• 哎唷谢谢所有帮助宠物一起有趣一天

    Wow, thanks for all your help... this is going to be a fun day with all my new pets!


  • 今天黄金,今天是开心,今天是有趣的一天所以今天!

    Today is gold, today is a happy day, today is an interesting day, so I love today!


  • 有趣一天连接不同文化桥梁,一个世界窗口只需抓住机会尝试一下。

    It was a fun day, a bridge to connect different cultures, and a window for you take a look at the world, just if you take the chance and try.


  • 意味著如果发现一个有趣的价格变化(流行下降),可以轻松地找到了什么新闻驾驶股票

    This means if you find a day which had interesting price change (like a big pop or drop) you can easily find out what news was "driving" the stock.


  • 一些对演艺事业非常重要一起度过今天-天使们当然还有飞轮海我们一起度过一个非常有趣的一

    I will be spending this day with people who are of importance to me in my showbiz career: - my angels and of course, Fahrenheit and we really had FUN today!


  • 来说,公园里热狗摊度过午餐休息时间一天快乐有趣时光

    Lunch break at the hotdog stand in the park is the most enjoyable and interesting time of day for me.


  • 这里一些关于有趣的事情可能知道漫长一天写作之后,你喜欢什么

    Here are some interesting things you might not know about him! What do you like to do after a long day of writing?


  • 所以段时间中的其中他们车费,用出租车载他们出去因为他们真的认为有趣

    So I'll have to pay their fares one of these days and take them out in my taxi, because they really think it's fun.


  • 是分享你一天有趣故事的时刻。

    It's a time to share interesting stories about your day.


  • 实上,这一年里的任何一天,你都可以把鸡蛋直立起来。尝试一下吧,很有趣的

    Actually you can balance an egg on its end any day of the year. Have a try for fun.


  • 一天,一个叫庄周的人做了一个很有趣的梦。

    One day, a man named Zhuang Zhou had a very interesting dream.


  • 了长达一周的时间,到了最后一天,我们受邀参加一个私人音乐会,在星空下聆听音乐家的演奏,并与有趣的当地人会面。音乐会地点位于北岸一个美丽的农场。

    On the last day of our week-long stay, we were invited to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, listening to musicians, and meeting interesting locals.


  • 是非常有趣的,因为500词作文比赛于2020年2月27日结束,也就是美国记录首个病例的前一天,这表明世界各地的重大事件对儿童创造力的影响。

    This is very interesting given that the 500 Words competition closed on 27 February 2020, the day before the first case was documented in the US. This shows the influence of important events around the world on children's creativity.


  • 下没有不散的宴席,在上学日的最后一天,戴尔装扮成一名士兵出现了,站在一个牌子旁边,牌子上写着:“向公共汽车招手很有趣,祝你夏天快乐。”

    All good things must come to an end and on the last day of school, Dale showed up as a soldier and stood next to a sign saying "It's been fun waving at the bus. Have a great summer."


  • :“极具讽刺通过计算得出一天极其无聊而变得有趣。”

    He said: "the irony is, though, that having done the calculation the day is interesting for being exceptionally boring."


  • 父亲也许会换上另一条“有趣”的领带,带着时尚的高尔夫球或者穿一野外短裤

    On Father's Day you may get another "interesting" tie, the latest golf gadget or a pair of wild boxer shorts.


  • 已经厌烦了这种玩法,每结束时候,我都有点看看麻袋,我还得承认着他的嘴道晚安以前那样有趣了。

    I get so I really kind of hate to look in the sack at the end of the day, and I have to admit giving him his goodnight kiss on the lips is not nearly as fun as it used to be.


  • 会发现日记变成了非常有趣的历史记录——对于你自己,你的家人甚至一些潜在更多读者

    One day, your journal could be a very interesting historical document -for you, for your family, and potentially for a wider audience.


  • 可能这些一天告诉如何觉醒的,有趣的故事

    Maybe one of these days I'll tell you how I got my wake-up call, it is an interesting story.


  • 我们期间发生非常有趣事情:某一天交往过程中花费大量时间将会整体健康程度产生多大的影响

    One of the interesting things we've been drawing into recently is how just the sheer amount of time you spend socializing in a given day has a strong influence on your overall wellbeing.


  • 花上时间细细观察各个景点走廊,这个搜寻米奇头像的下午将会无比轻松有趣

    Spend a day visiting the lobby of all the different resorts for a fun afternoon relaxing and hunting Hidden Mickeys.


  • 即使是已经完成一天工作他们总会几个小时自己有趣东西。

    Even when they're done for the day on work-related projects, they'll spend hours of time working on fun projects for themselves.


  • 不是没意思,事实整个地球一天发生这种统计学上完全不可能发生的事情,实在是,太有趣了。

    I'm not saying it isn't amazing. Of course it's amazing that something that is statistically improbable occurred on a global scale on the very same day.


  • 最后滋养法律兴趣使得一天参考服务工作都非常有趣

    Finally, it nourished my interest in law, which makes it more interesting to see.


  • 最后滋养法律兴趣使得一天参考服务工作都非常有趣

    Finally, it nourished my interest in law, which makes it more interesting to see.


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