Egypt and Babylon were both tyrannies, one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses.
If we want to avoid making similar mistakes in the future, everybody—especially the most intelligent and powerful—would do well to humbly acknowledge their own weaknesses.
We didn't like him, as he fawned on anyone in an influential position.
The shootings unnerved the most powerful members of Guatemalan society.
In fact, you may have your chance to shine in front of an audience of powerful people.
Sometimes you serve upward to those in authority, and sometimes you serve downward to those in need.
Still, Goodstein does agree it's not a coincidence that powerful men frequently have affairs.
But Newton was the more powerful man, and managed to blacken Leibnitz's image comprehensively, at least in England.
Until the day I die, I'll never forget standing in front of a very powerful man in a country.
The image of my own face speaking to a room full of supremely powerful people was incredibly distracting.
I've always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts the most powerful men on their backs.
Over the next couple of days, Obama hopscotched through interviews, fund-raisers, and breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with powerful people.
The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth.
The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth.
WHEN two of the world's richest and mightiest men pledge to destroy an enemy, it is time to pay attention.
Without taking overmuch upon myself my good word will go far towards gaining any strange gentleman a fair reception from yonder potentate you wot of!
In more general terms it's a comment on how the powerful use their power to skew matters to make themselves feel better.
The 51-year-old Frenchman becomes the most powerful man in European football after he was elected in Dusseldorf by 27 votes to 23.
I think the mogul makes the medium, but it’s also true that once a firm has beenin existence long enough, it begins to have a life of its own.
In many Asian cultures, avoiding eye contact shows respect. It is done when talking with anyone in authority or with anyone older.
The appointment of influential people with their own agendas, sometimes at loggerheads with the bank's, poses a large problem for the way its projects are administered.
Let's be very clear about this: European freedoms are not restricted to the business community, the powerful and the intellectuals of this world.
I went not into the forest to seek a potentate; neither do I, at any future time, design a visit thither, with a view to gaining the favour of such personage.
I went not into the forest to seek a potentate; neither do I, at any future time, design a visit thither, with a view to gaining the favour of such personage.