• 角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧

    Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills.


  • 电视有助于打发漫长无聊冬夜

    Television helps to relieve the boredom of the long winter evenings.


  • 大量饮水有助于清除体内毒素

    Drinking lots of water will help to flush toxins out of the body.


  • 利率下降可能有助于激活经济

    Falling interest rates may help to bolster up the economy.


  • 使用廉价劳动力有助于降低成本

    The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down.


  • 维生素C有助于体内污染物去毒。

    Vitamin C helps to detoxify pollutants in the body.


  • 每日面部运动有助于保持皮肤弹性

    Daily facial exercises help to retain the skin's elasticity.


  • 保持强壮有力的肌肉有助于防范

    Keeping your muscles strong and in tone helps you to avoid back problems.


  • 有助于理解叟创作时历史背景

    It helps to understand the historical context in which Chaucer wrote.


  • 解毒有助于保持身体系统顺畅运行

    Detoxification will help keep your bodily systems running smoothly.


  • 这项锻炼有助于消耗脂肪,使肌肉强健

    This workout helps you to burn off fat and tone muscles.


  • 下调利率有助于缓解经济衰退压力

    Reduced interest rates would help ease recessionary pressures in the economy.


  • 一新的发现有助于遗忘症患者保持记忆

    This new discovery helps amnesiacs keep their memory.


  • 海草有助于身体解毒

    Seaweed baths can help to detoxify the body.


  • 有助于植物成熟并且开出繁茂的花朵

    This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely.


  • 赞赏的话有助于使批评更容易被接受。

    A few words of praise help to sweeten the pill of criticism.


  • 一切都有助于孩子养成好问爱态度

    All this helps children to develop an inquiring attitude to learning.


  • 保持清洁有助于最大限度地减少感染危险

    Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection.


  • 增加房子隔热性能有助于减少供暖费用

    Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills.


  • 健身操能加快心跳有助于消耗脂肪

    Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn fat.


  • 儿童看图画有时有助于他们言语表达思想

    Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas.


  • 食品价格的降低有助于抵消能源价格的第一上涨

    A moderation in food prices helped to offset the first increase in energy prices.


  • 围绕某题目写作有助于知识已有知识结合起来。

    Writing about a topic helps you integrate new knowledge with what you already know.


  • 款式得当泳衣有助于的意愿掩饰缩小突出某些部位。

    The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimize, or emphasize what you want it to.


  • 字母顺序排列职业手册提供了有助于课程选择信息

    An A to Z of careers gives helpful information about courses.


  • 该会有助于消除文盲疾病打乱一种传统生活方式

    It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life.


  • 土壤潮湿有助于植物生长

    The humidity of soil helps to grow.


  • 友谊有助于解决问题

    Friendliness helps solve problems.


  • 章节标题有助于了解内容

    The chapter headings are useful signposts to the content of the book.


  • 维生素B有助于红细胞的再生

    Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.


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