• 只有有限几种情况可能会出现

    Only a finite number of situations can arise.


  • 启动各项改革时间有限

    He has a limited time to crank the reforms into action.


  • 电影业对女演员来说机会有限

    Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses.


  • 这份资料质量数量有限

    The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.


  • 教师每个孩子沟通时间有限

    Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child.


  • 讲话成熟,词汇量有限

    His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.


  • 汽车可以得到但是停车位有限的。

    Cars allowed, but parking is limited.


  • 票数有限分配那些申请的人。

    Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.


  • 神经细胞如果被破坏其再生能力有限

    Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed.


  • 只有数量有限广播频率

    There are only a limited number of broadcasting frequencies.


  • 因为篇幅有限我们无法允诺刊登答复

    We can't promise to publish a reply as space is limited.


  • 他们依赖数量非常有限可出口产品

    They are reliant on a very limited number of exportable products.


  • 近年该报一直有限资源艰难地发展。

    In recent years the newspaper had been limping along on limited resources.


  • 平息叛乱海军有限但却重要作用

    The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.


  • 我们利用可获得有限资源最大的努力。

    We are doing our best with the limited resources available.


  • 有限资源制约着我们开发产品能力

    Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products.


  • 如果储存空间有限这些链式背包能节省很大空间。

    These zip-top bags are great space-savers if storage is limited.


  • 如果保修单这些条款有权换货退款

    If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.


  • 400辆卡车可能会堵上10个小时才能通过有限几座桥

    400 trucks may sit in a jam for ten hours waiting to cross the limited number of bridges.


  • 一个自然风景美的地方,所以可供租用船只数量有限

    Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, the number of boats available for hire on the river is limited.


  • 方面机器的。

    Machines aren't limited this way.


  • 场地有限他们展出部分产品

    They displayed only a part of their products because space was limited.


  • 黑人银行其他黑人企业投资有限

    Black banks made limited investments in other Black enterprises.


  • 他们那家银行有限工作时间不满意。

    They are dissatisfied with that bank's limited hours, too.


  • GPF有限公司金斯·布鲁斯

    My name is Kings Bruce of GPF Ltd.


  • 它们生产数量有限

    They are produced in limited quantities.


  • 科学家对生物钟需求持久修改能力有限

    Scientists have limited abilities to create durable modifications of chronobiological demands.


  • 不可避免,这些描述都是基于有限数据

    By necessity, narratives are constructed from limited data.


  • 我们应该集中精力寻找有效利用有限资源方法

    We should focus on finding methods of making efficient use of limited resources.


  • 我们真的问问自己为什么量子力学是有限的?

    We really have to ask ourselves, why is quantum mechanics limited?


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