1969年11月19日,美国宇航员皮特.康拉德(PeteConrad)和艾伦.宾(AlanBean)在月球登陆,他们将登月舱(中)停靠在美国宇航局“勘测者3号”(Surveyor 3)月球探测器不远处,然后步行到达了目的地。
On November 19, 1969, NASAastronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean landed on the Moon, setting their LunarModule (center) down within walking distance of NASA's Surveyor 3 lunar landerprobe.
When the explorers landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities.
During the second stage, an unmanned moon rover will make a soft landing on the moon surface and examine the moon soil.
Both of these are completed and NASA cooperation, showing a NASA moon landing and Mars exploration when filming some photographs.
Working in steel and concrete, they made Bridges, cars, skyscrapers and moon rockets that worked well and satisfied their human users.
Working in steel and concrete, they made Bridges, cars, skyscrapers and moon rockets that worked well and satisfied their human users.