教学薄弱环节之一,也是困扰师生难题

    Writing has been a weak point in college English teaching and learning and a difficult task both for teachers and students.


  • 农村卫生工作我国卫生事业重要组成部分,也是薄弱的环节

    Rural health care is an important component of China's health care, and it is also very weak.


  • 个简单道理我们需要期望执法链条不过薄弱环节

    But the simple truth is that our chain of necessary and desired enforcement is only as strong as its weakest link.


  • 重要的是,经济薄弱的环节房屋市场,人们认识到的还要糟糕

    Most important, the economy's weakest link-the housing market-was in even worse shape than many realised.


  • 一步能够帮助去发现自己饮食习惯薄弱的环节让你得到自己所需要的动力

    This step will help you find the weakest links in your diet and get that extra motivation that you need.


  • 客服部必须得加以改进对于整个公司而言链条将断在薄弱环节

    The Customer Service department must improve. For the whole company, the chain is no stronger than its weakest link.


  • 俗话说“薄弱,全局必垮。(链条强度薄弱的环节决定的)”。

    "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link," as the saying goes.


  • 我国知识产权实施利用国家“知识产权战略推进工程”薄弱的环节

    In our country, the use of intellectual property has become the most weak section of the national intellectual property strategy.


  • 薄弱环节金融系统本地银行经营不善,西方银行的海外子公司疏于监管。

    The biggest weakness lies in a financial system that has combined badly run local banks with loosely overseen subsidiaries of Western ones.


  • 运移聚集史模拟盆地模拟重要部分也是迄今为止技术上薄弱的环节

    In basin modeling system, the hydrocarbon migration-accumulation is the most important part, but the technologically weakest part of the system.


  • 研究表明加工中心机床本体故障率高,机械手可靠性薄弱环节

    The study indicates that the tool magazine and the mechanical arm are the weakest point of the reliability in making the breakdown rate of the host machine so high.


  • 刀尖刀具薄弱环节提高刀尖切削的强韧性改善刀具切削性能尤其重要

    So improvements of the obdurability of the tool tips and cutting edges are very important to better the cutting property of the end mill.


  • 许多写手深入到了故事主人公爱情——这或许被所尊称为“正”的原著薄弱环节

    Many plunge into the characters’ romantic lives—perhaps the weakest point ofthe canon”, as the original series of books is reverentially known.


  • 我们必须认识到,全世界受到这种流行病的影响,而且薄弱环节决定这根链条的强度。

    There needs to be recognition that the whole world is affected by this pandemic and the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


  • 许多写手深入到了故事主人公爱情——这或许被所尊称为“正”的原著薄弱环节

    Many plunge into the characters' romantic lives—perhaps the weakest point of "the canon", as the original series of books is reverentially known.


  • 网络总体安全性强度取决于薄弱环节移动商业网络中,最薄弱环节客户机设备

    The overall security of a network is only as strong as its weakest link, and in a mobile-commerce network the weakest link is the client-side device.


  • 英语写作英语学习者必须掌握基本技能之一,但我国大学生英语写作始终是一个薄弱的环节

    English writing, one of the basic language skills of English learners, is the weakest among Chinese university students.


  • 网络总体安全性强度取决于薄弱环节移动商业网络中,最薄弱环节客户机设备

    The overall security of a network is only as strong as its weakest link, and in a mobile - commerce network the weakest link is the client - side device.


  • 然而银行体系中的薄弱环节花旗银行美国银行相继爆出惊人利润这场辩论慢慢消失了。

    The debate faded out, however, after Citigroup and Bank of America, the banking system’s weakest links, announced surprise profits.


  • 随着我们重要数据越来越多存储(云计算)里,寻求窃取那些数据的人薄弱的环节下手的。

    As more of our important data finds its way into the cloud, those seeking to exploit that data will seek the weakest point of entry.


  • IT项目管理中的重要一环IT项目进度管理,而项目进度往往是IT项目实施中薄弱的环节

    With the rapid growth in domestic IT industry, IT project management is becoming the most important problem in the research and development of IT projects.


  • 常言道我们仍然稳健,我们薄弱环节就是为什么必须认识到重要性整个组织义务

    As the saying goes, we are as strong as our weakest link, and this is why the individual must recognize his or her importance and obligations to the whole organization.


  • 当时的情况下,认为我们处理不错,环保记录其它方面都经得起检验,方面可以说薄弱的环节

    Under the circumstances, I thought we had done a pretty good job, though it was the weakest spot in an otherwise solid environmental record.


  • 根据CWE的列表,跨平台脚本攻击(XSS)SQL注入认为是软件薄弱环节位于第三位的是缓冲区溢出

    Cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection are considered the weakest points in software, while the buffer overflow comes third, according to cwe.


  • 尽管基思·克雷斯曼在ECLO可以使用卫星电脑数学模式,但是整个工作薄弱环节用于获取有益实地信息时间

    Although back at ECLO Keith Cressman has satellites, computers and mathematical models at his disposal, the weak link in the chain has been the time it takes to get good information from the field.


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