Instant access to your synchronized calendar, tasks, appointments, recently used files and real-time social networking updates through the home screen.
Instead, the most-recently used buffers (pages) are cached here and can be quickly provided back to the individual file systems.
与onstat- m命令类似,可以使用on -bar从onbar活动日志文件中输出最近的on - bar活动。
Similar to the onstat -m command, you can use ON-Bar to print the recent ON-Bar activity from the onbar activity log file.
Most of the file systems communicate through a buffer cache, which is a cache that optimizes access to the physical devices by caching recently touched data.
Recently, my role as a video user switched to that of a developer when I was given a video player project to convert DVD files of an award ceremony for remote Web presentation.
According to DSL Linux's Web site, the rule of thumb is to use this image when your host system was manufactured recently, like within the last five to six years.
With ReiserFS, an unexpected reboot can result in recently modified files containing portions of previously deleted files.
在最近的一些Linux机器上,使用普通的旧 /bin/cp复制的文件都因为权限位不正确而终止使用。
On some recent Linux machines, files copied with plain old /bin/cp were ending up with incorrect permission bits.
Prevents the system from adding a link to the selected file in the file system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents.
Prevents the system from adding a link to the selected file in the file system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents.
These data files sometimes rEVEal information such as recent files that you have opened, recent video clips that you have watched, websites you have visited, and pictures you have viewed online.
These data files sometimes rEVEal information such as recent files that you have opened, recent video clips that you have watched, websites you have visited, and pictures you have viewed online.