• 一个明智护民官能够成为好的政体有力的支撑

    A wisely tempered tribunate is the strongest buttress of a good constitution.


  • 左腿有力支撑快速蹬伸投掷效果高度相关

    The firm supporting and rapid extending of left leg are highly correlated with throwing distance.


  • 产品的开发、模具的开发设计系统公司规模化生产有力支撑

    The fabrication and mould designing system is the strongest sustentation for manufacturing.


  • 目前国际市场高位维持稳定无疑国内市场提供有力的支撑

    International long products market remained stable at the top, no doubt to the domestic market provides a strong support.


  • 虽然五个标准侧重点不同但是不能权利位阶理论有力支撑论证

    Although the focus of five different standards, but do not give the right-to-order theory of the strong support demonstrated.


  • 首先汽车工业无数工人提供了就业岗位其他工业提供了有力的支撑

    First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries.


  • 床床靠背可以用来作为一个有力的支撑因此可以舒适进食阅读同时

    The bed back rest can be used as a strong comfortable prop so you can eat or read, whilst in bed.


  • 如果不能有力的支撑肌肉韧带一夜设法纠正脊柱拉直会背痛疲劳

    If your bed doesn't give enough support, back muscles and ligaments work all night trying to correct spinal alignment, so you wake up with a tired aching back.


  • 重力整个结构核心元素,它这个透明的雕塑造型的成功构建提供了强有力的支撑

    The Gravity Well -a central element - provide a refrain both to the structural efforts and to the luminous sculpture.


  • 电子商务的出现既是传统专业市场巨大挑战升级优化提供有力的支撑

    To the traditional specific market, electronic commerce means not only a great challenge, but also a strong power to strengthen and update it.


  • 同时各种各样日臻成熟制备聚合物薄膜方法出现,亦电池的制备提供了有力的支撑

    Meanwhile, the advent of various increasing mature methods of making process for polymer film is a beneficial guarantee for the production of polymer solar cells.


  • 大量关于木聚糖酶用于制浆漂白研究应用,为它们的工业化应用可行性作出有力的支撑

    A number of studies on xylanases and their use in pulp bleaching support the feasibility of their industrial application.


  • 外部环境不完善,不能风险投资提供有力的支撑条件我国风险投资业发展缓慢重要原因

    Imperfect external environment is far from being regarded as powerful supporting conditions for venture capital, which is an important reason for slow development of China's venture capital.


  • 胶原蛋白原液肌肤提供安定有力的支撑维持肌肤的光滑度水力弹性修护补充肌肤弹力;

    Collagen solution to the skin stable support, maintain skin's smooth, lock water and elastic, repair and added skin tension;


  • 方法简单易行整个爆破施工智能化提供有力的支撑同时也为岩石分级方法的更新开辟了新天地。

    The method is very simple to operate, which provides intelligentization of blasting construction with strong supports, and at the same time which pioneers new world of rock classification.


  • 确保医院技术协作群正常运转必须明确目标,选准突破口提供有力的支撑条件,同时应注意加强协调

    To insure the normal operation and success of the communities, the targets of breakthrough must be well fixed, full support provided and the intensification of coordination paid special attention to.


  • 由大型机场、地铁污水处理系统发电厂超大规模基础设施构成的网络,为这座城市提供了有力的支撑

    Undergirding the city is a patchwork of supersize infrastructure — huge airports, subway lines, sewage systems and power plants.


  • 是因为虽然巴士尾部一面刚性一样坚固,但是没有有力的支撑因此能承受的力量明显减小

    While the rear bus end works as a rigid shear wall, the front cap part is weakly supported and it exhibit significantly smaller strength.


  • 产量减少以及价格反弹使全球棉花库存的降低15%左右,这样棉花价格成本上将会得到有力的支撑

    Cotton prices are supported by strong fundamentals: reduced production and rebounding mill use are expected to generate a 15% drop in global cotton stocks.


  • 数字电视服务平台数字电视端服务基础一套完善的电子商务系统可以有线数字运营商服务平台提供有力支撑

    The service platform is the foundation of DTV end to end service, an electronic commerce system with perfect function can provide the strong support for the service platform.


  • Heron首席执行官杰拉德•荣森(GeraldRonson)解释道:“风水中,龟甲代表有力的支撑保护安全

    In feng shui, the tortoiseshell represents a strong back, protection and security,” explained Gerald Ronson, Heron's chief executive.


  • 主动被动执行机制之间的主次关系。本文还对中国会计标准执行制度环境进行了分析指出中国目前的制度环境无法对中国会计标准执行机制有力的支撑扶助作用

    This dissertation analyses Chinese institutional environment, and points out it is unable to play a strong supporting and assisting role to the enforcement mechanism of Chinese accounting standards.


  • 对显而易见事实的一瞥,但没有任何证据能有力支撑遗传环境论点

    It is a glimpse of the blindingly obvious—and there's nothing to back strongly either a hereditary or environmental argument.


  • 实用角度来看保护雕像,让它们不破裂心理赋予形象强壮有力的感觉,这种感觉通常一个在后方支撑柱子加强

    From a practical aspect this protected the figures against breakage and psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power, usually enhanced by a supporting back pillar.


  • 如果激烈竞争中获胜,那么你必须一个有力erp系统支撑来帮助你去管理公司信息规划公司资源。

    If you want get success in intense competition, you have to have a powerful erp system as your back support, help you to manage your enterprise information and plan your enterprise resource.


  • 许多假设因素孤独症有关,维生素缺乏以及饮食中的谷蛋白和酪蛋白没有什么有力的文献能够支撑这些假设。

    There are many hypotheses that factors like vitamin deficiencies, mercury and glutein and casein in the diet are linked to autism, but there's no strong literature to support many of these hypotheses.


  • 论文我们发现支撑之前英国荷兰所得出的结论并且指出目前毒品分类系统危害性没有提出有力证据的弊端。”

    "Our findings lend support to previous work in the UK and the Netherlands, confirming that the present drug classification systems have little relation to the evidence of harm," the paper says.


  • 北海供应中断利比亚原油出口停止有力支撑石油基准价而这个基准价用来全世界半数石油定价的。

    Supply disruptions in the North Sea and the absence of Libyan crude exports are providing solid support to the benchmark, which is used to price more than half of the world's oil.


  • 每一消费者餐桌产品需要有力商业实证支撑需要检验它们的盈利能力,需要投入资本以及如何全国推广。

    Every new item that ends up on customers' trays has to have a strong business case that examines its profitability, the capital it requires, and how it can be built out nationally.


  • 每一消费者餐桌产品需要有力商业实证支撑需要检验它们的盈利能力,需要投入资本以及如何全国推广。

    Every new item that ends up on customers' trays has to have a strong business case that examines its profitability, the capital it requires, and how it can be built out nationally.


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