• 这种记忆损失熟知皮质激素类“应激类固醇激素水平有关。因为糖皮质激素对有助于记忆大脑部分损害作用

    Such memory loss has been linked with high levels of 'stress' steroid hormones known as glucocorticoids which have a deleterious effect on the part of the brain that helps us to remember.


  • 重复有助于提高我们记忆

    Repetition helps improve our memory.


  • 一新的发现有助于遗忘症患者保持记忆

    This new discovery helps amnesiacs keep their memory.


  • 不断练习记忆很大影响有助于熟练地弹奏钢琴背诵诗歌甚至阅读理解这些单词

    Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words.


  • 遗忘显然有助于时间定位因为记忆会减弱新的记忆会突显出来,从而推断持续的时间提供线索

    Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time, since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration.


  • 有助于你理解和记忆你所听到的内容。

    Notes will help you understand and remember what you hear.


  • 要想深入地理解这个过程我们能够找到新的有助于提高学习能力的方法来治疗记忆问题学习障碍的患者

    By better understanding this process, we may be able to find novel approaches to help enhance learning and treat patients with memory problems and learning disabilities.


  • 电影可以一种让人信服方式重建历史,给我们带来大量事件栩栩如生记忆有助于我们认识生活即使这些事件并没有真地发生过

    Movies can recreate history in a convincing way, leaving us with vivid memories of events that helped shape our lives. Even if they never really happened.


  • 每天饮用超过3咖啡有助于保护老年妇女对抗与年龄有关记忆衰退

    Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day helped protect older women against some age-related memory decline.


  • 学习暂时放一边有助于身体健康(这反过来有助于你的记忆)。

    Aside from learning a little, you will also be contributing to your physical well-being (which, in turn, can help your memory.)


  • 只要有可能总是大声朗读,有助于口语记忆使开始新的语言思维

    Whenever possible always read aloud. This helps your speech, memorization, and makes you start thinking in the new language.


  • 充足的睡眠无疑有助于人类大脑得到最佳发挥,然而最新研究结果发现我们在睡眠过程当中也增强记忆

    There is no question that the human brain functions best when well rested, but new research finds we can strengthen our memories during sleep.


  • 读物可以帮助孩子加强语言结构节奏有助于记忆词汇。

    Rhymes help reinforce the structure and rhythm of language, and can aid in learning vocabulary.


  • 大脑至关重要记忆中心海马部位也生成了另一神经细胞有助于将幼鼠气味固化老鼠爸爸的长期记忆中。

    Another set of neurons grew in the hippocampus, a crucial memory center in the brain, which helped to consolidate the smell of his pups into a long-term memory.


  • 抗氧化剂叫做茶多,实验多次证实茶多酚有助于提高认知能力记忆

    The antioxidants in tea are called polyphenols which have repeatedly been shown to improve cognitive function and memory.


  • 照片信件很有用知道特殊日子也会有助于片段记忆时间联系起来,比如兄弟姐妹生日搬家的日子。

    Photographs and letters are also helpful; knowing specific dates like the birth of a sibling or a move to a different house can help place fragmentary memories in time.


  • 花一些时间回忆记忆沉思它们并且回馈积极的情绪记忆里建立新的连接有助于当前工作挑战

    Spend time with your memories. Let your mind reflect on them and your mind will repay you in positive emotions and new connections from the memories to help you with your current tasks and challenges.


  • 这项研究有助于我们理解记忆如何大脑中形成以及不同类型损伤是如何削弱人的记忆的。

    The study helps us understand how memories are assembled in the brain and how different types of brain damage might impair memory, Wang said.


  • 正是任天堂公司大脑时代》的承诺款游戏声称阅读练习数学题其他脑力体操可以有助于训练记忆保持思维敏锐”。

    That's the promise of Nintendo's Brain Age, which claims tohelp train your memory and keep your mind sharpthrough reading exercises, math puzzles, and other mental gymnastics.


  • 随着睡眠增强记忆研究观察关于做梦有助于创造性地解决问题的争论已有几十年的历史。

    The idea that dreams can help with creative problem-solving has been discussed for decades, along with observations that sleep boosts memory.


  • 一些研究已经证明视觉化信息能力有助于记忆简单。

    Various studies have long demonstrated that being able to visualize information makes it easier to remember.


  • 以前的研究显示睡眠有助于帮助人巩固记忆,加深脑海以便我们以后回想

    Previous research had shown that sleep helps people consolidate their memories, fixing them in the brain so we can retrieve them later.


  • 新的记忆十分脆弱但是研究表明睡眠有助于增强记忆

    New memories are very vulnerable, but studies have shown that sleep helps your new memories stick.


  • 以色列海法大学脑部研究专家卡尼针开展一项最新研究探讨白天小睡有助于巩固长期记忆可能性问题。

    New research conducted by brain researcher Avi Karni of the University of Haifa in Israel explores the possibility that naps help lock in sometimes fleeting long-term memories.


  • 虽然这么做有助于改善记忆保留,明显的是,更好方式是将着重点放在可能解开相关记忆少数几张关键图片

    Although the exercise helped improve retention of an experience, it was evident that a better way would be to focus on a few key images that might unlock the memories related to it.


  • 最新研究显示蜂蜜有助于延缓衰老、减轻焦虑饮食中加入蜂蜜,用于试验老鼠记忆提高,焦虑症状得到缓解。

    A new study conducted on mice has found that honey could be used to combat the effects of ageing, including memory decline and anxiety.


  • 可能会有助于解释儿童最早记忆为何如此不稳定他们神经痕迹弱又随着我们越来越大,不断回访那些记忆会留下更深的痕迹。

    That may help explain why children's earliest memories are so unstable: Their neural traces are weak and shallow, whereas the few memories we revisit as we get older lay down stronger traces.


  • 可能会有助于解释儿童最早记忆为何如此不稳定他们神经痕迹弱又随着我们越来越大,不断回访那些记忆会留下更深的痕迹。

    That may help explain why children's earliest memories are so unstable: Their neural traces are weak and shallow, whereas the few memories we revisit as we get older lay down stronger traces.


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